Chapter 73: Saving A Rival?

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Guess who's coming back? KOGI! Yep, she's making a comeback. She doesn't belong to me though. She belongs to @Anime_fangirl2015.

3rd Person's POV

Kogi ran as fast as she could through the woods. She wanted to stand her ground and fight but was too weak to do so. As she dodged branches and trees, a huge gust of wind came from behind and tried to take her out. Kogi moved out of the way just in the knick of time.

Who knew Naraku could hold such a grudge, Kogi thought as she took a moment to rest.

From behind, Kogi's persuere tried to look for movement. "This could all be over in a matter of seconds child if you just come out," Kagura stated as she opened her fan.

"Yeah right," Kogi muttered under her breath.

Kagura groaned in annoyance. Why did she have to be the one to dispose of a stupid half-demon? Naraku could've gotten rid of her any moment. He must be up to something if he's having me do a stupid task like this, She thought. No matter. Let's just get this over with. With her fan open, Kagura threw out another attack; "Dance of the Dragon!"

Izayoi's POV

After receiving the clue from Midoriko, however cryptic it may have been, we all set out to look for Naraku. Mama and Papa were still mad at me and I can understand why. I just want to help find the Shikon jewel and stop Naraku for good. Of that means getting my parents a bit angry at me, then it's worth it.

We were nearing the edge of a forest when Papa and I picked up the scent of blood. We both stopped dead in our tracks and the others stopped soon after seeing us do the same. "What's wrong you two?" Mochigo asked.

"It's blood," Papa replied. "Someone's been attacked."

"What?! Where?" Mama questioned.

"Not too far from here."

As I took a bigger whiff, I realized that the scent was familiar. It took me a minute before I realized who it was. "Oh no! It's Kogi!" I shouted.

"Kogi? Who's thst?" Sango inquired.

"She's my friend," I replied. Actually, I wasn't sure what she was. I mean, she sold me out to Naraku and almost had me killed! Then again, she did go get Papa and the others and because of that we were able to get Mama, Miroku, and Sango back. So she's a...frenemy? No....I suppose she's a friend when it comes to certain situations? Either way, she was in trouble and needed my help.

We raced towards where she was and I was hoping she would be in one piece.

3rd Person's POV

Kogi jumped and dodged all of Kagura's attacks but with each move she lost stamina. It was only a matter of time before she wouldn't be able to move at all. "Hold still you little brat!" Kagura shouted at Kogi, who stuck her tongue out at the incarnation of Naraku. Kagura groaned and sent yet another attack at Kogi, who wasn't able to dodge as much. The attacked hit Kogi head on and smashed her into the ground.

"Finally. Now to end this!" Kagura sent her Dance of the Dragon attack at Kogi, who was still injured on the ground. Kogi didn't have the strength to move and looked to take the attack head on. As the dust settled, the crater where Kogi laid in was empty and Kagura smirked. "She was sliced completely apart."

"Don't be so sure about that!" A voice shouted.

Kagura gasped and looked up to see that Inuyasha was holding Kogi, who was unconscious, in his arms. He landed on the ground just as the others showed up.

"This is none of your concern," Kagura stated.

"It is our business when you're trying to kill a friend!" Izayoi yelled.

Kagura scoffed and then used her feather to fly away.

Izayoi's POV

We brought Kogi to a village, where she was treated for her injuries. I waited for her to get up so I could talk to her. When Kogi did awake, she was surprised to see me; "Izayoi?" she questioned after waking up.

"Hey Kogi, how you feeling?" I asked after she had sat up.

"Like I was run over by a pack of wild boar demons," she answered. She then started grabbing her things.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"Heading out. I'm all good now so I can head out again. You'll never have to see me ever again."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me! You want me gone, and I can happily accommodate to that by leaving and never having to see you ever again."

"...You really think I want you to leave?"

"No, but I think you and Naraku share something in common; you both would prefer it if I was dead."

I couldn't believe Kogi thought that. She really thought I wanted her dead? "That's not true at all. Kogi, you've done sone things I don't agree woth, but I don't want you dead!"

"The world would be a much better place if I was!"

"...You sound just like my friend, Arrosa."

"What? That's suppose to change my m-"

"Let me finish!" I shouted, tired of hearing her make sarcastic remarks. "She thought the world would be better off if she had never been born. She thought no one would care if she was gone. But she was wrong. People card about her, and people care about you too. If something happened to you, to anyone I care about, then I would be devasted."

Kogi just stared at me with a blank face. I had no idea if what I said had gotten through to her or not. I didn't know if she would just shrugg it off and then walk away. Then I noticed tears gather in her eyes. She started sobbing like crazy and I went up to comfort her. "I-I, can't believe, you would forgive me, after everything, I did to you," She hiccuped.

"That's what friends are for."

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