Chapter 40 - James

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I left Livy watching the end of the fireworks while I grabbed a change of clothes from my truck, I never know when I'm going to be called into work so always keep some change of clothes for emergencies.

I change in one of the public toilets nearby and make my way back down the hill towards Liv.

She's sitting with her knees to her chest and a blanket wrapped around her.

I perch down beside her, wrap my hand around her and kiss her forehead.

I've never felt more content and happy.

Judging by the peace from Liv, I guess she feels the same way.

We watch for another 10 minutes when I notice Liv is shivering slightly.

"Come on, lets go grab some food," I state.

"Mmm sounds good to me," Liv replies.

We gather our bits and head towards the car, once we're in I pull the truck onto the road and head back towards the city.

"So, what do you fancy picking up?" I ask.

"Honestly anything," she replies.

"Chinese, burgers, pizza?" I question.

"Hmm, Chinese is my favourite," she smiles.

"Great, I know a good place near mine, happy to come back to mine for food?".

"Yeah, that would be nice, thank you," she smiles again, and I know from this moment forward, I will do everything and anything I can to keep that smile on her face.

We grab enough food to feed the street and head back to mine before digging in.


We're sitting on the sofa, watching some documentary about sea creatures when Liv's phone buzzes in her bag on the floor.

She fumbles around before finding it and bringing it to her ear.

"Hey Megs."

"Yeah, okay no problem, see you tomorrow."

She places it down on the coffee table and brings herself back to snuggle against me.

"Everything alright?" I ask, making sure she doesn't need a ride home or anything.

"No, all good, Megs is just going to stay at her boyfriends tonight, she was just letting me know," she replies.

"Oh, good," I reply.

We finish the documentary and Liv helps me clear the plates and cartons from the table and wash up.

I'm just finishing placing a dish on the dryer rack when she perks up.

"Thanks for tonight, I had a really really nice time."

When I look behind to her, she's looking down at her feet, almost shy, and I know she's thinking about what happened.

I dry my hands and walk across the kitchen to her, placing both my hands either side of her on the kitchen counter, caging her in.

She immediately looks up and I notice her eyes dilating.

I smile, "I had a really good time as well," I whisper before placing a slow kiss on her lips.

She lets out a mumbled moan and I have to hold myself back from picking her up and taking her upstairs.

Slow James.

We're taking things slow.

I pull back and give us both a moment to catch our breaths.

"Would you like to stay over?" I ask and her eyebrows shoot up.

Damn, too forward.

"I mean I have a spare room and you're more than welcome to stay, it's late and if Megs isn't home and all, but if you don't want to then..."

She pulls me in for another kiss before asking, "are you sure that's okay?".

"Of course," I reply.

We make our way upstairs and I show Liv the spare room, give her some spare towels and remind her where the bathroom is.

"There's a spare toothbrush in the bathroom cabinet, feel free to use it, it's still in the plastic. Help yourself to a shower, any of the toiletries, anything you need."

"Thank you, James, are you sure this is okay?" she asks again.

"Yes Liv, you are always welcome in my home," I reply and she yawns into her hand.

"I'll leave you to it."

I walk up and give her a small kiss on her cheek, "sleep well."

"And you," she replies, smiling at me again.

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