Maybe It Is Stress Relief

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The next 4 years seemed to go by faster than they should have but there they were, (Y/N) was 17 and had just finished her junior year, she was now on summer vacation. On the island, she had always kept her hair short because of how hot it was but now she had let it grow down to her shoulders. She hadn't sustained any permanent damage to her wrist or her head but normal life had taken a while to get used to. She could still feel the scars on her head under her hair but it didn't bother her, it was something that happened and she couldn't change that so there was no reason to dwell on it. 

Owen had gotten a job with a small mechanics place in town, he couldn't not be doing something so having a job was good for him. He would fix anything from bikes to tractors and he really liked doing it plus the hours weren't bad, 7 am to 4 pm. But normal life wasn't going to last much longer. Owen had just gotten home, (Y/N) was sitting at the kitchen table looking through the mail, she left a few things on the counter but they got a lot of junk mail which just got thrown away right away. Owen had gotten her sound canceling headphones for Christmas two years ago and she had them on and didn't notice him. When this happened he would just watch because sometimes it could be somewhat entertaining. He watched her slide on the hardwood floor to the garbage in the kitchen area then got an idea. He waited until she threw away the junk mail, he knew how much she liked to slide on the floor so he waited for her to do it again and then slammed the door behind him. She snapped her head towards the door so fast her headphones fell backward off her head, she caught them before they hit the ground but it was quite the show and Owen couldn't help but laugh. 

"I'm sorry but it was just so perfect," Owen tried to apologize but still couldn't stop laughing. 

"Oh, yeah, you're so funny," (Y/N) joked, grabbing a pillow off of the couch and throwing it at him.

"Thank you," Owen said finally starting to regain control of himself.

"I was being sarcastic," (Y/N) said.

"I choose to take it as a compliment. So what did you do today?" Owen asked.

"Not much, I went down to the lake for a while. And before you even say it, yes I know you don't like me going in the lake when you're not home but it's fucking hot out," (Y/N) said.

"You grew up on an island hotter than this," Owen laughed.

"Yeah I know, but hot is hot."

"Fair enough. Well, it's pretty nice out now that there's some wind. So, why don't we go outside and do something," Owen suggested.

"Like what?" (Y/N) asked.

"Maybe a little stress relief," Owen said.

(Y/N) never liked softball as a sport in itself but whenever she got stressed, instead of breaking something she had a bat and a few softballs that she could take her anger out on.

"I'm not really stressed but sounds fun."

She grabbed the bat and softballs and followed him outside.

"I wanna try," Owen said once they were outside.

"Really?" (Y/N) asked.

"I played baseball for a while as a kid, I mean I hated it, and I sucked but maybe that changed sometime in the past decade or two," Owen said.

"Or three," (Y/N) joked.

So, that's what they did for the next hour or so, taking turns, doing it more for fun than for stress relief that was until a familiar figure arrived. It was (Y/N)'s turn to be the one to throw the ball so she didn't see what he did but could tell something was off with how he hit the ball. She pulled her foot up just in time to keep from it getting hit. (Y/N) turned to see who or what he was looking at.

"There's no way this is gonna be good," (Y/N) mumbled to herself when she saw Claire.

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