Chapter 8: It's Not A Party Until A Wolf Shows Up

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3rd Person's POV

Far out near the mountains, a young wolf demon was running at record-breaking speeds. As he kept running, dust clouds formed behind him- causing his two guardians to cough as the dust hit them in the face. "Tsuyo slow down." Ginta panted.

"We can't keep up with you." Hakaku told the young man.

The young man soon came to a stop and waited impatiently for Ginta and Hakaku to catch up. "Come on guys," Tsuyo complained. "I'm not even trying here. I'd go faster but I have to wait for you two instead."

"You're just like your Dad, Tsuyo." Ginta told him.

"Yeah, always wanting to be on the move." Hakaku agreed.

Tsuyo sighed and decided to sit down. He fixed his black hair that was in a ponytail and tried his best to keep his green eyes open as he sat on the ground waiting for his "Uncles" to catch their breathe. "This is so-o-o boring," Tsuyo complained. "Are you guys ready yet?"

"Give us another minute." Ginta breathed.

Tsuyo groaned as he slumped back on the ground. Suddenly, a new scent filled his nose. It was of several humans, 2 demons, and a.....what was the other person he sensed? It wasn't demon, but it wasn't human either. Was it....a half-demon?

"Hey, guys, I smell a small group not far from here," Tsuyo said. "I'm going to check it out."

Before Ginta and Hakaku could protest against it, Tsuyo was already off running with dust clouds following right behind him.


Izayoi's POV

"These mountains aren't as easy to go through as I thought they'd be." Ayuma said as we continued to make our way through the mountains.

That's when the scent of demon filled my nose. "Guys, there's a demon coming," I warned them. "Be on your guard."

We all prepared ourselves as the demon got closer and closer. Suddenly, we saw a huge dust cloud racing towards. It was being formed by a person running. When he came to a stop, we all coughed as the dust hit our lungs.

When the dust settled, we saw that it was a young wolf-demon who looked around our age. He had his black hair placed into a ponytail, green eyes, fangs, claws, and a wolf tail swishing behind him. He also had a smirk on his face, which probably meant trouble.

"Well, what do we have here?" He asked with a cocky voice. "3 humans, 2 demons, and a....." He had no idea what to call me.

"I'm a half-demon." I told him.

"Right, and you're half dog demon right?" he asked. "Then that makles you a mutt."

DID HE CALL ME A MUTT?! "What did you say?!" I asked with rage.

"You heard me dog girl," the boy mocked. "Why don't you be a good little puppy and roll-over?"

"That's it!" I shouted. "I'm gonna rip you limb-from-limb!"

"Now hold on a second Izayoi!" Shippo said as he held me back.

"Let me at him Shippo! Let me at him!" I shouted as I tried to get free of Shippo's hold.

"If I did that then there would be nothing left of him." Shippo said.

"Calm down dog-girl," the boy said. "I was just joking."

You see? Boys joke like that no matter what they are or what time they are from. It seems they don't evolve too well.

"Look, all I wanted to do was see what you were doing going through the mountains that's all." the boy said.

"Well could you at least tell us your name first?" Ayuma asked.

The boy huffed. "Fine," he said. "My name is Tsuyo, son of Koga and future leader of the wolf tribe."

"Wait, Koga's your Father?" Shippo asked.

"So you know my old man?" Tsuyo asked.

Shippo nodded. Just then, we saw 2 more wolf demons coming our, panting from running so much. "Gotta go," Tsuyo said with a smirk. "Can't have my Uncles telling me to slow down. See ya."

With that, Tsuyo ran off with nothing but dust clouds following behind him. "Wait up Tsuyo!" one of them yelled as they followed after him.

"Well, that was...something." Mochigo said after a few moments of awkward silence.

"Let's continue moving." Ayuma said.

As we continued through the mountains, I thought about that Tsuyo. He was rude, a show-off, and a total punk. But......he was kind of cute. Did I just say that?

The next chapter will be a character profile for Tsuyo. So what do you guys think? Comment below and tell me.

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