Chapter 34: Kittens of Hope

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Izayoi's POV 

It was a big shock to all of us. Kilala, the cat we've known since we were children, was going to be a Mother? Why didn't we see that coming?! 

"Um, so what're we going to do about Kilala?" I asked that night at dinner. 

"Well, we're going to need to go back to the village of demon slayers so Kilala can actually give birth to the kittens." Ayuma answered. 

"Yeah but the village is a day away on foot," Kayuma added. "Do you think we'll make it there before Kilala actually gives birth to the kittens?" 

"She has a point there," Mochigo said. "If we don't get Kilala back home in time, then she'll have to have them in a cave or something, where demons could easily attack her." 

"Demons will not hesitate to attack a defenseless litter of kittens." Arrosa said. 

"Okay," Ayuma said. "Then we'll need to move out right at the crack of dawn. Only short breaks for food and water. We can't ride Kilala since she's pregnant so we'll just have to walk since it was hard on Shippo to carry us all." 

"Hey!" Shippo complained. 

The next morning, we were all packed and made our way to the village of demon slayers. Ayuma held Kilala closely in her arms and made sure the expecting Mother was secure. I kept a watchful eye, and nose, on the lookout for any signs of demons. No way were any demons going to hurt Kilala. 

When stopped for a break, we made it clear that we would jog the rest of the way to the village. Ayuma was in front with Kayuma, Arrosa, Mochigo, me and Shippo following right behind. Every hour that passed, it came very clear that Kilala was getting ready to have kittens. Kilala kept looking around anxiously, she kept licking herself, and her breathing was increasing quickly. Sooner or later, Kilala was going to have kittens and it was going to happen whether we were going to make it to the village or not. 

"Just hold on Kilala." Ayuma whispered to the cat. 

Sunset soon came and I felt like I was the one getting more uneasy. 

Relief came though when the village was in sight. We all sighed with relief when we came to the gates of the village, where some of the village men standing guard quickly opened the gates. 

We didn't have time to say hello to anyone because Kiala let out a painful meow that meant she needed to go give birth. Ayuma, Kayuma and Arrosa ran into the hut that belonged to Miroku and Sango and I followed in afterwords, with Shippo and Mochigo staying outside. 

"Quick, we need a towel and some water." Arrosa instructed. 

Ayuma and Kayuma grabbed those things while I sat in the corner. "Uh, what do I do?" I asked. 

"Izayoi, you can go wait outside." Arrosa told me. 

I nodded and waited outside with the others as I heard Kilala's meowing intensify in volume. 


"I sure hope Kilala's okay." Mochigo spoke after what seemed like an eternity. 

"I'm sure she'll be okay." Shippo told Mochigo. 

"Yeah but I can't help but worry," Mochigo said. "Kilala's family to me and after what happened with the Lotus Juice, finding out what she thinks of me, I can't help but worry." 

"She'll be fine," I interrupted. "I know you're worried about her but I'm telling you that she'll be fine." 

Soon, Ayuma came out of the hut and Mochigo, Shippo and I went right up to her like dogs wanting food, hammering her with question after question. "Calm down," Ayuma said. "first off, Kilala is fine, and second off, so are the kittens. You guys can come inside." 

We all went inside the hut to see Kayuma and Arrosa sitting next to Kilala, who had 4 little bundles of fur getting milk from Kilala. (A.N: Yeah Kilala had 4 kittens instead of 3 like I said. Surprises are still in store people.) 

"They're so tiny." I said as I got on my knees. Okay, call me a softy for tiny little fluffy creatures but I can't help it okay? I love little creatures like that. 

"So what are they?" Shippo asked. 

"2 girls, and 2 boys." Kayuma answer, picking up two of the kittens while Arrosa picked up the other two. Arrosa was holding the boys while Kayuma was holding the girls. The female kittens looked like their Mother expect one of the kittens had one ear that was black and one ear that was white. The male kittens were a little muscular and were a bit different from their sisters. The male ones had pointier ears and had little patterned paws. 

"You guys can pick one if you like." Ayuma said. 

Arrosa and Kayuma placed the little kittens on the ground, allowing Kilala to watch them more diligently. Arrosa picked up one of the girls, Mochigo picked up one of the boys, and Shippo picked up the other boy. That left me with the littlest kitten. 

"They're so small," Arrosa pointed out as she held the kitten in her arms. "I'll call you, Kiki. It's short for my Mother's name." 

"I think I'll call you Marko." Mochigo said as he held his kitten. 

"I'll call you Fang." Shippo told the little kitten, moving the kitten's lip away so his fangs off. 

"What're you going to call that kitten Iziyaoi?" Ayuma asked. 

"Well," I said. "I was thinking about calling it something meaningful. Maybe........I got it, Hope. That'll be your name little one." 

The little kitten meowed and curled up in my arms. I smiled as she got comfortable in my arms. Little Hope was going to be my hope, which I needed a lot of. 

So what do you guys think? Please comment on what you think about the story and the kittens. And thanks for the great names for the kittens guys. 

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