Just Go With It

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(Y/N) stayed with Eclipse for a while until Owen came and found her.

"You know, wandering around a ship full of people who wanna kill you isn't the best idea you've ever had," Owen said.

"I know, I just wanted to make sure she was okay," (Y/N) said, not looking up from Eclipse.

"Do we have a plan?" (Y/N) asked after a few moments of silence.

"Don't get caught. Once we find out where we're going we'll figure something out," Owen replied.

"So basically we're making it up as we go," (Y/N) simplified.

"Yeah kinda," Owen said.

"We really should go back, they'll check on Eclipse more than Blue since Blue had someone with her," Owen said after a few more moments of silence.

"I know," (Y/N) replied.

"I'll see you soon," (Y/N) whispered to Eclipse before leaving.

"You pissed off the T-Rex," (Y/N) said while they made their way back to the rest of the group.

"Yeah, it didn't go exactly as planned but Blue's fine, and no one got eaten," Owen said.

"However, someone may have made a really cool jump through a T-Rex's jaws," Owen added under his breath.

"I heard that," (Y/N) pointed out.

"Oh come on, it was cool, you shoulda been there," Owen said, seeming pleased with himself.

(Y/N) just let out a sigh and shook her head, "What am I gonna do with you?"

"Oh you know you love me and the stupid shit I do from time to time," Owen joked back.

The rest of the boat ride seemed to go by fairly fast, now they were left with a new problem, how were they gonna get off without getting caught. Everyone barely had a chance to shake the fuzzy out of their brain from being asleep before Wheatley made an unannounced appearance, they were able to tuck themselves near the door and out of his sight.

"You got a heartbeat?" Wheatley asked Zia.

"Yeah. Do you?" Zia sneered.

"I need blood samples," Wheatley tried to order.

"I'm not here to help you reset the food chain so take your own damn samples," Zia said with a 'kiss my ass' grin.

And with that, he was gone and Claire, Owen, Franklin, and (Y/N) snuck out of and underneath the truck. Unfortunately, Franklin was just a little too slow to avoid being caught.

"Hey! What the hell is going on?" One of the crewmembers asked Franklin.

"I was, um," Franklin started trying and failing to come up with an excuse.

Thankfully, it was Zia to the rescue, "I needed an extra pair of hands. He volunteered."

"You deck crew?" The man asked.

"Aye aye," Seemed to be all Franklin could find to say.

"We're loading out, follow me," The man said.

"Uh, does that mean we're leaving the ship right now?" Franklin asked. 

(Y/N) was beyond blown away by his lack of knowledge beyond computers.

"That is what loading out means. Now get moving," The man ordered before walking away with Franklin.

"Oh, no. He's not gonna make it," Claire said in a worried tone.

"I'll go get him," Owen offered.

Just then the engine above them roared to life.

"There's no time, as long as no one recognizes him, he might be fine. But he's Franklin so the odds are automatically against him," (Y/N) said, brutally honest as always.

Claire glared at her.

"What? Am I wrong?" (Y/N) asked.

Claire kept her mouth shut this time.

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