Chapter 5 - Olivia

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We make our way back to the car and Megs hasn't stopped going on about how much of an arsehole he was and how she couldn't believe the way he spoke to us.

"Megs...Megs...MEGS," I snap her out of her ranting trance as we reach the car. 

"Let it go okay, I've only known the man an hour and I already can tell you his plan was to get a reaction out of me, out of both of us."

"Ugh, I know. How are you going to do it Liv? Put up with that arse," she asks as we get into the car.

Once I'm in I look towards her and sigh, "God I don't know, but I know I'm not going to let him get in the way of my career. This is a massive deal and with this on my CV, a national team and proper job, I'll be well on my way to opening my own photography business. That's what I'm going to focus on, and I'll be dammed if I'm going to let that cocky prick ruin it."

I start the car.

"Damn girl, you got balls. God I love you when you're badass," she says as she kicks her feet onto the dash.

I laugh and swot her feet down as I pull out of the car park.

"All I can say is Liv, is it's a good job he is fucking hot," Megs states.

I roll my eyes and huff at her.

"Come on Liv, you have to admit it, you'd be blind not to think that," she says, and I can feel her eyes burning towards me.

"Fine. Yes. He's hot," she giggles to herself and shouts "I knew it."

"But," I cut her off, "his looks don't make him any less of an arse."

"True that girl, true dat," Megs replies as she pulls out her phone and I drive down through the city.

My mind consumed by him.


I sit at the kitchen table with my laptop and my camera, glass of wine in hand I can't stop laughing to myself about these photos.

God I think a child could have taken better photos than I did today.

The front door swings open and Megs comes clambering in. She's been at work for the last 5 hours and I know she will be ready to rant about some asshole that did something at the coffee shop.

"Hey girl, started without me," she says as she gestures to my glass in hand.

"I've been wanting this glass of wine since 9am this morning Megs, you should be glad I've waited until a respectable time in the evening."

We both snicker and she pours herself a glass before going and plopping herself down on the sofa.

"I need to talk to you about something," I hear Megs say from the sofa, almost wearily.

"Okay?" I say, apprehensively. This girl is never laid back or nervous by what she says.

I grab my wine and walk over the couch, lifting her legs and placing them over my thighs as I sit down.

She looks over to me with a worried, concerned look on her face.

"Megs what the fuck is wrong?" I ask, "Mark? Did something happen with Mark? OH MY GOD ARE YOU PREGNANT," I shout at her. Please no, we have the space in the house don't get me wrong but a baby? Now? Not yet please.

"No, no, no, god no Liv," she adds and I let out a sigh of relief.

"What is it then Megs, you're scaring me," I ask.

"Look the thing is," she moves herself into a sitting position and looks at me deeply, "Mark wants to take me away for a night, head to the country and have a cute little romance evening away as we haven't seen each other as much since we've started classes again," she continues.

"Okay? And what's wrong with that?" I ask her, still confused with where this is going.

"He's already booked it and I didn't even get a chance to tell him that the date he picked wasn't a good one and if he knew then he wouldn't have booked it for that night but he can't cancel it and I don't want to let him down or let him lose money, but the thing is..." she stops.

I stare at her, the wine in my stomach feels as though it's going through a washing machine, and I try and push away the nausea.

I know where this conversation is headed.

I know exactly what date she is talking about.

"It's fine Megs. I will be fine," I say.

I will definitely not be fine.

Oh god.


"Liv, I can tell him I can't make it, I will pick up some more shifts and pay him back, I really don't have to go," she tries to reassure me.

"No, no, Megs, seriously, this is good."

"Good?" she asks.

"Yeah, maybe this will snap me out of the habit that I have. I need to get a grip one day Megs, maybe this year should be the year and anyway, It's a Saturday right? I probably will have to work anyway," I reply.


I'll have to check that date.

I can't work that.

I'll have to book it as holiday. Fuck. Do I even get holiday?

Shit. I didn't think this through. Fuck. Fuck.

"Liv, we have two weeks so please just think about it okay? But promise me you will tell me if you want me to be here for you," Megs says as she leans into my side and wraps her arm around me.

"I will Megs, I promise," I add. Trying to keep the tears at bay.

"I can't believe it's been nearly two years Liv," Megs says as she rests her head on my shoulder.

I take a breathe as I try and steady my breathing and push the tears away.

"Come on," I mutter, "lets get some takeaway and get fucked up."

"Sounds like a fucking plan Liv," Megs says as she bounces her way to the stereo and blasts out her 'get fucked up' playlist.

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