Chapter 37: The Girl Who Fell In Love with Mochigo

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Izayoi's POV

A village soon came into view and boy was it a lucky break for us. The half-moon was going to be out by nightfall and I needed a place to stay. Hiding among humans was a good idea.

"Here you go," the inn woman told us as we walked into a large room. "You may in here."

"Thank you ma'am." Arrosa thanked.

3rd Person's POV

Mochigo left the group at the inn and went to the market place. His hand with the wind tunnel had been bothering him lately and he needed an herb or two to help with the pain. He didn't want to tell the others about the pain, fearing that he would scare them all. What am I going to do? Mochigo thought as he looked through the herbs. I can't just not tell them the truth. But if I do tell them the truth, they won't let me fight.

As Mochigo was searching through the herbs, he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. He turned to see a beautiful young girl standing behind him. She had her black hair held back in bobby pins, beautiful brown eyes, and a small smile on her face. Her kimono was pink with white lilies on it. "Hi Mochigo." she greeted.

The young monk was confused. How did this girl know him? "Um, do I know you?" he asked.

The girl giggled in response. "Oh Mochigo," she said. "It's me, Emi."

A question mark formed above Mochigo's head.

"Do you remember a few years back when you came to my village with your Father?" Emi asked. "You were at my Father's home, slaying a large snake demon that plagued the home."

Mochigo thought for a moment. Then he remembered that mission he did with his Father.

Mochigo's Memory

10-year old Mochigo stood outside the castle with a staff in his left hand and a hand full of sacred sutras in the other. He waited as he heard the demon being driven out by his Father. As soon as the demon busted through the door, Mochigo charged straight at it- throwing sutras on its body. Then he swung his staff and yelled "Repent!" as he hit it on top of the head.

As soon as the demon was struck, it disintegrated into dust. Mochigo let out a sigh of relief when he saw that the demon was destroyed.

"Thank you monks for taking care of the demon." the headman told the two.

"We were merely doing our job as monks kind sir," Miroku spoke. "We will need no payment from you."

"Oh please, I must be able to pay you in some way," the headman insisted. Then he looked at Mochigo. "I could let your son marry my youngest daughter, Emi."

Emi looked at Mochigo and sent a smile towards the young boy, making him blush with embarrassment. "Sir," Mochigo began. "I really-"

"Would love to marry your daughter!" Miroku cut in.

"Father!" Mochigo yelled in protest. "I can't marry her! I'm only 10! Plus  I just met her!"

End of Memory

"I haven't seen you since then," Emi spoke. "And I've been looking for you ever since."

"Why is that?" Mochigo asked.

Emi reached for the young man's hands and held them tightly in her own. "I still wish to marry you."

Mochigo fell over in shock. "Emi......I.....I....." Mochigo didn't know what to tell her. She was a nice girl- it seemed at least- but he couldn't just go off and marry her.

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