Chapter 69: The Families Meet

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Izayoi's POV

The next morning, I went to meet Tsuyo outside of Kaede's village. He and I talked a lot the day before and I he wanted to bring his parents out to formally meet me. (Plus he Dad wanted to know how Mama was doing). I didn't tell Papa about it because I knew what he would've said; "There's no way I'm going to be near those two mangy wolves and not throttle 'em!"  

I told Mama about it and this was her response; "This is great! I'd love to finally meet Tsuyo!" 

As the Sun made its way to the middle of the sky, I noticed three distinct whirlwinds heading towards me. Before long, Tsuyo and his parents came to a stop right in front of me. 

"Hi Tsuyo," I greeted with a smile.

"Hey Izayoi," he greeted back. He then turned to his parents. "Dad, you've met Izayoi before."

"Yeah I met her before," he huffed with his arms crossed over his chest. Even though my Dad and him will never admitt it, they're more alike than different. They both have their pride and want to prove they're better than the other. Plus they both can be a bit too cocky. Maybe that's why Tsuyo and I are the way we are; we seem to act a lot like our Fathers. 

"Well it's very nice to finally met you Izayoi," Ayame said, sticking her hand out for me to shake it. I smiled and shook it. "Tsuyo has told us a lot about you." 

"Oh? He has?" My face started to turn red at the thought of Tsuyo talking about me to his parents. 

Ayame nodded. "Yes. He has." She then leaned in to whisper something into my ear. "If you break my boy's heart, I'll break you."

I gulped down the threat and nodded. She reminded me of my Mom for sure. "Um, why don't I take you to meet my parents? I'm sure they'd like to see you all." 

Koga smirked. "So I finally get to see Mutt-Face after all these years," he said. "He better have been taking care of Kagome." 

"Koga!" Ayame shouted. 

I led the three wolf demons to my hut, where Mama was hanging up laundry on a clothes line to dry. As soon as we were at least a few feet away, Papa came charging out. "Koga," he growled. 

"If it isn't the mutt?" Koga joked. "So what have you been doing Mutt-Face?"

"Nothing that concerns you, you Scarwny Wolf!" Papa rebuttaled. 

"Is that best you got?" 

"My sword speaks louder than my words!" 

"Bring it on!" 

"Koga/Inuyasha!" Ayame and Mama shouted at the same time. Then they both went up and grabbed their spouse's left ear. 

"We're guests here Koga, remember that," Ayame reminded Koga.

"They're out guests Inuyasha, remember that," Mama reminded Papa. 

"Yes Ayame/Kagome." the two replied. They weren't gonna last two seconds at dinner. 

Mama then smiled and made her way over to Tsuyo. "So you're Tsuyo," she said with a smile. "It's a pleasure to formally meet you." 

"And you as well, ma'am," he stated politely. 

"Izzy has told me and Inuyasha about you." 

"Um," Tsuyo looked at me and we both blushed. 

"Now why don't we go inside and eat some lunch? Izzy and I made it ourselves." 

Mama led Ayame and Koga inside and Papa followed behind them, glaring at Koga the whole time. Tsuyo and I followed behind the grownups. "How long do you think it'll be before my Dad and your Dad try to kill each other?" Tsuyo asked. 

"As soon as they finish eating, they're gonna strangle each other," I predicted. 


We all sat down to eat lunch, which was very delicious. Mama had gone to the present the day before yesterday to see Grandma and Great-Grandpa and while she was there she shopped and stocked-up on a bunch of food to make a delicious feast. Koga and Papa seemed to just swallow their food at rapid speed because they didn't even bother to chew the food. It was like they were in an eating competition or something. Ayame and Mama groaned in annoyance while Tsuyo and I laughed. 

Once Koga and Papa had stopped eating for a brief moment, Koga brought something up that I wished he hadn't; "So, I heard that Naraku is back." 

Silence fell over the hut. No one spoke after that. Just the mention of his name was enough to make all of us stop. "Yeah he's back," Papa stated, not looking at anyone. 

"I thought you said you destroyed him for good." 

"We thought he was gone, but we were wrong," Mama said, looking down at her hands that were in her lap. This wasn't something you would normally bring up at lunch but it was brought up anyway. 

"I'm going to beat him." I blurted out, making everyone look at me. 

"What?" Koga asked. 

"I said, I'm going to beat Naraku." Confidence and worry filled me as I looked up at the adults, and Tsuyo, with a serious look. "He's done a lot to my friends and family. I can't let him get away with that. I'm going to destroy him, I promise." 

Everyone just stared at me. What could top this? Well....that came later in the day. 

After Tsuyo and his family left, Mama and Papa had a long, and somewhat angry lecture they had to give me; "Izayoi, you can't go saying things like that," Mama tried to put it gently. 

"But I know I can beat him," I replied. "I've been working hard. Besides, the twins, Mochigo, Shippo, Arrosa and I have been handling ourselves pretty well considering you guys weren't around." 

"That's different," Papa yelled. "You had no choice. We're not putting you in danger like that again." 

"But Papa-" 

"No buts! You are not going to fight Naraku and that's-" 

"I've been through a lot too you know!" I shouted, making Papa and Mama stop and stare at me. "You're acting like I haven't been in the fight at all. I know that Naraku's dangerous, I've fought him first hand. I've fought you two first hand! I've been close to death so many times. You both are treating like I'm still a child. Please Mama, Papa, let me fight. I can't let what Naraku's done to you two go. He has to pay and I have to be the one to do it." 

I let what I said settle in. Mama looked at Papa, as if they were trying to read each other's minds. Then they both nodded at each other and turned to look at me. "Okay," Papa said. "We'll let you fight." 

"You mean it?!" I asked.

"But, if we think something's too dangerous, we will stop you from fighting, understand young lady?" Mama said. 

I nodded. "I understand. But I'm telling you guys this for a fact, I will defeat Naraku. That's a promise." 

Izayoi's made a pretty big promise? Will she be able to defeat Naraku? Will her parents allow her to even have the chance to do so? 

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