Chapter 65: Reunited

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Izayoi's POV

So here we all were, ready to begin yet another fight with Naraku. However, it didn't have that Final Battle kind-of feel to it. Even so, it was still a battle none the less.

"Naraku, this ends here," Arrosa growled as she made her way towards me. She stood by my side and little Kiki trotted right behind her, ready to transform at a moment's notice.

Naraku could only laugh darkly. "So you say Arrosa, but what do you think you have accomplished by leaving the group?" Naraku questioned with his cocky smirk. "You've only further influenced Inuyasha's belief of untrust."

Arrosa remained silent as she took Naraku's verbal blows. I glanced at Papa and saw him looking from Naraku to Arrosa. What is he thinking? I thought as I looked at him.

"So what is different about this time? How do you plan to get Inuyasha's trust?"

"I don't care if Inuyasha trusts me or not," Arrosa blankly stated. Her angry had dissipated. "For all I know, he will never trust me. But it doesn't matter. What matters is that you're dead so no more people will have to suffer!" Her angry returned as she clenched her fist around her bow. "I will avenge my Mother, and all the people you've made suffer!"

The battle then ensued when Arrosa fired the first arrow at Naraku. It was an all-out fight. Papa and I squared off with Mama, Ayuma, Kayuma, Mochigo, and Shippo fought Miroku and Sango, and Arrosa took on Naraku. Papa wasn't so fond of having to fight Mama. I understood what he was going through. He didn't want to fight with the woman he loved. Not again.

"Kagome, snap out of it already!" Papa shouted at Mama. "You're just gonna let Naraku control you like this?!"

Mama stared blankly at him before firing another sacred arrow at him. He quickly moved out-of the way in time.

As I looked over at Arrosa, I found she was holding her own against Naraku fairly well. She kept her arrows coming and used much of her spiritual energy to keep Naraku at bay. From where I was, she seemed to have the glow of someone else entirely. Maybe she was acting like Kikyo. I would never know.

Then she used a sacred barrier to protect herself from Naraku's tentacles. As she stood in the barrier, she pulled something out from one of her pockets; it looked to be sutras. She turned over to look at us and shouted, "Move!" We all did as she requested as she threw the sutras at Mama, Miroku, and Sango. They screamed in agony before collapsing to the ground, unconscious.

Papa then ran towards Mama, picking up her unconscious body from the ground. "What did you do?!" Papa shouted as he looked at Arrosa.

"They are merely unconscious Inuyasha. I did not mean to harm them, but I felt it best to keep them unconscious," Arrosa cooly explained before turning her attention back to the fight between her and her Father.

Even though Naraku seemed to be on the ropes, he remained calm and cocky. Then he rose into the air and looked down on all of us. "Enjoy this victory while you can, because there shall be something coming very soon." With the cryptic message uttered, Naraku disappeared in a dark cloud of wind.

We all stared at the sky before looking at the unconscious on the ground.


Arrosa, Mochigo and I stood over the three unconscious grownups. During her time traveling alone, Arrosa learned of a more efficient way of clearing the miasma that surrounded our parents' hearts. She taught it to Mochigo and I very quickly and everyone else stood in breathless anticipation as we performed the task. I was with Mama and had my hand over my Mother's heart, I wanted her to awaken so badly and look at me with her kind brown eyes once more.

The wait was soon over with Miroku being the first to stir from slumber.

3rd Person's POV

The last thing Miroku remembered was fighting Naraku and then breathing in his toxic miasma. He was then surprised to see his son standing over him, looking ready to cry.

Slowly, the monk sat up and looked at his surroundings, finding his wife and Kagome laying unconscious on the ground right next to him. Had they been poisoned again. "What on Earth happened to me?" He asked aloud.

Before he had time to react, his twin daughters ran and hugged their Father, fearing thathe would disappear if they released him. "Father!" They both cried at the same time as they hugged him.

Miroku was in shock for a moment but then smiled softly before embracing his young girls in a hug. Then he looked up to his son that stood next to him and gave a smile as well.

Then, Sango began to stir from her sleep. Kilala rushed over to Sango and purred against her as she opened her eyes to look up to the sky. Before she even had the opportunity to comprehend everything, Sango felt her son embrace her. "Mother," he softly spoke before his siblings joined him in embracing their Mother.

Sango smiled as she did her best to hold all three of her teenaged children at once. My children, she thought.

Finally, Kagome began stirring as well. Everyone watched as the young woman from the future opened her eyes. She sat up and then looked at her daughter, who was on the verge of tears. Tears filled Kagome's eyes as she recalled the last memory she had; she remembered seeing her daughter on the ground with no signs of life visible. She thought she had truly killed her child. "IZAYOI!" she cried as she hugged her daughter in her arms.

"Mama!" Izzy cried as she hugged her Mother. She missed her Mother so much.

Inuyasha stood not too far from the Mother and Daughter before wrapping his arms around the two. His family was whole again.

The old gang is back! Have the tides changed in our heroes favor?

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