Dramatic Much?

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Owen raced through the streets of Malta on the motorcycle, desperately trying to shake the Atrociraptors close behind him. He was too distracted to think straight, he needed to get to that airfield but he couldn't leave without his daughter. 

(Y/N) fired all her bullets, none of them doing any significant damage to the Atrociraptor. At the last second, she dropped to the ground and pinned herself backward and the dino went over her head. She left her gun on the ground and ran while the dinosaur behind her stumbled, trying to figure out what had just happened. She knew she was near the coast of the island.

"I just have to make it to the water. It can't swim," (Y/N) thought to herself as she ran.

But, she also knew that she would never be able to outrun the Atrociraptor on foot for that long. 

"Maybe someone else is nearby," (Y/N) thought hopefully. 

She reached for her earpiece and found that it was no longer in her ear. 

"That explains why I haven't heard anything since I left. Great," (Y/N) thought.

Then something caught her eye, an old motorcycle laying on its side, blood splattered on it. She had a pretty good guess of what had happened to the owner. She didn't hesitate to grab it and take off down the street towards the coast. There was no solid plan for what she was gonna do when she got there, and with no time to think she'd have to make it up in the heat of the moment. There was a low cliff over the water and at the last second she put her foot down, pulled the motorcycle sideways, and sped up again. The Atrociraptor didn't have time to change its direction or slow down and only got about half turned before falling off the edge of the cliff into the water below. (Y/N) looked back over her shoulder to see that it could keep its nose above the water, but just barely.

"That'll keep it busy enough for it to lose me," (Y/N) thought.

As she got back to the main streets she caught sight of someone familiar further ahead of her and pushed the bike a little faster. 

"Where are you going?" (Y/N) shouted.

Claire turned around in the back of the truck to face her.

"An airfield! Where have you been?" Claire called back.

"Dealing with a cranky dinosaur," (Y/N) replied.

She could hear parts of what Claire was saying after that and it sounded like Claire was telling Owen they had found her. Once they got to the airfield she ditched the bike and got on the plane.

"Where is he?" (Y/N) asked.

"I'm not sure," Claire answered.

"We don't have time if you want to catch your daughter," Kayla called back from the front of the plane. 

"He'll be here," Claire said.

"Who are you?" (Y/N) asked.

"Kayla Watts. You are?" Kayla answered.

"(Y/N) Grady," (Y/N) replied.

"There he is. Pull over," Claire announced.

"That's not how planes work. Open the back," (Y/N) said, standing up and walking behind Claire.

"You're gonna owe me for this one," (Y/N) thought.

"Hold on tight!" Kayla called back.

One of the Atroicraptors chasing Owen lost its footing and fell but the other one kept hot on his tail. At the last second, Owen got the motorcycle up the ramp, half falling, half jumping off in the process. Unfortunately, the remaining Atrociraptor followed him onto the plane. (Y/N) grabbed him before he slid back within the dinosaur's reach. The motorcycle slid back down and dragged the Atrociraptor into the deep water before. 

"Dramatic much?" (Y/N) asked sarcastically, helping pull Owen to his feet.

Owen rolled his eyes at her and play-punched her on the arm. 

"Ow!" (Y/N) cried, her arm starting to bleed again.

She didn't play-punch him.

Alpha Minds (Owen Grady x Daughter Reader)Where stories live. Discover now