Chapter 51

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"I thought you already forgot about my existence," Mom says as she opens the door for me, pulling a face like a 10-year-old kid.

"Ugh. I missed you!" I throw my arms around her shoulders to give her a tight hug, ignoring her tantrums.

The last time we saw each other was when I had a miscarriage; she went to the hospital to check up on my condition. I remember the look on her face when she entered my room, she was so worried about me and feels regretful that she lost a grandchild.

"You won't even call me. Is your schedule that hectic? I saw you on the news last time, you were just partying with your boyfriend." She pulls away from me and marches to the kitchen area where Kai and Ollie are, preparing plates and utensils.

"Mom, we're not just partying, it was part of our job." I place the box of Brazo de Mercedes on the table. I bought it from Flourist Café earlier before heading here. It's one of her favorite desserts, I had just had to. "I bought you a sweet tooth!"

Ollie and Milo give me a you're-a-dead-meat-look.

I roll my eyes heavenwards.

Ugh. Whatever.

"What is that, a bribe?" She seats in one of the chairs around our dinner table and slowly opens the box.

Look at her being so thrilled.

It's Sunday and we're all gathered at Sylvia's mansion to savor the weekend with family and good food. Milo even reminded me last night to keep my promise and show up today because Mom's been bugging him about me.

She acts like I was the only one who's always busy with work but as per Ollie, she's swamped with surgery appointments. One time, Milo had to fetch her in the middle of the night after her 8-hour surgery took place. If there's one trait I got from her, it's being so devoted to what you do best.

"Let's eat!" Ollie arranges the marbled plates and golden-colored forks, knives, and spoons in front of our seats. "Thank you so much for hosting today's lunch, Auntie!" She sweetly says.

Psh. What a kiss ass. I want to laugh right now but it might trigger my Mom's infuriation. Being prim and proper doesn't suit Ollie. Right now, she's wearing a dress that says, I'm innocent, I'm demure but her aura screams, I'm a bitch, I'm a witch.

"Oh, dear. It's nothing! I don't mind preparing food every day if my daughter comes over seven times a week." She answers, glaring at me.

I peek at the dishes placed in the middle of the table. There's a plate of steak with asparagus on the side, a bowl of mashed potato, wedge salad, a pot of shepherd's pie, and a plate of oil-based pasta.

"Woah." I gasp. "Who made all these?" They're so mouthwatering. Having meals at home just hits differently. I know that Mom made these, I just want to excite her. Plus, Milo and Ollie can't cook without the kitchen being in a complete disaster which will only make Mom stressed. She hates it when the place isn't clean. No, not just clean, it should be Sylvia clean.

When we were younger, Mom would always nag at me because I'm disorganized and I don't clean the house unlike my brother Milo who's always being called the polished and virtuous child.

"Who else? Me, of course." Mom proudly says, moving the dishes aside to make way for her Brazo de Mercedes at the center.

"I was the one who bought all the ingredients!" Milo raises his hand, getting all our attention.

"You guys," I look at them in appreciation. "Thank you for preparing this meal and I'm so sorry for being MIA again." I reach for Mom's hand and gently squeeze it to show her my sincerity.

The Unbrokenhearteds | Completed ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon