CH 101. Consequence for Humanity

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A/N: Hello My lovely Lovies!!

Hope all is well, Don't you love when I promise to post regularly, but then I post late anyway? Writers block is really getting to me because I have so much to fit into the few chapters we have left! Now! I briefly mentioned it in a comment last week, but I will be ending this story a few chapters before the expected ending. I will be doing this because I am working on 2 (two) spin off ideas and they will both take place after two VERY different endings. More details on this to come. 

Subtle spoiler alert for this chapter, the term "Obscurus" is used at the end and this isn't something we've touched on yet. It will come into play again later on, but it won't be explained the same. So, just so those of you that don't know and we are all on the same page:

Obscurus: An Obscurus was the manifestation of the repressed energy of a young Witch or Wizard. Described as a "Dark" and "parasitic" force, an Obscurus was created when the wizard child in question consciously attempted to repress their magical abilities or were forced to do so through physical or psychological abuse. This energy could manifest itself as a separate entity that could erupt in violent, destructive fury

So with that being said, Grab a snack (I enjoyed some biscuits) and a drink, (A cup of tea is always good for the soul) and lets dive in!

Love and Dungeons,



"Now, now. If what Augustus says is true, I'm sure our young witch will waste no time in seeing she pays the price for her crimes," Voldemort said, allowing Elodie the privilege to question a Healer they had brought in.

I hated that my father made me attend these gatherings. It always went further than humanly necessary. At times when we'd all watch as Voldemort would kill a witch or wizard and then allow his snake to feast upon them, it made me cringe. Not because it was such a terrible task to watch or because I was afraid that one day it could be any of us in their place. No, it was the way that so many of them enjoyed it. It was the way she was beginning to enjoy it.

"Of course my lord," She answered him, sounding like the obedient minion he'd hoped she would become.

She was right, this was my fault. I'd seen the letter she wrote to my mother asking for her help in the war. The way she promised this would serve to relieve my family of any debt they saw themselves aligned with her. I had pushed my mother on it. Insisting that we couldn't let her get killed the moment she walked through the door. Or as my father would see it, we couldn't allow ourselves to be indebted to a half breed.

"Will no one else be addressing the giant troll in the room?" Dolohov said, soldering annoyed. Not that any of those that were once considered his most loyal followers were particularly thrilled at the new addition. "My lord, I implore you. See the risk you are taking in keeping the half-breed this close to you."

I felt my jaw tense at what he was insinuating. Part of me wanted to believe that none of them had even two functioning brain cells left to rub together. That all of this was just some sick and twisted plan so that any day now, she would shoot her last killing curse. And it would be in the direction that would serve to favor those she loved most.

"We should have killed her the moment Bellatrix walked her through the door," Rodolphus said, nodding his head from aunt Bella's side.

But she was different now. And I wasn't a fool enough to convince myself she particularly enjoyed being here. I watched the way she was settling into a different side of herself. The way that it almost came natural to her. As if it was what had been missing from her life all along. She had in fact changed. And granted it may not have been how I wanted to find out, the argument we had found ourselves in confirmed it.

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