Chapter 56: Secrets That Lie Within

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3rd Person's POV

"So this is the place right?" Mochigo asked Uffe as he stood at the bottom of the mountain. This was the place Uffe had said he had created the curse of the wind tunnel.

"This is it lad," Uffe replied. "From here on out, you're on your own."

"I understand." Mochigo gripped his staff in his hand as he walked through the barrier that separated him from the outside world. When he looked back, Uffe was gone. "Looks like I really am on my own."

As he walked up the mountain, Mochigo remembered what Uffe had told him; "The journey up the mountain is no easy task. You will be tested not just physical, but mentally as well. In order to get up, you must preserve through the trials that are ahead. Here's the most important advice I can give you: don't die."

That last bit was obvious.

That's when Mochigo saw a fog rolling in. Where is this fog coming from? Mochigo watched as the fog surrounded him.

Then he heard footsteps coming towards him. His eyes darted back and forth as he tried to see who was coming towards him. When he saw a figure approaching him, Mochigo called the figure out; "Who goes there? Come closer so I can see you."

The figure stopped before stepping forward slowly. Mochigo gasped when he saw who it was; "F-Father?"

Izayoi's POV

Papa told us about what happened to Mochigo. We were all a bit upset that he didn't tell us he was leaving. Ayuma and Kayuma were especially angry. "Why didn't you tell us that Mochigo left?!" Ayuma yelled at Papa.

"He had to do this on his own," Papa simply stated. "He didn't need to be interrupted, especially by you two."

"What?!" Kayuma yelled.

"You both baby him."

"That's not-"

"It is true. I can tell that he has to wait for you two to do a lot of things. If you keep doing that him, then he will never do what needs to be done in order to destroy the wind tunnel, or doing other things for that matter."

Ayuma and Kayuma were silent. I noticed that about them too but didn't want to tell them that they were babying him.

"You're right Inuyasha," Ayuma admitted. "We have been babying him."

"We just wanna protect him. But we know that we can't do that forever."

3rd Person's POV

Mochigo could only gawk in shock at the man who stood in front of him. He looked just like Miroku. How is this possible? Mochigo thought. This man cannot be my Father. Father has been captured by Naraku.

The man smiled at Mochigo with a Fatherly smile. "It's good to see you son," he told Mochigo. "You've grown stronger I see."

"Who are you? I know you're not him."

The man then laughed before smirking a playful smirk. "I am the guardian of the wind tunnel's secret. If you wish to find out the secret, you must defeat me in battle. If you fail, then I'm afraid it will cost you your life."

Mochigo growled and then put his defense up as the guardian charged at him. He tried hitting Mochigo with the staff but missed by a few inches. Mochigo defended himself with his staff, blocking the other staff before he got hit. The guardian then went for Mochigo's head but missed by a few inches.

"You're good," The guardian commented. "However, you can't beat me." That's when he punched Mochigo in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Mochigo tried to catch his breath as he clutched his stomach in pain. "You're very weak."

"I'm.....not weak," Mochigo stuttered as he tried to regain his composure. That's when he got to his feet. "I'm, not going to, give up."

He did his best to stand and prepared himself.

"I will not fall...not until, I make sure...Naraku is destroyed once and for all!"

That's when the young man's legs gave out from underneath him. He was passed out on the ground. The guardian looked down at Mochigo.


Mochigo started to awaken to find that the guardian was carrying him up the mountain. "W-What?" Mochigo asked as he was being carried. "I-I don't understand."

"You've shown great heart," the guardian stated. "You deserve the right to know the secret of the wind tunnel."

The guardian carried Mochigo for a while until they reached the cave. There, Mochigo was led into the cave to an old boc. "Inside this box lies the secret of the wind tunnel. I must warn you though, once you accept it, then you will risk facing death. However, if you survive, you will be much stronger and have the ability to stand your ground."

What does he mean by that? Mochigo thought. Doesn't matter; I have to get stronger so I can protect my sisters and save my parents.

"I'll do it."

"Are you certain?"


The guardian then opened the box to reveal a small bottle of liquid. He then gave it to Mochigo, who hesitantly gulped it down. Once the bottle was empty, Mochigo felt like he was be attacked on the inside. He sank to his knees and held his throat in pain. This is horrible! My body is in so much pain!

As Mochigo felt himself fading away, he swear he could hear his sisters' voices. "Don't give in Mochigo!" They said. "We believe in you!"

My sisters, believe in my, Mochigo somehow found the ability to get to his feet and stand. "I...will...survive!"

Suddenly, all pain left began to leave Mochigo's body. He looked down at himself as a power surged through him. "You have now received the power of your ancestors," the guardian explained. "Use it well boy. It will help youin attaining your goals."

Mochigo nodded as he made his way out of the cave.

I know I haven't updated in a while but I've been studying for exams for next week! Please enjoy!

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