Chapter 38: Return to the Village of Half-Demons

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3rd Person's POV

"Quickly Naomi," Haruo told the young girl. "I know you can find Izayoi and the others. I need you to find Izayoi and give her this message." Haruo handed her a small folded piece of paper. "Quickly now."

Naomi nodded and left the safety of her village to find Izayoi. She was the only one that could possibly help her and her family.

Izayoi's POV

"This bath feels great." I said as the warm water hit my skin.

"I'll say." Ayuma added.

"I feel like all my troubles are melting away." Kayuma said.

Even Arrosa was enjoying the bath. "It's been a while since I've had a bath." she told us.

Resting up after walking for two days was great. A hot spring, plenty of fresh food, and even a nice fire were available for us. When our bathes were done, we all sat down to a nice meal of fish and ramen.

"This is so good." Mochigo commented.

"Tell me about it." Shippo spoke with food in his mouth.

That's when I heard something; it sounded like footsteps of someone running. And by the sound of it, I could tell that it was a child running. I got up and looked in the direction of the footsteps. Soon I saw a small figure come into view. I recognized the reddish-black haired child immediately.

"Naomi." I said with surprise.

"Izayoi!" the little girl said as she ran to hug me. The little girl was shaking in fear as she held to me tightly. She also had tears running down her face.

"What's wrong Naomi?" Shippo asked.

"Please you must come back to the village," the child begged. "We need your help!"


"What?! Naraku showed up at the village?!" I yelled after Naomi told her story.

Naomi nodded, the tear trails streaking down her face. "Naraku came to our village two days ago," Naomi explained.


Naomi was playing with a few of the village children when a strange whirlwind appeared. When it died down, it revealed that Kagura was there, along with a man in a baboon pelt. All the children ran towards Haruo, Isamu, Isao, and Natsuko, who were at the hilltop.

"What do you want?" Natsuko asked threateningly as she took her sword from her sheathe.

Naraku chuckled. "I am looking for a young half-demon named Izayoi." Naraku explained.

"Why do you-" Haruo began.

"Is she here or not?" Kagura asked.

"She's not here." Isao answered.

Naraku smirked. "Then i suggest you find her," Naraku said. "If she is not here within a week, then I shall kill all of you."

Natuko growled. "You won't lay a hand on the children!" she yelled as she charged at Naraku. However, Naraku quickly jumped out of the way. Natsuko was about to attack Naraku again but Kagura threw used her Dance of Blades to hit Natsuko down to the ground.

"Big sister!" Naomi yelled as she went to her injured sister's side.

"Now then, you should find her, or else." Naraku threatened before disappearing with Kagura.

End of Flashback

"That dreaded Naraku," Arrosa growled. "That sounds just like him."

"But we know it's a trap," Ayuma said. "Izayoi you can't go it alone again. Last time you did, you almost got killed."

"I know," I answered. I know it's a trap. But, if I don't go, then everyone in the village will pay with their lives.


We arrived at the village after a day's travel. A bunch of the children ran up to us. Arrosa was very shocked when we arrived at the village.

"So, there really is a safe place for half-demons." Arrosa spoke.

I smiled. "Yep," I told her. "And that's why, we have to protect the village."

"Izayoi!" Haruo's voice called out.

We all turned to see Haruo coming to greet us.

"Thank goodness you're here.Please, follow me." Haruo said.

In the main hut, we saw that Isamu, Isao and Natsuko sitting in the hut, Natsuko had bandages covering her wounds she had received from Kagura. Instead of receiving a cold glare, Natsuko looked at me with eyes of anticipation.

We all talked for about an hour or so about Naraku before going out to see the children playing near the river. That's when I noticed a figure lurking in the shadows. At first, I thought it was one of the children but I'm pretty sure that none of the children of the village had mirrors that resembled Kanna's.

I ran towards Kanna but when I got to the shadows, I found that Kanna had disappeared. "Guys we need to get ready," I told the others. "I bet Naraku will be hear by nightfall."

A big battle is coming in the next chapter along with a big disaster. What do you think will happen? Comment, vote, and share. Thanks for the support everyone!  

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