Chapter 71: The Cave of the Jewel

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Izayoi's POV

So after our pause of rest was over, we headed out on our quest to find Naraku. By we I mean my parents, Miroku, Sango, the twins, Mochigo, Shippo, Kilala, and I. (Arrosa went out on her own again).

Papa and I were at the front of the group, sniffing the air for any signs of Naraku. Nothing was coming up though, which really aggitated me. We needed some lead, anything really. "This stinks," Papa growled. "We can't pick up any trace of Naraku."

"Perhaps our long resting after Kaede's passing is to blame," Miroku suggested. "Naraku had us under his spell for so long so I doubt losing us was a light blow for him."

"Knowing Naraku, though, he'll be out causing trouble soon," Sango predicted.

"Then we need to keep an eye out for him," Mama stated.

"....Maybe we're looking at this all wrong," Mochigo spoke up, getting everyone's attention. "Instead of looking for Naraku, maybe we should out out priorities into finding the sacred jewel."

"That's a good point Mochigo," Ayuma chimed in. "Naraku's probably been searching for it while we've been tracking him down."

"So it stand to reason that if we find the jewel then we also find Naraku," Kayuma reasoned.

It did make a lot of sense. Finding the jewel would mean drawing out Naraku, which would also mean getting rod of him for good. The thing was, where did we even begin to look? We all made the descion to go back to the village of demon slayers to go to the cave where priestess Midoriko was. I had never been down in the cave before and wondered about what was inside. Papa and Mana had told me about it before and I knew of the bones and corpses of demons that were in there along with Midoriko.

When we got back to the village of demon slayers, we went straight for the cave. When I first stepped foot inside the cave, my body felt heavy, like someone, or something, was trying to push me to the floor. I tried ignoring the feeling, but the deeper we went into the cave, the more heavy my body felt. What is this feeling? I thought. It's so heavy and suffocating.

Soon, we reached the area where the demon corpses and Midoriko were. "This is it," Mama spoke. "This is where it all began."

As I gazed upon Midoriko, I began to lose my breath. It felt like something was keeping me from breathing. I tried to tell everyone else but I couldn't speak. Then, I lost consciousness.

3rd Person's POV

When everyone heard the thump, they all turned to see Izayoi passed out on the cave's floor. Shippo was the first one to get to her, since he was closest, and he sat her up off the ground. "Izzy? Are you okay?" he frantically asked as he tried to shake her awake.

Kagome rushed to her daughter's side and tried to figure out what was wrong with her. She felt for Izayoi's pulse and found it was very slow, like she had fallen into a coma-like state. "What's wrong with her?" Mochigo asked Kagome after seeing the look of horror come across Kagome's face.

"...I don't know how...but Izzy's in a coma-like state," Kagome replied.

Everyone gasped at this news. "How is this even possible?" Miroku pondered.

"We can wonder later," Inuyasha said, picking his unconscious daughter off of the floor and carrying her bridal style. "We need to get her out of here now!"

Inuyasha quickly ran for the exit with his daughter in his arms. He wasn't going to let anything happen to her on his watch. When he got to the entrance, however, the barrier that protected the cave was preventing him from leaving. Inuyasha struggled against the barrier, trying with all his might to get through, but found it impossible to get out. What the heck is going on?! He thought as he struggled against the barrier. With one last burst of strength, Inuyasha charged at the barrier and managed to get through with Izayoi. He carried Izayoi to the village, where she quickly got help.

An hour later, the others were waiting outside a hut. The people who were treating Izayoi were still checking her to try and figure out what was wrong. Inuyasha had informed the others of what had happened back at the cave.

"Why would the barrier want to keep you in the cave?" Ayuma questioned.

"Beats me," Inuyasha shrugged.

"I don't think it was the barrier that was trying to keep you in," Kayuma said, making everyone look at her. "I think it was Midoriko that was trying to keep Izayoi from leaving."

"But why would Midoriko want to keep Izayoi in? It doesn't make sense," Sango added.

Just then, the people came out and allowed everyone to see Izayoi, who had woken up just moments prior to everyone entering the hut. She seemed to be staring off into space though.

"Izayoi? Are you okay?" Inuyasha asked.

Izayoi's POV

After I woke-up, I felt like I was in a vague dream. Everything seemed like it wasn't real at all. Then, for some reason, I felt the need to go back to the cave. I couldn't explain it all but I felt compelled to go back there. When everyone else came in, I barely acknowledged their presence. The feel was just so overwhelming.

It was when Papa had taken a hold of my arm that I had snapped out of my trance. "Izayoi? Did you hear me at all?" he questioned me.

"Oh, sorry Papa," I apologized. "What did you ask?"

"Is everything okay Izzy?" Mama asked, concern lacing her voice.

"I-I don't know," I answered truthfully. "But for some reason, I feel this need to go back to the cave."

"Go back to the cave?" Sango wished to clarify.

I nodded.

"Then this must have something to do with Midoriko," Miroku supposed.

"Then we should go back there right away!" I quickly jumped to my feet and ran to the cave before Papa or Mama was able to stop me. I ran to the cave and inside it. The barrier kept everyone else out.

"Izayoi Higurashi, you are in a lot of trouble when you get out!" Mama scolded me.

At least, I think that's what she said. The heavy sensation was soon back and I was soon unconscious again.

What is happening to Izayoi? Will this help get the group closer to finding the sacred jewel? Hopefully we'll find out.
I'm SUPER sorry that I didn't update in such a long time. I've been super busy! With summer now here, hopefully I'll be able to update more often. Until next time.

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