Chapter 29: The Bond of Love

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Izayoi's POV 

"Kayuma? Can I ask you something?" I asked as the two of us sat around the fire. The others had gone to get some food. 

"Sure, you can ask me anything Izayoi." Kayuma told me. I could trust Kayuma with important stuff, especially when it came to the more girly side of me. 

"Okay, but you have to promise not to tell the others." 

"I promise. This will stay between you and me." 

"Okay," I sucked in some air and breathed it out. "This is going to be strange do you know....if love with someone." 

Kayuma looked at me with confusion. "In love? Why would you ask me that?" 

"Well, I'm just curious that's all. Have you ever been in love?" 

Kayuma shook her head. "No, not yet anyways. There hasn't been that 'special one' I guess. But from what I've heard from other people, and Mother, when your in love, all you can think about is the one you love. You can't get him off your mind, no matter what. Some say that whenever your around the person that you feel lightheaded, or you have butterflies in your stomach.

"The thing is though Izayoi, love is different for people. Some people might feel one way, others might feel another way. It depends on the person really." 

"Okay, thanks Kayuma." I said with a smile. 

"No problem." Kayuma said with a smile as well. 


Later that night, when everyone was asleep, I went to an open and field and looked up at the sky. It was so clear out; the stars shined like diamonds and the moon had a crescent face. As I stared up at the sky, I thought about what Kayuma had said about love. The reason I had even asked was because of a certain wolf-demon I couldn't get off my mind. Besides the fact that I couldn't stop thinking about my parents, the fact the Tsuyo was even remotely on my mind made me really worried. Was I love with him? 

I looked at the stars and thought about Tsuyo. His beautiful eyes were in my mind and his laughter was playing in head. He was just so, so......spectacular? No. Incredible? Not that either. Amazing? No. There was just no way to truly describe him.

I wonder if Tsuyo can see the stars from where he's at? I thought. 

3rd Person's POV 

Tsuyo sat outside the wolf den and looked up at the starry night sky. "Tsuyo, you coming in soon?" Ginta asked from inside the den. 

"Yeah, it's getting late kid." Hakaku said. 

"I'll be in soon guys," Tsuyo told them. Then he turned to look at his Uncles. "Actually guys, can I ask you something?" 

"Sure Tsuyo, you can ask us anything." Hakaku said. 

"Okay but don't tell anyone." 

"We won't." Ginta promised. 

"All right........How do you know.......when love with someone?" 

"Uh," the two said. 

Tsuyo sweat dropped. Why am I asking for romance advice from these two? he thought. 

"Tsuyo," Ayame called. Tsuyo looked to see that his Mother was coming out from the cave with his baby sister, Laine, in her arms. The baby was fast asleep and wrapped in a warm blanket. "Tsuyo what's wrong?" 

Tsuyo blushed with embaressment. "Nothing Mom!" Tsuyo blurted. "It's nothing!" 

"Come on, you can tell me anything," Ayame said. "I'm your Mother." 

"Okay," Tsuyo said. "Look, I......I think that......I like....a girl I know." 

"Really?" Ayame asked as rocked Laine in her arms. "Well then, have you talked to this girl?" 

".....Not particularly, no." 

"Then you have to," Ayame explained. "Look you do what you believe you should do. Have I ever met this girl?" 

".....Once, if you even remember." 

"I see. Well then, what do you plan to do about it?" 

Tsuyo sighed. 

"Just don't stay up to late." With that being said, Ayame went inside to rest.  

Tsuyo laid down on the ground and looked up at the stars. They're so beautiful. He thought. He imagined looking at Iziyaoi. She's so beautiful. I wonder if Izayoi can see the stars from where she's at.


Izayoi's POV 

When I awoke the next morning, I found myself in the field from the night before. As I got up, I felt as though I was being watched. When I looked around, I saw a figure that appeared to be a woman, watching from the mist. "Come out now!" I ordered.

As the woman came closer, I took Tensoga out from its sheath. I held my sword steadily and waited for the woman to come closer. As I waited, it became apparent that she was familiar in some way. When the woman finally came out of the mist I froze. "M-m-mama?" I asked with a shaky voice. 

Mama looked the same, except for her soulless eyes. I quickly was on my guard but how could I fight my own Mother? 

Slowly, Mama approached me and I still had my guard up. She stood in front of me for a moment and then went to place her arms around me. I didn't know what to do. My mistake was dropping Tensoga to the ground. 

I placed my arms around my Mother and hugged her. As she hugged me, I felt like I was getting weaker and weaker. It was as if Mama was draining the energy from my body. Before long, I was close to unconsciousness. However, I felt someone come by and take me from Mama's grasp. I felt that I was being carried bridal style. 

When I looked up, I saw my rescuer was Tsuyo. 

"You okay?" he asked as he lowered me to the ground. 

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I told him as I stood up. 

We turned to look at Mama, who had disappeared once more in the mist. 

"She's gone." 

"Yeah, that's how Naraku works I guess." I sighed and then looked at Tsuyo. "How'd you know I was in trouble?" 

"I just....felt like you needed me." 

I blushed and he blushed. Tsuyo looked at me and I looked at him. We both stared into each other's eyes until we seemed to be leaning in towards each other. Before I knew what was going on, our lips met each other. It felt like a fire explosion was going on inside my body along with a deep freeze. As the kiss continued, it seemed the world had stopped spinning and Tsuyo and I were the only people on it. 

Finally we pulled away from each other for air. Tsuyo and I stared at each other for a long time before I spoke; "I should go." 

Tsuyo placed a hand to my cheek and caressed it. "Please, promise me that you'll stay safe." 

"I can't promise that." I said with a playful smirk. 

Tsuyo smirked back. Then he gave me a small kiss on the cheek. "Just be careful." 

I nodded and then turned to walk away. As I walked, Tsuyo kept staring at me until I was in the woods, where he started to make his way back to the wolf den. 

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