Chapter 64: The Gang's All Here!

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Izayoi's POV

With one more check from Kogi, I got myself straightened into figuring out which way Arrosa was. "Thanks for the help Kogi," I thanked one last time.

"Yeah, no problem," Kogi huffed. She seemed to be hiding something from me.

"Kogi, is something going on?"

"No. Look, you want to find Arrosa right?"

I nodded.

"So you better get going."

I waved to Kogi one last time before heading North to find Arrosa.

3rd Person's POV

Did I do the right thing? Kogi thought as she watched Izayoi head off to her probably impending doom. Kogi knew what she did was wrong but she also wanted Tsuyo all to herself. As she was making her way to the wolf-caves, she stopped and looked back at the direction Izayoi went, just thinking.

Meanwhile, Izayoi had been walking for about an hour straight. She tried her best to pick up Arrosa's scent but couldn't catch even a whiff of it. "Come on, where is she?" Izayoi wondered. "Kogi told me she went this way...She wouldn't lie to me, would she? I mean, why would she?"

As Izayoi climbed up another hill, she felt like someone was watching her. She stopped and looked around and even used her nose to try and see if it was a demon. There was not a trace of demon in the air for miles, which was a bit alarming to her.

Izayoi's POV

I didn't smell any demons, which was a real surprise. It was as if they had all vanished from the face of the planet. I would've thought I'd catch the scent of at least one demon but it was as if they were avoiding this mountain for some reason, which meant that I was getting closer to either Arrosa or Naraku. At this point, finding either one of those two would've been nice.

As I continued me climb, the feeling of being watched increased. In the beginning, I truly believed it was my mind playing tricks on me but as time went on, I realized that my mind was not playing me for a fool. Someone was definitely watching me. I shot an arrow to my left and a samyosho came out from a tree and started flying off. "Oh no you don't!" I pulled back another arrow and fired it at the insect, causing it to disintigrate and its remains to fall to the ground.

Naraku must be close by, I thought. This was just the break I needed. If I could find Naraku then maybe I could actually accomplish something on my own.

I sniffed the air once more and this time I caught something; Naraku's scent. I rushed off towards his location, not even stopping to think that this was a trap.


It took about ten minutes to finally find what I was looking for: Naraku's castle. It was just as grim and ominous as I remembered it to be. I gulped as I looked up at the gates but then shook the fear off. You have to do this Izayoi, don't be a chicken, I told myself before jumping over the wall and into the courtyard.

Once I landed inside, a barrier was raised around the castle, trapping me inside. Then I heard Naraku's imfamous cackle that somewhat sent shivers down my spine. I shook the fear off though and turned to face Naraku, who was standing not to far from behind me. "Welcome Izayoi," Naraku greeted.

"Naraku," I growled.

"Tell my girl, why come alone? You know what I'm capable of and yet you walk right in. Is it stupidity that you received from your Father?"

"Shut it! I'm here to destroy you once and for all!" I unsheathed Tensoga and got in my stance, prepared to hack Naraku into little pieces.

That's when a large boomerang came flying at me. I jumped out of the way and landed back onto the ground safely. I looked to my upper right and saw Sango standing there were her soulless eyes as she effortlessly caught Hiraikotsu. To the upper left, I looked to see Miroku standing there with his staff in one hand and sutras in the other. Then to the front of me stood my Mother with her sacred arrows ready to fire at me whenever Naraku gave the command.

I growled as I turned my attention back to Naraku, who smirked at me. "You were foolish to come here Izayoi." He told me.

"You don't want me dead," I said as I lowered my sword. "You would've killed me already if you did. So what do you really want from Naraku?"

"That you will have to find out on your own my dear. For now, let us see how you handle fighting these three."

All three grown-ups jumped down from their positions and made their way over to me. I prepared myself and just when they were about to attack, another boomerang came out of nowhere and stopped them in their tracks. We all looked up towards the wall to see Papa, Ayuma, Kayuma, Mochigo, and Shippo standing on top of the wall of the courtyard.

"Papa! Guys!" I shouted with glee. "But how did you-"

"A half-demon named Kogi told us where to look for you," Ayuma explained.

So Kogi did help me in the end, A smile came to my face.

Everyone jumped to the ground and Papa was exceptionally angry. He grabbed Tessiga and unsheathed it as he growled at Naraku. "You're gonna pay Naraku!" He growled.

Naraku smirked as he looked at Papa. "How do you enjoy your freedom Inuyasha?" He cockily asked. "Because it shall be short-lived, I promise you."

"Why don't you come over here so I can chop you into pieces?!"

Just then, a sacred arrow flew towards Naraku. He moved quick enough to only have part of his hand disintegrated. Then he glared at the one who fired the arrow, which wasn't me or Mama. We all looked to see Arrosa right behind us. "Naraku, this is where you die!" Arrosa firmly stated.

The gang is all here. But there's gonna be big changes coming soon! What will they be?! Find out!

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