Escape From Hell

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After yet another trek through the jungle, they could finally see the docks. 

"So, what do we just ask nicely if we can come back with them?" Franklin asked.

"I thought you were supposed to be smart," (Y/N) said.

"I'm computer smart, not people smart! I don't have good people skills," Franklin explained.

"Really, you don't say?" (Y/N) said sarcastically.

"They have Zia. They're loading out," Owen said from his spot on a nearby rock calling everyone's attention to him.

"If they already had the dinosaurs why did they need us?" Claire asked.

"They needed your handprint for the tracking system and they needed us to get Blue and Eclipse," (Y/N) explained.

(Y/N) joined Owen on the rock and took the binoculars from him and began searching after her own goal. 

"We need to get on that boat," Owen said after a few short moments.

"The rock's good, we're safe on the rock," Franklin whined.

"It's the boat or the lava Franklin," Claire said following Owen down the hill.

"Oh come on, I said that like 25 minutes ago!" (Y/N) pointed out before following the three of them down the hill to the docks.

"I hate to be the one to ask, but do we have a plan?!" (Y/N) shouted.

"Get on the boat without getting killed or spotted!" Owen answered.

"Sounds like a walk in the park," (Y/N) mumbled to herself.

By the time they got to the pavement just about everything that could be on fire was or would be soon. There were rocks crashing down around, it seemed like a version of hell on Earth, (Y/N) was fast enough to catch up with Owen but decided to stay at the back of the group to make sure no one fell behind. A few containers that were filled with something flammable, most likely gas, exploded off to the side of the dock and when yet another flaming rock hit more similar containers, only this time close enough to affect them, Franklin was forced forward while (Y/N) was knocked backward. Owen and Claire quickly came to a stop to look back at the two younger people.

"Franklin!" Claire called out and started to run to him.

But Owen stopped her before she could get very far, "Hey! Get that truck going!"

Despite his urges to run past Franklin to (Y/N) he stopped to help him up, "You okay?"

"Am I dead?" Franklin asked.

"Not yet kid," Owen answered.

Owen looked back at (Y/N) who had already gotten to her feet. Owen made it to the truck first and helped Franklin up, (Y/N) was lagging a little far behind. Once she got close enough Owen grabbed her hand and helped her into the truck as well.

"Hold on!" Claire shouted from the front.

"I hate it when people say that," (Y/N) mumbled.

By some miracle, they made it onto the boat.

"Right because a truck jumping from the dock to the boat is totally inconspicuous," (Y/N) said, rolling her eyes. 

A sudden bellow brought everyone's attention back to the docks. There stood the mighty Brachiosaurus who was now out of room to escape the dark cloud that was sure to bring about its demise. Everyone on board watched the poor creature until it was no longer visible and the doors slammed shut, cutting off all view of the island. 

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