Chapter 60: The Spy Game

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3rd Person's POV

Arrosa stood in the middle of the village as a giant bear demon came charging at her. She remained calm as the demon came closer and closer to her. When it was about to go in for the kill, Arrosa quickly pulled out an arrow and fired at the beast, hitting it directly in the head and causing it to disintegrate.

When the people were sure that the creature was dead, they came out from their homes and thanked the young priestess. "How can we ever repay you priestess?" The village elder asked.

"I do not need payment," Arrosa stated as she walked towards her demon cat, Kiki. "It's just my duty as a priestess to help those in need,"
As she was getting on top of the cat, she failed to notice a certain flea getting into Kiki's fur.


That evening, as Arrosa bathed in the hot spring, she cleaned off all the dirt that had gotten onto her and into her beautiful, black hair. To any normal person, she looked to be a beautiful woman. She had the looks and the power that would make any other woman jealous.

However, none of them could see the mask she was wearing all the time, the one that hid her true self from the rest of the world. She knew she would never be like normal women because of her history and her blood. Even though that didn't appear to bother her, deep down, she had emotional scars that would probably never heal.

It's been almost a month and I still haven't found any trace of Naraku, She thought. He couldn't have just given up, I know that for sure. So what is he planning?

Just as she was soaking in the water, Myoga was making his way put from Kiki's fur. He hopped out of the fur and over to the fire Arrosa had started. "This just doesn't make sense," he said to himself as he warmed up. "I've been doing this for days now and yet she has done nothing. I feel as though this task I've been assigned is pointless."

Just as he sulking in misery, little Kiki had noticed him and started playing with him with her paws. She was still a kitten afterall. Myoga wasn't too thrilled about the game that he was engaged in; try and smash Myoga with your paws as he runs around in fear.

"Please stop Kiki! Stop!" Myoga cried as he ran.

Soon, Kiki had gotten a hold of Myoga by his tiny shirt and was holding him in her mouth.

"Put me down Kiki! I cannot be seen by Arrosa or-"

"Or what Myoga?"

Myoga gulped as he looked up to see Arrosa towering over him. Kiki had begun to nudge herself against Arrosa and purring in the process. Arrosa then got down on her knees and began petting her pet before reaching for Myoga and taking him out of the cat's mouth. She made sure she had a tight grip on Myoga as she looked at the panicking flea.

"Tell me Myoga, why are you following me?" She asked in a stoic voice.

Myoga gulped as he tried to lie his way out of the situation; "I was just worried about you Arrosa and came to make sure you were all right."

Arrosa just stared at Myoga before laughing dryly. Then she started squeezing the flea in her hand. "Tell me the truth Myoga!"

"Okay, okay I'll talk, I'll talk! Just please stop squeezing me!"

Arrosa contemplated the situation before releasing her grip on Myoga just enough to where he was breathing normally. "Now talk," Arrosa told the flea. "Why are you here?"

After a long sigh, Myoga began to explain; "You see, Master Inuyasha has sent me to keep an eye on you."

Flashback to One Month Ago

As the teens slept, Inuyasha and Myoga spoke in a whispered conversation; "Listen Myoga," Inuyasha said. "I need you to go find Arrosa and keep an eye on her."

"Why Master?" Myoga asked.

"...I don't trust her, Myoga. I think she's up to something. She's probably working for Naraku and the kids have just been to blinded to see it."

"Master Inuyasha, I do not think that that is the case," Myoga tried to argue. "I have seen Arrosa and her interaction with the group and believe she is on our side when it comes to fighting Naraku."

"I still don't trust her Myoga! Now, go around her and keep an eye on her, understand?"

"Yes Master."

End of Flashback

"I had to follow my Master's orders my dear," Myoga finished. "He would've been angry if I had not done as he requested of me."

Arrosa said not a word as she released Myoga. She then began cleaning up her campsite. "Myoga, relay a message to Inuyasha," she said as she grabbed her bow.

"A message?"

"Yes. Tell him that I am on his side and that if he believes I am working for Naraku to come and find me." She then whistled for Kiki, who quickly transformed into her larger cat form. "Oh and one more thing; inform him that if he tries to send you or anyone else to spy on me, I will make sure to come and speak with him myself."

As soon as she was settled onto Kiki's back, Arrosa had her fly into the air and far away from Myoga. A small, somewhat amused smile formed on her face. So Inuyasha does not trust me does he? She thought. I should've figured as much from him.


When Myoga relayed the message to Inuyasha, he was mad. Luckily, the others were not around. "You let her see you?!" He shouted. "I told you not to get caught! And you told her what you were doing!"

"Please forgive me Master Inuyasha!" Myoga begged. "I did not mean to fail you!"

Inuyasha growled as he squished Myoga with his fingers. Now how am I suppose to figure out what she's up to?

So here's chapter 60! I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for the 50K views. You guys rock! Please comment, vote, and share.

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