Christmas Special

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Okay, Christmas is almost here and I'm really getting in the mood, especially when it comes to my stories! (If you've already read the Christmas special for "Hetalia: Do you know how to Babysit?" then you know what I mean). Anyway, this Christmas special occurs two years before Naraku comes back. This isn't part of the story line, just to let everyone know. 

Izayoi's POV (Izayoi's 10yrs old)

I sat down in the living room couch as Buyo, Grandma's cat, sat in my lap. He purred as I scratched him behind the ear. He loved it so much that he even turned over on his back so I could give him a belly rub. 

As I rubbed his belly, Mama and Grandma were bringing boxes into the living room with Papa trailing right behind them. "What are you doing?" I asked with curiosity. 

"We're putting up Christmas decorations," Mama replied. 

"Can I help?" I asked.

"Of course you can Izzy," Grandma answered. "You can help your Father unpack the ornaments and tinsel." 

I went over to Papa and grabbed one of the smaller boxes. I used one of my long fingernails to unseal the box and found that there were a bunch of different ornaments that were different colors and sizes. Being the curious 10-year old I was, I picked up one that was shaped like a sphere and had handwriting that looked like it belonged to a 6-year old. On the sphere were the words, "Love You Mama and Merry Christmas," scribbled on with a marker. 

"What's this one Grandma?" I asked, showing my Grandmother the ornament. 

Grandma looked up from her box and smiled when she saw the ornament. She carefully took it out of my hand and held it up so she could see it better. "I remember this," Grandma said. "Kagome made this when she was six." She turned to look at Mama, who was now staring at the ornament. "Remember Kagome? You tried to hide it under the tree in a box that you hand wrapped at school." 

Mama giggled. "I remember," she replied. "I thought it was ugly compared to a few of the other kids at school." 

As we got more ornaments out of the boxes, Mama and Grandma would tell stories that went along with the ornaments; one shaped like a star that Grandma got the year Mama was born; one that looked like a soccer ball that Mama got after she started doing soccer; one that was shaped like a t-rex that uncle Souta got when he was two, the list could just keep going on.

There were a few ornaments that interested me the most though. Mama showed me one that she got that was shaped like Papa's necklace that she made the year she met Papa. Next there was one where a picture was inside the ornament and it was a picture of Mama, Papa, Shippo, Miroku, Sango and Kilala when they were traveling to find the jewel shards. Then there was an ornament where it was a little penguin with a hat on that said, "It's a girl," meaning Mama got it after I was born. 


After all the indoor decorations were up, Papa asked me to help him with the outdoor lights. It was cold outside so I was in a jacket as Papa put some lights on top of the house. "Izayoi," Papa called down from the roof. "Pass me the lights that are green and red." 

"Okay Papa," I replied, grabbing the lights and climbing up the ladder to give him the lights. (I would've jumped up to the roof but Mama told Papa and me to be as normal as possible when we're outside).

"All right, light 'em up." I slid down the ladder and then went to plug in the lights. Apparently Papa's hand was on the wire when I plugged the lights in because he got electrocuted. "TURN IT OFF!" he yelled. 

I quickly did as I was told and then raced up to check on Papa. "Papa, are you okay?!" I asked.

Papa coughed out some smoke and I tried my best not to laugh at his hair, which was sticking up all over the place. "Izayoi," he growled. "You'd better get running." 

I gulped and quickly made my way down from the roof and ran into the house. "Get back here Izayoi!" 

I ran right into the kitchen and hid right under the table as Mama and Grandma were making dinner. Papa came running in and looked left and right, trying to find me. I knew he could sniff me out so I knew it wouldn't be long before he found my hiding spot. "Inuyasha, what happened to you?" Mama asked. 

"Don't ask Kagome," Papa replied. 

Mama got a little irritated by the reply and glared at Papa. "There's no need to be so rude Inuyasha," 

"Listen, I just electrocuted out there so I deserve to be a little mad." 

"Fine. I deserve to be mad too. Sit boy." 

Papa was soon face-first with the ground and I couldn't help but bust out laughing. 


A few days later, I woke-up to find that there were a bunch of presents under the tree. Everyone else woke-up soon and came down to see the presents under the tree as well. Soon, I was opening presents that were either clothes or toys that I might play with. Still, seeing the smile on Mama's face as I opened the presents was kind of nice. 

I know it's not the best. Sorry guys. Anyway, please comment and vote. 

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