Epilogue - Olivia

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Stepping out of my car, I glance around the empty car park.

What the hell?

I start walking towards the entrance of the arena.

The air is fresh, although the sky is clear, there's a dampness in the air.

We got back from Paris two weeks ago, we stayed in the most beautiful hotel, ate incredible food and had a wonderful time.

James enjoys showing me the world, our first trip together in the summer consisted of visiting his parents in Dallas, we spent two weeks staying in his home town, it was magical.

I'd never felt more connected to James than I did then, and of course, I got to eat the famous pancakes from James's parents diner.

Then, just before the hockey season started again, me, James, Megs and Connor went to St Lucia on our first double date holiday, it was incredible.

Me and Megs have never travelled before, and travelling together, with the people we love, made it all so much better.

And now add Paris to that list, it's been one hell of a year.

I push through the doors to the arena and walk into the half lit corridor, "what the hell," I speak out loud.

I continue walking when my phone buzzes in my pocket, I pull it out and read the text.

"My Livy, I'm waiting for you somewhere in the arena, before you get to me I want you to take a deep breath and follow the clues to find me."

"What the hell," I repeat, a nervous laugh escaping me as another text appears.

"Clue 1 - You may find me where we first met."

 I place my phone back in my pocket, smiling, I walk towards James's office.

The arena is dark, James told me I had to meet him here urgently, but something tells me this isn't an emergency.

I walk towards his office and notice a note stuck on the door, just under the gold plaque.

I squint my eyes to read the writing in the dull light.

"Olivia, here is where I first met you, where I got a glimpse of you for the first time, where my breath was taken away for a moment as I watched you fall into a pile of photos. I was met with beautiful eyes, and knew from that moment, my life was about to change. This moment, set us up, for love, laughter, tears and challenges. You won't find me here, so visit the place I first saw those tears you've shed."

I breathe in a shaky breath, I open the door to James's office and step in, there on the sofa, is another note.

The sofa I sat and let the tears fall all those months ago.

I sit down, picking up the piece of paper to read.

My hands are trembling slightly, I will myself to breathe, just as James insisted as I follow the words.

"Olivia, this room holds many memories between us both, not only did I get a sight at the demons you faced, but I got to see you for who you are, a strong, independent, loyal woman who would cause my heart to skip a beat every time she stepped through the door. You won't find me here, see if you can find me waiting at your favourite spot."

I place the piece of paper in my pocket with the first, "my favourite spot?" I speak out loud.


My favourite spot, of course.

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