Very Bad Idea

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    (Y/N)’s mind flashed through dozens of ideas in just a few seconds, but she knew none of them would work. It wouldn’t take much to knock the Indoraptor down, but it seemed nearly impossible to get Owen away from the killing machine. But then, things took yet another turn for the worse. The Indoraptor had managed to get one of its feet hooked on the ledge, freed its claw from Owen’s shirt, and, before Owen had a chance to move away, sunk the claws of its other hand into Owen’s left shoulder, pulling a short cry of pain from him. Without thinking, (Y/N) pulled out her gun that was clipped to her belt behind her back and fired three times. All three bullets hit the creature's side but didn’t penetrate the scales.

The Indoraptor let out a roar filled with rage and turned toward (Y/N), and ripped its claws out of Owen at an angle that nearly threw him off the side of the roof. (Y/N) didn’t have time to see if he was okay before the Indoraptor rushed towards her. It was honestly surprising how easily the Indoraptor could get onto the same roof as her. She heard Eclipse let out a cry panic, but she had already turned and began running. She wasn’t fast enough to outrun the dino chasing her; she needed to lead it somewhere that would give her the upper hand.

“Right, get the upper hand on a crazy killer dino that’s basically bulletproof and might have just killed my Dad,” (Y/N) thought to herself, realizing how bad her odds were and that the damage the Indoraptor dealt might have been fatal.

She knew the Indoraptor was only a few steps behind her and would catch her in just a few short seconds. Thankfully, she had backup, a pissed-off Blue, and a protective Eclipse. A fight broke out between the three of them; the Indoraptor kept both of them at bay but was getting pushed closer to the edge of the roof.

“The fall won’t be enough to kill it,” (Y/N) thought, then had a sudden realization, “Eyes aren’t bullet-proof.”

Such a small target would be too hard to hit, especially with it moving so much. But, if she could get close enough, it might be possible to do it with her knife.

“I’m insane. I have completely lost it. This is the worst idea I have ever had. There is no way that this is possible. I’m gonna get myself killed. Then again. . . I don’t really have much other choice.” (Y/N) thought, shaking her head.

Part of her didn’t want to kill the creature; after all, it couldn’t help how it was and how it was raised. But her mind flashed back to what it had done to Owen. Even if it wasn’t exactly its fault, it was still hurting and killing people, and it would continue to do that until it was dead. Before she even realized it, she had her knife in her hand. Eclipse saw what she was doing and seemed to pick up on what she was trying to do.

“Let’s do this,” (Y/N) said, half to herself, half to the two Raptors.

(Y/N) still thought it was a terrible idea, but she had already committed, and she had too much adrenaline running to stop now. The two Raptors had managed to draw some blood but not enough to affect the Indoraptor. Suddenly, Eclipse whipped around and smacked the Indoraptor in the face with her tail, temporarily stunning it. In those short, stunned seconds (Y/N) plunged her knife into its right eye. It let out a roar of fury and pain, lashing out, just barely missing (Y/N)’s own eye. It tried to tear the knife out and stumbled around the rooftop, still roaring. Blue took her chance and rammed into the Indoraptor, finally pushing it off the side of the roof. (Y/N) looked over the side of the roof to see the Indoraptor sprawled out on the ground far below them, with the knife sticking grimly out of its eye.

“I’ll have to get that back later,” (Y/N) said to herself, finally taking a few seconds to close her eyes and breathe.

Then she heard Blue turn and run back the way they had come, bringing (Y/N) back to reality.

“Dad,” (Y/N) said in a panicked voice.

In a second, she was running across the rooftop, through the downpour of rain, with Eclipse by her side. She could hear her heart pounding in her ears and feel it in her throat.

“Please, just let him be alright,” (Y/N) thought to herself desperately.

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