Chapter 55: More Wind Tunnel Trouble

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I feel accomplished! I made my own book cover for this book! YEAH! Yet another video to show the change of tides...or the beginning of season 3 really for the Inuyasha franchise. Anyway, enjoy!

3rd Person's POV

Several days have passed since Inuyasha was freed from Naraku's control. He was traveling with his daughter and her friends to try and find Naraku. The group had stopped to rest for the night and had made a campfire going. They each slept at different places; Inuyasha was sleeping against a tree, Izayoi was in a sleeping bag not too far away, Ayuma and Kayuma were sleeping near Kilala, Shippo was in a sleeping bag of his own, Arrosa was in a sleeping bag as well, Mochigo was sleeping against a tree like Inuyasha.

Inuyasha wasn't getting much sleep. He didn't want to admit it but he was still having a hard time adjusting to what he had learned he had done. He was under his worst enemy's command and he had almost killed his own child several times. To make it worst, his wife was still in Naraku's grasp. He was worried sick about Kagome. Kagome, I will rescue you, Inuyasha thought. I won't let you stay in Naraku's grasp.

That's when Inuyasha noticed Mochigo stirring in his sleep. He was mumbling something in his sleep. What's wrong with him? Inuyasha thought as he watched the son of Miroku move in his sleep.

"Father, Mother," Mochigo muttered as he clutched his fists. "Naraku."

That's when Mochigo shot up from his sleep, breathing heavily. "What a nightmare," he whispered to himself.

"Can't sleep?" Inuyasha asked Mochigo, making the boy glance at Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha, you are awake?"

"I asked you first."

"...I was- I just-"

"Having a nightmare." Inuyasha finished for Mochigo.

The young monk nodded. "Mother and Father were there and so was Naraku. Naraku ordered Mother and Father to-"

"Stop right there." Mochigo looked at Inuyasha. "You don't have to tell me what happened. But that's not all, am I right?"

The young boy nodded. "I felt my wind tunnel rip me apart and swallow me whole."

Inuyasha huffed. "So you're scared?"

Mochigo didn't answer. He just stared down at his hand. Then he sighed. "Yes, I'm scarred."

That's when Inuyasha slapped a hand to his face.

"Well there's no need to be rude Inuyasha."

"It's not you kid," Inuyasha removed his hand to reveal a squished Myoga falling from his nose.

"Master Inuyasha, you have returned!" Myoga shouted with glee after becoming unsquished. "I am so glad!"

"You're just happy to see me because you want someone's blood to suck,"

Myoga became a bit nervous. "Now Master- anyway, I heard about Mochigo's predicament with his wind tunnel. I think I know a way to help."

Mochigo's ears seemed to perk up when he heard that. Did I hear him correctly? There might be a way to help with my wind tunnel?

"What are you talking about Myoga?" Inuyasha questioned.

Myoga cleared his throat before he spoke; "As you are already aware of, Miroku's grandfather was cursed by Naraku with the wind tunnel. However, there's more to the story. Were you aware that Naraku was not the first one to invoke the curse of the wind tunnel?"

Inuyasha and Mochigo gasped. What had Myoga just said? Naraku was not the first one to use the wind tunnel curse? Inuyasha squished Myoga in his hand. "Start making sense Myoga!"

"Please Master, I can't breathe!"

The half-dog demon released the flea and allowed him to speak; "You see, many years before Naraku was around, there was a demon by the name of Uffe. He was the one to actually create the curse."

"Why would he create it in the first place?" Mochigo asked.

"Legend says that he did it because he fell in love with a human woman who died. That is all I know." The flea hopped from Inuyasha's hand over to Mochigo's shoulder. "If you wish to learn more, you must travel to the deepest part of the mountains in the north and speak with Uffe yourself."


Mochigo walked alone to the top of the mountain that Myoga had said Uffe was on. He was going alone and had told Inuyasha to explain that to the others when they woke-up. I have to know more about the wind tunnel, Mochigo thought. I have to know if there's truly a way for my family to escape its curse.

Soon he reached the top and saw a hut standing there. "Hello?" Mochigo called out. "Is anyone here?"

That's when a noise came from the hut.

Mochigo gripped his staff and prepared for whatever was coming out of the hut. Instead of some fearsome demon, an old wolf demon came out of the hut with a cane to guide. "Ah, you are the young lad with the wind tunnel," the old man said.

"How did you-"

"I know everything." Then there was a moment of silence. "I'm joking with you. I was just told about you from Myoga. Now come inside."

Mochigo nodded as he followed the old man inside. In the hut, it was larger than the outside with many rooms. "Don't gawk boy, just walk."

"Sir, you're Uffe correct?"

"That is correct."

"So you're the one who started the wind tunnel's curse right?"

"That is correct."

"Then you can help me with my wind tunnel right?"

"That I cannot."

Mochigo fell over. "What do you mean that-"

"First, let me tell you the story of how the wind tunnel came to be;

"Many years ago, when I was a young demon, I fell in love with a human woman. She was beautiful. I would watch her from afar as she would pick herbs. One day, she saw me and instead of freaking out she approached me. Soon, we would meet everyday.

"However, there was another human who desired to have her for himself. When he found out she was seeing me, the man killed her. Enraged by the loss of my love, I came up with a curse that cost me half of my heart. I placed it on the human and then he had a hole in his hand that sucked up everything, including the whole village. That is how the wind tunnel came to be."

"It was all for the love a woman."


Mochigo looked at Uffe directly. "Not to be rude but how does that help me?"

"Well my boy, if you'd listen, you'd know that if you'd go to the mountain where I made the curse then you would be able to find out the bigger secret to the wind tunnel."

"The bigger secret?"

What is the bigger secret to the wind tunnel? Find out next time.

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