Chapter 10: Leonard Snart

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(Three Days Later)


So, it's been about three days since my run in with Hydro-Man and since then there hasn't really been any crime going on.

Honestly I'm not sure if I should be glad or worried.

Well anyways yesterday Cole brought me a pull up bar and I've just hooked it up.

I look at Cole and he smiles.

Cole: Twenty bucks says you can't do it.

Y/N: You're on.

Then I put my hands on the pull up bar and I start lifting myself up and down.

I then drop after a minute or so and take a drink of water.

Cole: Six months ago you would've never able to do that.

Y/N: Right.

Cole: Double or nothing. One handed.

Y/N: You're on.

Then I put one hand on the pull up bar and I lift myself using one hand and after a minute or so I drop down.

Y/N: Frankly I feel bad taking your money.

Cole: Okay, triple or nothing.

Y/N: Ohhh, yeah? What's the wager?

Cole: One hundred bucks says you can't lift yourself with one finger.

Y/N: One finger? Hmm...Let's see.

Then I put a finger on the pull up bar and I look at Cole and honestly I feel like he'll keep figuring out how to win and I know I could do it but I decided not too.

I fake lifting myself but drop.

Y/N: Nope.

Cole: Yes! Ha, in your face.

Y/N: Yes, you win.

Cole: Yes! Oh hey, you wanna go and get a drink?

Y/N: Yeah.

Then Coles phone beeps and he turns to me.

Y/N: What's wrong?

Cole: An armored truck is being robbed.

Y/N: I'm on it.

I then go and changed into my suit and then when I come back out I dive out the window and go to the Armored truck.

(Ten minutes later)

I'm now at the armored truck and I see four guys.

I dive down and get closer and I use my webbing to web one of the guys to the door of the truck.

Then I land on the truck and I jump off and kick another guy down.

I then turn and see another guy come out from behind the truck and see I web him and pull him towards me and close line him.

Then I see the fourth guy on his motorcycle and so I web zip forward and kick him off it.

I then land and turn to see the guy I just hit off the motorcycle and he takes his mask and I see his face.

Then suddenly I hear a gunshot and rush over to see one of the guards has been shot.

I then go over to the guard and contact Cole, who's on comms.

Y/N: Hey where's the nearest hospital?

Cole: St. Andrews. It's two blocks West of you.

Y/N: Okay, call in and let them know they've an incoming GSW.

I then turn to see the robbers are getting away, but I knew I had to choose to save this guy.

I then pick up the guard and I put him over my shoulder, and then I swing to the hospital.

(Thirty Minutes Later)

I'm now back at my apartment and I go inside and see Cole sitting at my desk.

Y/N: Hey.

He spins around in his chair.

Cole: Hey, I called the hospital and the guard is okay.

Y/N: That's great.

Cole: Oh and my sister called me, she lives Spider-Man.

Y/N: Man, how is your sister? I haven't seen her in a few years.

Cole: She's great. Boarding school and all. But she's coming back in a few months.

Y/N: Great.

Cole: So who were the guys at the armored truck.

Y/N: Must be a new crew but I did see one of the mens faces.

Cole: Really? So if you saw his face you could pick him out.

Y/N: Yeah...why?

He then sounds around to my computer and starts typing.

Cole: Because I just hacked into the police database.

Y/N: Seriously? I could've thought of that.

Cole: Okay, here we go. Who is he?

I then go over to the computer and scroll through the pictures until I find him.

Y/N: Here we go. That's him.

Cole: Leonard Snart. Yikes with a name like that it's no wonder he turned to a life of crime.

 Yikes with a name like that it's no wonder he turned to a life of crime

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(So this is Leonard Snart in this story. Hope you like who I chose. Also I don't own the rights to the character those rights go to DC.)

Y/N: So what do we know about this guy?

Cole: Well it says here that Snart's father was a cop. A bad cop. 

Y/N: How bad? 

Cole: It says that he took his anger out on his kids, til he went to prison.

Y/N: Okay, what else does it say about Snart? 

Cole: That he shows up every six months or so. He cases a job for weeks before he makes his move. Then he does the job and gets away. But one day he just up and disappeared.

Y/N: And now he wants to show his face again. How sweet.

Cole: He probably wants to prove something to Spider-Man.

Y/N: Well let's hope it's not how to show off to a superhero because he's gonna fail spectacularly.

Cole: Yeah he will.

Then my phone beeps and I take it out of my pocket and see that it's Olivia telling me to come into work.

Y/N: Okay, I gotta go.

Cole: Alright, I'll keep the scanner on in case Snart shows up again.

Y/N: Alright.

Then I leave and head into work.

(Okay so I hope no one cares that I introduced Snart into this story. Honestly I didn't even think about adding him into this story but I just started watching season seven of legends of tomorrow and watched the episode of Gideon's memories and it made me want to.)

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