First Mission

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Both Owen's and (Y/N)'s teams would be working near their home but in opposite directions, if it came down to it, (Y/N)'s team would be moved further out. The rest of the teams were being sent across the state as well as bordering states if need be. The location of their first relocation mission was too remote for the use of vehicles but they were able to borrow some horses from the locals. 

"Alright, we don't have an exact number but there's supposed to be roughly 15-20 Triceratops in this herd. I have my own idea on how to get this done but I want to see what you guys come up with," (Y/N) stated simply.

Everyone looked at Alex and after a few seconds, he spoke.

"Well, there's only one way in and out of the valley, if we split up and go around them, meet up behind them then we should be able to get a better idea of their numbers and if they have any injured members," Alex proposed.

"Anyone have any other suggestions?" (Y/N) asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

"Then that's what we're gonna do. Colt and Layla will come with Eclipse and me, we'll go around the right side. Everyone has their flair gun, red for a major problem, yellow for injuries, dinosaur or human, and we'll use green if we have to use a plan where we'll be split up the whole time," (Y/N) clarified. 

Everyone nodded and got on their horses, (Y/N) whistled for Eclipse then snapped and pointed to the ground under her foot, signaling her to follow. The dinosaurs spared a few glances in their direction as they entered the valley and began to work their way around the edge but didn't make any moves to interfere with them. They kept an even pace on the horses, making sure not to go too fast and spook the dinosaurs, the last thing they needed was a stampede to deal with too. The two groups met up behind the herd without having to fire any signals.

"What did you guys see?" (Y/N) asked.

"There seemed to be about one adolescent for every 3 or 4 adults," Eli answered.

"Alright, that seems to line up with the reports. Once we get one moving the rest of the herd should do the same, things could get messy fast so keep your guard up. Don't be afraid to bail out if things get too dangerous, we've got all day to get this done. Colt, you stay with me and Eclipse, we'll stay in the middle. Alex and Sadie, you guys go on the left and get any stragglers back in the group. Layla and Eli, you go on the right, do the same thing," (Y/N) instructed.

"I'll feel so much better about splitting up when we get our earpieces get here next week and we can still talk to each other," (Y/N) thought. 

She didn't mind being in danger by herself but she was in charge of keeping 5 other people safe, she wasn't a real big fan of that idea. (Y/N) had Eclipse run in the area between Colt and herself and the whole plan went smoothly, especially considering it was their first mission and first time working as a team in a real-life situation. Once the dinosaurs were out of the valley and to a more accessible area they were tranquilized and taken by truck to a checkpoint before being sent to a sanctuary near the area. 

"Well, I dare say that was fairly uneventful," (Y/N) stated, faking being upset.

"So, what do we do for the rest of the day?" Sadie asked.

"Well, I have to report how it went but that can wait. You guys like playing pool?" (Y/N) suggested.

"I've never played," Colt admitted.

Even Eclipse gave him the "are you fucking serious" look.

"Really?" Layla teased.

"We'll teach you," Alex offered.

So, they went to the bar and taught Colt how to play pool, ate food, drank a bit, (Y/N) even got a raw hamburger and tossed it to Eclipse from the door. Eclipse glared at her for a moment.

"I know, we'll hang out when we get home, for now, I gotta keep their spirits up, easier to keep them up than get them up," (Y/N) promised.

Just as promised when (Y/N) and Eclipse got home they didn't even bother to check in with Owen until they got back long after dark. 

"How was your first day?" Owen asked from the kitchen as she kicked off her boots.

"Surprisingly uneventful. We did have to teach Colt how to play pool though. You?" (Y/N) shrugged.

"The joys of a young teammate. Nothing special really," Owen joked.

"He's only a year and a half younger than me. We all already agreed to take him for his first drink when he turns 21," (Y/N) explained.

"Careful, someone might think you're starting to like people now too," Owen laughed.

"Oh, I still like Eclipse better than anyone else," (Y/N) smiled.

"I got beat by a dinosaur," Owen pouted.

"Oh come on, you're my Dad, you're a whole category on your own," (Y/N) reassured him.

"Good, after all, I pulled most of the strings to get Eclipse for you anyway," Owen reminded her.

"Really? No," (Y/N) drawled out sarcastically, as if she hadn't been told that a hundred times before.

They talked about the events of their day and joked for another hour or so before they went to their rooms. Just like clockwork, about a minute after (Y/N) turned on her room light, Eclipse was standing on the mount just outside the trees watching her through the window. (Y/N)'s bed was right next to the window, as was a secondary light switch. She pressed her hands up to the window in a heart shape before she turned off the lights and watched Eclipse run back into the woods.

(A/N): No, this isn't the end of the story, still a few more chapters to go. I'm not sure I'm ready for this story to end.

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