Chapter 44: Izayoi's Demon Blood

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Izayoi's POV

I growled as I stood to my feet and bared my normal teeth at Naraku. (It's not as effective as it would have been if I had been a half-demon.) Naraku chuckled as he looked at me, amused that I was in such a weak and pathetic state. Why couldn't I feel my spiritual powers? Was I just a defenseless human? Oh if only I had Tensoga or my sacred arrows.

"Such a pleasure to see you again Izayoi," Naraku said with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Too bad I don't feel the same," I huffed. "Now, are you finally going to kill me Naraku? Or are you going to have my Mother or Father come in and do it for you?"

Naraku stood from where he was seated on the ground and walked towards me. "You misunderstand Izayoi," He placed one of his hands to my cheek and I cringed in both fear and disgust. "I do not wish to kill you, yet." Naraku took his hand away from my face. "I need to use you though." 

"Use me? For what, bait?" 

Before I could react, one of Naraku's tentacles came from his body and wrapped itself around my neck, lifting me up from off of the floor and dangling me in the air. I could hardly breathe. It was just like when Arrosa had attacked me back on the mountain. He laughed as I struggled to breathe. 

"Help!" I cried out. "Someone help!" 

3rd Person's POV 

"Help! Someone help!" Tsuyo could recognize that voice from anywhere. It was Izayoi's voice. 

"Izayoi! I'm coming!" he shouted as he ran closer to the castle. 

However, he didn't make it far when a sacred arrow went flying his way. He ducked just in time as the arrow grazed his left shoulder. Tsuyo looked to see that Kagome was standing on the front steps of the castle. She had her lifeless eyes staring straight at him with no expression on her face. The others soon caught up to him but stopped when they saw Kagome. 

"I'll hold her off," Arrosa said. "The rest of you go ahead and find Izayoi. Hurry!" Before they could argue, Kagome sent another arrow their way. Arrosa placed up a sacred barrier that stopped the attack. "Go!" 

The others nodded and ran in another direction to try find a different way into the castle. As they did so, a large boomerang was sent their way. Ayuma was quick enough to stop the others as the boomerang sailed by. Ayuma and Kayuma looked up to a tree to see that Sango was there. Kilala whimpered as the demon slayer jumped from the tree branch and prepared to swing her boomerang again. 

"I've got this one," Ayuma insisted as she took out her double blades. "I'll help hold her off." 

"Me too," Kayuma said as she took out her boomerang. She wasn't about to let her sister fight on her own. 

"Now go!" both twins shouted at the same time. (Again, twin moment!) 

The group of now just boys, began running again as Sango fought her two daughters without any remorse. 

"Will they be okay?" Tsuyo asked. 

Mochigo nodded. "They're my sisters. They'll be fine." 

Finally, they found an entrance to the castle that wasn't blocked by an enemy. Tsuyo, Mochigo and Shippo ran inside and went down a long hall as fast as they could. When they turned the corner though, they came face-to-face with Miroku, who was also under the control of Naraku. 

"Go," Mochigo spoke before anyone could say anything. "I'll fight Father." 

"I'll stay with you Mochigo," Shippo said. "Tsuyo you go save Izayoi and quick." 

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