Chapter 9: Memories Worth Fighting For Pt. 1

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If you guys hadn't noticed yet then I'll just tell you, I've made the characters a little older. It just seemed like a smart move considering that their age is going to matter later on. Please don't be mad! Izayoi is still going to be a bit innocent but is still going to be tough. Now enjoy Izayoi as a 12-year old. You can look at the ages of the others in the chapter before the Prologue.  

Izayoi's POV

The water felt warm against my skin. I was in a hot spring with Ayuma and Kayuma and we were getting clean after the demon fight we had earlier. We were fighting a pig demon and he used his mud a lot and got it all over us so we had to get clean.

"I've got mud in places that I didn't think were possible." I told the twins as I cleaned out my soft dog ears.

"Tell me about it," Ayuma said. "The mud is so thick that it's making my hair all stiff."

"I've never been so filthy before." Kayuma complained.

When we were finally sure the mud was all gone, the three of us got out of the hot springs so Mochigo and Shippo could get clean.

As I got dressed, I started remembering times I would get cleaned off by Mama when I was little. She and I would sit in the hot spring and she'd say "I can't find you under all this dirt Izayoi." Then when my face was clean she'd smile and say "There's my little girl!" Papa sometimes got in with us and would play with me while Mama got herself clean. I smiled at the memories I had of my parents.

While the boys got their bathes, I started up some dinner; it was just some ninja snacks and a small container of sushi. The boys were glad to come back to the campsite with warm food ready for them.

As we ate, I decided to go through a photo album that Mama had given me just last year. Inside were pictures of me as a little baby and of the rest of us when we were younger. I flipped through the pages and saw group family pictures, play dates, and feasts. There was one that I stopped on though; it was a picture of me when I was 5. Papa had me on his shoulders and he had a firm hand around Mama. We were all smiling on that bright day in July.

A small tear ran down my cheek as I remembered the happier times, the times where I didn't have a care in the world.

Suddenly, there was a rustling in the woods. Everyone got in defensive positions as we waited to see what would come out of the dark woods. That's when a little squirrel came out of the woods, making us look like complete idiots. "Well," Mochigo began. "That was......embarrassing to say the least."

"At least no one saw us." Shippo said.

'That would have been a total nightmare.' I thought.

We all relaxed back around the fire and tried to pretend that nothing happened. Shippo then left to get fire wood because it was his turn. Kilala went with Shippo as well.

That was where we made our mistake. Suddenly, a strange feeling overcame me. I felt so tired all of a sudden. I yawned and began to rub my eyes. 'Why am I so tired all of a sudden?' I thought to myself.

Then, all I remember was collapsing onto the ground and sleeping.

3rd Person's POV

Shippo had come back with a huge pile of firewood in his arms. "Hey guys, I'm back." he announced.

When he placed the wood on the ground, Shippo was shocked to find that no one was there. Panic began to seep in. First Kagome, Inuyasha, Miroku and Sango disappear, and now the kids. He frantically searched the area, trying to find the kids. He hollered out their names but got no response. Kilala ran by his side, trying to help in the search but came back empty pawed.

Meanwhile, a dark priestess watched Shippo and Kilala from her crystal ball. She chuckled evilly. "You can look all you want," she spoke. "But you shall not find the children." The priestess looked over her shoulder at the 4 unconscious teens on her floor. "For they are with me."

The dark priestess had long black hair that almost touched the floor, skin that was quite pale, and dark brown eyes that could be classified as black. Her outfit itself was black, much like her heart. She was in an abandoned hut that looked ready to collapse at any moment.

From the dark shadows stood a figure. He stepped out of the shadows, only to reveal the baboon pelt that covered him. "As promised Naraku," the priestess said. "The little brats that you wanted. What to you want me to do with them?"

Naraku smirked. "I want you take the things they value the most right now," Naraku told the priestess. "And make sure that they never find them again."

The priestess smirked at Naraku's devious idea and began a chant. As she did the chant, a strange mist entered the 4 teens. It soon came out of them and back towards the priestess, where it swirled in her hands until it became a necklace with a dark pearl on it.

That's when the priestess sensed something. "Those other two are coming." she hissed.

"Then it is time for us to take our leave." Naraku said. With that, a strange whirl-wind surrounded the priestess and Naraku and they soon disappeared. When they disappeared, the hut disappeared as well and the teens were left on the grass and unconscious.

Shippo soon arrived and sighed with relief when he saw his friends. He and Kilala rushed to their sides. "Guys, wake-up." Shippo said as he tried to shake them awake. Slowly, the 4 began to move and Shippo's worried went away. "Thank goodness you guys are okay. You had me worried. What happened?"

The four teens looked at each other and then at Shippo and Kilala with confusion. Izayoi then said something that brought Shippo's worry back; "Who are you?"

Naraku has taken the memories of the guys! What will happen now?! Can Shippo get their memories back from Naraku? Find out next time readers.

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