Chapter 57: Inuyasha Meets Tsuyo

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Izayoi's POV

So, I found myself in a bit of a situation; you see, Papa didn't know about Tsuyo. How was he going to react? I wanted to tell him but at the same time I knew that if I did Papa was going to be very upset. That meant heads were gonna roll.

Well we had made our way to a village that put us up for the night and that's when I decided to talk to Papa; everyone else had gone to get bathed so it was just Papa and myself in the hut. Papa was adding firewood to the fire and I sat next to him, trying to figure out what to say to him.

Finally, I found my voice; "Uh Papa, there's something important I need to talk to you about."

Papa looked up from the fire and in the eyes. "What is it Izayoi?" He asked.

" see Papa, I...I, um-" I was interrupted by someone who definitely shouldn't have been there at that moment.

"Yo Izayoi!" Tsuyo popped into the hut's doorway with a smile on his face. "I finally fo-" He stopped when he saw Papa, who had a look on his face that said "You are dead meat!"

Oh no, I thought as I heard Papa begin to growl.

"Who the heck are you?" He growled.

"Uh Izayoi, when did your old man get back to normal?" Tsuyo asked.

"A little while ago," I replied.

"Who are you calling old?!"

"Papa," I went in front of Papa so he wouldn't harm Tsuyo, not that it would make a difference if I was in front of him or not. "Papa this is Tsuyo, he's the son of Koga."

"Wait, you're that mangy wolf's son?" Papa tried to pass me but I held him back a bit.

"Mangy? What right do you have to call my Dad mangy you mutt?!" Tsuyo was adding fuel to the fire.

"Tsuyo," I growled. "You're not helping your case here."

"Why you-" Papa had managed to pass by me and charge at Tsuyo, who ran out of the hut and out of the village. I followed after the two and soon Ayuma, Kayuma, Mochigo, Shippo, and Arrosa were running with me.

"Inuyasha found out about Tsuyo didn't he?" Ayuma inquired as we ran.

"Well he hasn't found out about the relationship between me and him so we better not say anything, otherwise heads are gonna roll and that won't be pretty," I explained.

"Got it," Kayuma answered.

3rd Person's POV

Tsuyo ran for his life as Inuyasha chased him outside the village. He was thankful that he got his speed from his Dad because it sure was coming in handy. Legs don't fail me now, Tsuyo thought as he heard Inuyasha pulling Tesseiga out from its sheathe and allowed to transform into its large fang form.

"Get back here boy!" Inuyasha growled as he chased after the son of Koga.

Tsuyo did a slight turn as he ran so he could stick his tongue out at Inuyasha, making the half-dog demon more enraged. "Can't catch me old man!" He teased as he ran.

That was the last straw for Inuyasha. He swung Tesseiga at Tsuyo, releasing the Wind Scar so it would plow right at Tsuyo. Tsuyo jumped out of the way in time before being sliced to bits.

"That was a bit close."

"It'll be more than a bit close when I'm done with you!" Inuyasha promised as he prepared Tesseiga again. What he didn't prepare for was his daughter running towards the battle with the others by her side. "Adamant-"

"Papa sit!" Izayoi shouted, sending Inuyasha face-first into the ground.

Tsuyo let out a long whistle. "Well, bet you didn't see that coming," he teased Inuyasha.

"Tsuyo, you're not helping," Izayoi said as Inuyasha began to get up.

"Izayoi, let me-" Inuyasha spoke.


Inuyasha was again, face-first into the ground. Izayoi repeated the dreaded word until Inuyasha was six-feet down. (A/N: Did you get what I did there?) "Thanks Izayoi,"

"No problem," Izzy replied. "Now get out of here before Papa gets back up again."

"You got it." Tsuyo waved farewell before running off towards the mountains, just as Inuyasha was crawling out of the hole.

He turned and glared at Izayoi, who gulped in fear. This is not going to end well, She thought.


Izayoi's POV

Just like I thought, Papa was very angry with me. He yelled at me as I just sat there and stared at him, wincing as his voice grew louder and louder. The others waited outside the hut as Papa went off on me;

"Anger doesn't even begin to describe how I feel! I can't believe you would do that to me Izayoi! The only person who does that is your Mother!"

"I had to keep you from killing Tsuyo, Papa," I explained. "Did you really want to deal with his Father?"

"That doesn't excuse you for what you did!"

"But Papa-"

"I forbid you from seeing him again."

"What?! Papa no!"

"I mean it Izayoi!"

He couldn't do this, he just couldn't do this! "Papa, you don't understand-"

"I know exactly what I'm doing Izayoi!" Papa has arms crossed across his chest as he spoke. "I will not let you see that mangy wolf again!"

"He may be a mangy wolf, but he's saved my life and...and I love him!"

As soon as I realized what I had said, I covered my mouth with my hands. I didn't want Papa to find out so soon. Well when he did find out, he freaked; "You can't love him!" He shouted.

"Yes I can! Papa, he's protected me while you've been gone; he cares about me." Tears gathered in my eyes. "Papa, I know this is hard for you, but you have to realize I'm not a little girl anymore; I'm growing up."

That's when Papa placed his hands on my shoulders. "But you're my little girl. I can't let you go."

"Papa, I'll always be your little girl." I buried my face in his fire rat robe. "I love you."

Papa's arms wrapped around me as he held me tightly. "I love you too." He whispered.

We stayed like that for a long time in utter silence. We just needed those moments of silence.

"If Tsuyo comes near you again I'll break his spine."

I giggled at Papa as I held him tighter. "I know. You're just saying that though. You don't mean it?"

Papa smirked playfully at me. "Wanna bet?"

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