Chapter 47: Kayuma's Jealousy and Ayuma's Love

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3rd Person's POV

Izayoi and Arrosa were knocked back by the prey mantis demon's claw and into a tree. "You pathetic mortals," the prey mantis spoke. "Who are you to believe that you can defeat me?"

"We'll see about that," Mochigo said, running up to the prey mantis with his staff and sacred sutras in his hands. He threw three of the sutras at the demon but they dissolved before they could attach themselves to the demon. The mantis then smacked Mochigo into a tree as well.

"Mochigo!" Ayuma and Kayuma cried out when they saw their brother smacked into the tree.

"Ready Kayuma?" Ayuma asked her twin.

Kayuma nodded. "Ready Ayuma," Kayuma replied.

The two, twin demon slayers ran towards the demon, one with a blade, and the other with a large boomerang. Ayuma threw her sword at the mantis' heart and then Kayuma threw the boomerang right at the demon, slicing it in half. The demon disintegrated after the boomerang sailed right back to Kayuma's hand.

"There," Kayuma stated. "We got the demon."

That's when a large clapping was heard. The two looked to see that several villagers had gathered to watch the destruction of the demon. "It seems we have an audience," Ayuma said.

"Thank you so much for destroying that demon my dear," the village leader told Ayuma, completely ignoring Kayuma and the others.

"But I didn't do it on my own. I had help from-"

"Your helpers!" the village leader finished. "After all, the great demon slayer Ayuma needs help every now and again."

"The great demon slayer Ayuma?" Izayoi questioned.

"Come on now demon slayer. We shall have a feast in your honor." The villagers began to thank Ayuma, who tried to explain that she wasn't the hero.

"Hey, what about us?" Shippo asked.

"It's not like you did much," Mochigo mumbled.

Kayuma sighed. Her sister seemed to have overshadowed her, again.


Kayuma watched as the villagers seemed to gather around Ayuma, like moths to a flame, and kept asking her all these questions.

"This is stupid," Izayoi complained. "Why is Ayuma getting all the credit? We helped."

"Ayuma's just well known in demon slaying," Mochigo answered. "It's her skills with a sword that makes her so famous."

"I see," Arrosa said, taking a sip of her tea.

Kayuma sighed. Why am I always forgotten? she thought. 

Ever since they were kids, Kayuma felt as if she were overshadowed by her older twin sister. Her sister seemed to be better at everything. 


5-year old Ayuma threw a dagger at the target, hitting it right in the center. "Very good Ayuma," Sango commented. "You are becoming really good at this."

"Thank you Mother," Ayuma replied, smiling at her Mother for the compliment. 

Kayuma became nervous and tried to gulp it down. She knew the pressure was on her to make a bulls-eye. Her hands shook as she threw the dagger, hitting outside the bulls-eye. "Good try Kayuma," Sango told her child. "Better luck next time." 

Kayuma sighed.

End of Flashback 

Now the 15-year old was watching as her sister seemed to get all the glory for something they did as a team. 

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