Chapter 45: She Can Control It?

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3rd Person's POV 

Myoga was making his way up to see Totosai as quickly as possible. Totosai had to know what was going on. "Totosai, are you here?" the flea asked as he entered the cave. 

"Yes, yes I'm here Myoga," Totosai replied. "Now what is it that you need?" 

"It's an emergency concerning Lady Izayoi! She transformed into a full demon!" 

Izayoi's POV 

When I went to sleep that night, I had yet another nightmare.  

I woke to find myself in a field that was shrouded by a deep fog. "Hello?" I called out. "Is anyone here?" As I walked around, I heard footsteps right behind me. I turned to see a figure that had long, silver hair right behind me. "Papa?" 

However, when the figure came out from the deep fog, I realized it wasn't Papa. No, it was me. I had the features of a full demon; red eyes, blue irises, long fangs and claws, and purple stripes on my face. There was a smirk on this other me's face. 

"A-A-Are you, me?" 

She nodded in response as she slowly approached me. I began backing away in fear. "What's wrong?" she asked with her smirk not fading. "You aren't scared of me are you?" 

I shook my head but knew that I was afraid. 

"If you let me in control, I could defeat Naraku,"

"Yeah, and kill innocent people while you're at it?" a new voice added. 

I turned to look behind me and saw that there was yet another me. She was dawned in priestess clothing and was completely human. "I will not allow you to take control of my body!" she shouted at the demon me. 

"Bring it on then you little weakling!" the demon me shouted as she ran towards the priestess me. 

"Stop!" I shouted as the two were about to clash. 

I woke up with a startle and a scream. "Izayoi?" Mochigo asked as he sat up, waken from his sleep. "Are you all right?" 

I looked around to see the others were in the hut as well but were still asleep. "Y-Y-Yeah," I huffed. "Just a...bad dream is all. You can go back to sleep." 

Mochigo looked at me with suspicion but then went to lay down and I followed in his lead, trying to fall asleep. 

When morning came, I went to take a little nature walk. The day before  was a really bad day for me. The demon in me had gotten lose, just like Papa's had. Yet, I remember only a little bit of it. I didn't want to lose control like Papa had done. I remember when I was little and I heard Papa talking to Mama about it after he couldn't fall asleep. He talked about how he lost control and ended up attacking humans. Even if they weren't innocent, he never wanted that to happen again. 

As I was making my way back to the village, I heard a familiar cow moo. I looked up and sure enough, her comes Totosai's cow. I jumped out of the way before it could squish me. "Hey!" I shouted. "Why don't you watch where you land that thing Totosai?! It nearly crushed me!" 

"Oh you would've been fine," Totosai insisted as he got off the cow. "Now then, what's this I hear about you turning into a demon?" I sighed as I explained the whole situation. Totosai nodded after my explanation. "Well it seems the only way to help is to control the demon blood in you." 

"Control the demon?" I asked. "How Totosai?" 

"Through hard work of course." he replied. 

I smacked him on the head. "Look Totosai, I know you told Papa that after he transformed. I get that I need to do that...but, I don't wanna lose control like he did before." 

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