Chapter 50: Forgive and Forget

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Izayoi's POV

When I saw the bone-eaters well, I jumped off of Kilala and landed on the side of the well. I had my bag slung over my left shoulder as I looked down the old well. I could just stay in the Feudal era, but I didn't want to risk Tsuyo coming to my hut. I was still steaming mad at him and if i saw him at that moment, I would've slapped him again. Still, there was a lingering feeling in me that made me feel horrible for even slapping him and it was telling me that I should stay and talk to him. I ignored the feeling though I looked back at Kilala before I jumped into the well, traveling to the future. 

As soon as my feet touched the ground, I could hear the sounds of car horns blaring above. I jumped out of the well and walked into the house to see my Grandmother cooking at the stove; it was probably dinner since it was 5:00pm. 

3rd Person's POV 

Tsuyo sat at the edge of the cave that was hidden by the waterfall and pouted. His face still hurting from the slap he received from Izzy and he didn't want to tell anyone what happened. 

Hours seemed to pass as Tsuyo stared at the rushing waterfall. Every time he'd blink, he'd see Izayoi's smile. What was I thinking? Tsuyo thought. Maybe I was a bit harsh on Izayoi...but, I mean she was in the arms of another person. What was I suppose to think? 

Finally, the wolf-demon made up his mind; he stood up and decided right then and there that he was going to apologize. 

Izayoi's POV 

After I explained the whole situation to Grandma, she just nodded and comforted me. "It'll be all right sweetie," she told me. "Everything will work out for the best." 

I hope you're right, I thought. But what is the best for me? My parents are under the control of Naraku and I seem more concerned with the relationship that I have with Tsuyo. Shouldn't I be more concerned about saving my parents, finding the sacred jewel, and defeating Naraku instead of Tsuyo? 

I ate dinner in silence and then went up the stairs, walking straight into the bathroom to take a warm bath to try and ease my mind. 

3rd Person's POV 

Tsuyo ran as fast as he could to Kaede's village with a bouquet of daisies in his hands. As he was running, Tsuyo practiced what he was going to say to Izayoi; "Izzy, I was just, no that won't work," Tsuyo told himself. "How about 'Look Izzy, take me back. I'm sorry.' No that sounds stupid too. Maybe I'll just figure it out when I get to the village." 

When Tsuyo saw the village, he came to a stop when he saw Izayoi's hut, which he figured was Izayoi's because of the strong scent that lingered in it. "Izayoi, can you please come out?" 

No reply. 

"Listen Izayoi, I want to apologize for what happened earlier. It's just that I-" 

"She's not home you know," a female voice from behind said. 

Tsuyo turned around to see that it was Arrosa was the one who spoke. "What do you mean she's not home? I thought she said she was going home." 

"She went home to her family in the future." 

The young wolf-demon turned his head in confusion. 

Arrosa sighed. "Follow me." 

Arrosa led Tsuyo out of the village and towards the forest. Soon the two came upon the bone-eater's well. "She went down there?"

"Yes," Arrosa replied with a nod. "You see, only those who have a connection with the well can travel to-and-from the past to the future. I'm afraid that that includes only Izayoi and her family." 

"There must be some way I can get there." 

Izayoi's POV 

I laid down in my bed and looked at the ceiling. Man, why can't I get Tsuyo off my? I thought I stared at the ceiling. 

As I was thinking, I heard a knock at my window. I went over to investigate and saw that there was a shadow outside my window. I grabbed my sword and tiptoed over to the window, ready to smash some skulls if the need be........Wow, that got kind of dark. 

Carefully, I opened the window and right when I was about to use Tensoga, I gasped when I saw it was Tsuyo! 

"Tsuyo? What are you doing here?! How are you here?!" I yelled. 

3rd Person's POV 


Tsuyo looked down at the well, trying to figure out how he could get to Izzy. He had already jumped in several times but was unable to get anywhere. "Come on well," Tsuyo begged. "Let me see Izayoi. I have to know if she's okay." 

As the young man held to the side of the well, a light was seen down below. Tsuyo leaned in to get a better look and when he did, he accidentally fell into the well. However, instead of coming in contact right away, Tsuyo saw that he was flowing through time and was able to land at the bottom of the well softly. 

"W-What happened?" he questioned as he stood to his feet. He stood still for several seconds until he heard a strange honk from above. Tsuyo used his legs to jump out of the well and instead of seeing the sky, Tsuyo saw that he was in a small shack. "Is this the future?" 

He exited the shack and was surprised to see Izayoi through a window on the top floor of a strange-looking hut. 

"So I really did make it to the future."

End of Flashback

"And that's how I got here," Tsuyo finished explaining. 

Izayoi's POV 

Even though I was still mad at Tsuyo, I let go of all that anger and ran to hug him. Tsuyo was shocked and looked at me with confusion. 

"Izayoi?" he asked. 

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "I shouldn't have slapped you. I just....I was upset that you'd think that after everything we've been through, that you'd think I'd turn my back on you like that." 

It was silent for a moment as more words sank in. Is that really how I felt? I had no idea that I harbored such feelings in my heart. 

"Izayoi," he said. "I should be the one to apologize. "I felt...jealous. But I should've known that you wouldn't leave me like that. It's because you're so beautiful, caring, strong. And.....I love you." 

"I love you too." 

We stayed in each other's embrace for the longest time. It seemed like it would've lasted forever until Grandma decided to come into the room. 

Sorry for the delay in updating guys. I've been busy with getting back into the routine of going to school and stuff like that. Anyway, please comment, vote, and share. Also, I would really appriciate it if your comments weren't just "Please Update". I really would like some feedback on the content of the story and what you guys think. 


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