Chapter 72: The Priestess of the Jewel

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Izayoi's POV

When I woke-up again, I found that I was in the cave but I wasn't being suffocated anymore. I slowly stood to my feet and turned to find that the entrance was gone. "What the-? Where did the entrance go?!" I panicked as I frantically looked around.

Then a rush of wind came at me from behind. I did a quick turn-around to see what the source of the wind was and found it was coming from deeper within the cave. I went to the deeper part of it and was shocked at what I found; a huge horde of demons were moving about, each emitting a huge amount of demonic energy. It was absolutely horrifying how powerful these creatures were.

What is going on here? I thought as I watched the demons move about the cave, hoping they wouldn't take notice of me being present. Then a few of the demons were sliced into pieces in an instant. I looked to see that the cause of the destruction was due to a sword's attack. The owner of the sword was a woman that looked exactly like...."Priestess Midoriko," I gasped as I watched the priestess land to the grand in an ever graceful manner.

She turned her attention to the demons and charged them at such a quick and swift speed that I barely had time to blink. She sliced at the center of the horde and the demons were destroyed right on contact and all the pieces of them fell to the cave floor. I was in such aww at her strength that it took me a minute to really process that I was witnessing Priestess Midoriko -the Priestess Midoriko!- fighting this huge horde of demons. How was this even possible?

When she had stopped her attack for just a brief moment, she glanced towards me and looked at me with her fierce, brown eyes. Then she started charging at me!

"Wait a minute Midoriko! I'm not-" I shouted, putting my hands out in front of me to try and convince her that I meant her no harm.

She jumped in the air and looked like she was going to slice me with her sword. I braced myself for the blade to slice me when it never came. I peaked up to find that Midoriko had attacked a demon and wasn't going after me at all.

I sighed in relief as Midoriko lowered her sword to her side. She didn't put it away, just held it at her side. She was being prepared for when the demons would attack again. The powerful priestess didn't look at me after that. She turned away from me and began walking away. More demons came out of nowhere and prepared to attack her. "Priestess Midoriko, look out!" I shouted as the demons came close to her. 

Just as I pulled out Tensoga out to take care of the demons before they could attack, they instantly vaporized and turned into dust. They can't even touch her, I thought as I watched her walk away. I followed after her to see what she would do next.

3rd Person's POV

Everyone else could do nothing for Izayoi as she lay there unconscious in the cave. The barrier had become too powerful for them to pass through and now they could only stand hopelessly outside. Inuyasha was furious and Kagome was on the verge. What was happening to their daughter?

"This is just awful," Kagome hiccuped. "And we're helpless to do anything for our child."

"Don't worry Kagome, we'll find a way inside," Inuyasha assured her. Deep down, though, he knew that there was not much they could do. He felt so powerless at the fact that he couldn't save his own daughter. Izayoi, you better be all right, Inuyasha thought as he held his sobbing wife.

Izayoi's POV

I continued to follow Priestess Midoriko as she walked through the cave. She slayed countless other demons as she made her way through the cave and I never once had to fight them. It was like Midoriko didn't want me to fight at all, or more like she wanted me to watch her battle style against the demons. Several times I tried to ask Midoriko why I was there but it was the same reply every time; silence.

I know she's not much of a conversationalist, but it's be nice to get some sort-of reply, I thought as I continued to follow her. Then the priestess came to an immediate stop. She turned to look back at me and then charged at me. This time, I was certain she was coming towards me and I quickly jumped out of the way before he could slice at me. She still was on the offensive though and continued to come at me with all her strength. I kept dodging and dodging until I was left with no other choice but to fight back. I pulled out my sword and soon our weapons clashed with each other. It was a heated fight and I got a few scratches but Midoriko was just untouchable.

I soon started panting and she didn't even break a sweat. Then she lowered her sword. I did the same and placed the sword back in its sheath. Midoriko then walked up to me. She placed a hand on my shoulder and spoke, "The being with demon blood and spiritual powers is the key."

"The key?" I inquired. "The key to what?"

Midoriko didn't answer. She just turned and walked away. "Wait! Midoriko! What are you talking about?! Key to what?!"

I blinked and then found myself on the cave floor. My head was killing me as I slowly sat up and looked around. "Oww, my head," I groaned as I got to my feet.

"Izayoi!" People from behind shouted. I turned to see everyone outside the cave. I ran out of the cave and was instantly pulled into a huh by my Mother.

"Oh thank goodness you're all right," Mama said as she held me. "You had us all so worried."

"What were you thinking?!" Papa shouted at me. "You could've been killed in there! What do you have to say for yourself?!"

"...There's a key," I replied.

Everyone became confused and looked at me for an explanation. "What key?" Ayuma asked.

"I'm not too sure," I answered. "But I think Midoriko told me what the key to the sacred jewel was."

What did Midoriko mean when she told Izayoi about the key? Is it really the key to the sacred jewel like Izayoi thinks or is it something else? Speaking of the jewel, where is it? And will the gang get to the jewel before Naraku? So many questions but so few answers! You'll just have to stick around.

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