Chapter 51: Future

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy with other things so please forgive me. Anyway, enjoy and share. 

Izayoi's POV

"Here we are," I told Tsuyo as we walked into the store. "Grandma wanted to get some groceries from here so we'd better get to work."  

"Hey Izayoi," Tsuyo said. 


"Why do I have to wear all these things? I can hardly breathe." 

I looked back at Tsuyo and saw him in a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans. He also had a baseball bat covering his head so that his ears wouldn't have been noticed. I had a baseball cap on my head too so my ears could stay hidden. "Sorry Tsuyo," I apologized. "But we have to make sure people don't know we're, you know, not exactly human." 

"What's the big deal?" 

"Do you really want to be on the news to be all over us?" 

Tsuyo looked at me in confusion and then sighed. "I guess not."

As we walked into the grocery store, Tsuyo looked in awe at all the things inside. He gasped when the automatic door slid open, as if it was some form of magic. "Come on Tsuyo, you can't just gawk at the door all day. We've got shopping to do." 

I grabbed a cart and began walking around, looking for the things that Grandma needed. As I was doing that, I would have to look over my shoulder every two minutes to check on Tsuyo as he would look at all these different things that he had never seen before. He was like a child that had never been to a store before. To be honest, it was kind of cute. 

After paying for the things and bringing them home, I took Tsuyo to see the rest of the city. He was fascinated by all the buildings and people that were there and I couldn't help but smile as he kept asking about different things. He also wanted to chase a car, which was really weird. I had to hold him back to keep him from doing that, which earned us a bunch of weird looks from people. 

Soon, Tsuyo and I were sitting in a restaurant as we were trying to order food. I had to do it since Tsuyo had no idea what any of the things on the menu were so I had to get him just a burger with cheese. After one bite, it looked like Tsuyo was in love with the meal. 

"This is delicious!" Tsuyo spoke with a mouth full of food. "I've never tasted anything like this in my whole life!" 

"Calm down Tsuyo," I insisted. "It's just a burger." 

"But it's delicious! It's like I've tasted a piece of Heaven!" 

Well Mama was right, I thought. The only way to a man's heart, is through his stomach. 

"How's the search for Naraku going?" 

I froze. The search? Well.....I wasn't sure what I could tell him. So I decided to lie; "So far so good. I think we're making progress on trying to find him and his weakness." 

"...You're lying, aren't you?" 

Why does he have to be so observant? "How could you tell?" 

"You're eyes shift right before you say something." 

I sighed. "Okay, the truth is that we haven't gotten any closer to finding out the truth about what Naraku plans to do with my parents. Or what he plans to do to find the sacred jewel." 

"I see. I wish there was some way I could help you on your quest." 

"Well unless you have some map to the sacred jewel, there's not much you can do to help." 

Tsuyo sighed as we both looked down at the table. Finding Naraku was proving to be harder than I thought it would be. 


As we were walking home, I looked up at the blue sky. It was just like the sky in the Feudal era. The only thing seperating them was time. That's what seperated Mama and Papa. They were seperated for three years, and yet they still were able to love each other despite that. If it wasn't for that love, I wouldn't have been born. 

"What'cha thinking about?" Tsuyo asked, getting me out of deep thought. 

"Things," I responded. 

"I see."

We didn't speak for several minutes. I guess Tsuyo was thinking just as much as I was. 


3rd Person's POV 

That night, as Izayoi slept, Tsuyo kept watch over her. She was sleeping so soundly. Seeing her at peace made it seem like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. She was always so stressed or in battle. There wasn't many times when she would be at peace. 

"Papa," Izayoi muttered in her sleep. Tsuyo looked over at her sleeping form and saw that she was holding onto her pillow. "Come back Papa. Don't leave, please." 

"Izayoi, wake-up," Tsuyo said as he shook the sleeping half-demon. "It's just a bad dream." 


"Please Izayoi, wake-up." 

Groggily, Izayoi opened her eyes and saw that Tsuyo was standing over her. "Tsuyo?" 

"You okay? You were muttering in your sleep." 

"Sorry. I was having a bad dream." 

"Was it about Inuyasha?" 

Izayoi didn't reply. She just looked at her feet. 

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." 

"It was about Papa. He was just walking away from me. It's like, he couldn't hear me....I don't know when I'll be able to get my parents back." 

"I know you'll get them back soon." Tsuyo then took a hold of Izayoi's hands. "Until then, I'll do whatever it takes to help you find Naraku." 


"I love you Izayoi. I'll do whatever it takes to help you." 

"....Thank you Tsuyo. You don't know how much this means to me." 

"I'd do anything for Izayoi." 

Izayoi and Tsuyo stared at each other for several seconds before leaning in to kiss each other. However, right before their lips met, Ms. Higurashi walked into the room. Not really thinking, Izayoi slammed a pillow in Tsuyo's face as her Grandmother walked in. "Is everything all right Izayoi?" Ms. Higurashi asked. 

"Yep, everything is all right Grandmother," Izayoi answered, forgetting that Tsuyo had a pillow in his face. 

Again, sorry guys. Please enjoy though. Comment, vote, and share please. 

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