Chapter 12: Felicia Hardy

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(One Week Later)


So, I'm just web swinging around the city looking for any crime that could be going on but it's been quiet today.

As I'm web swinging I decide to take a break and so I sit on a fire escape and I'm eating a churro.

I'm also scrolling through my phone.

I then come across a funny video of a cat.

Y/N: Ha, that's hilarious. How'd the cat get in there? Funny stuff.

Then my phone starts ringing and I see it's Cole.

I answer it.

Y/N: Hey man. Did Snart show up again?

Cole: No, no. My sister is in town and I wanted to see if you and MJ wanted to hang out with us today.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm sure I can convince MJ to hang out with us today.

Cole: Great. Meet us at my house.

Y/N: You got it.

I hang up with Cole and then I dial MJ's number.

Mary Jane: Hey, Y/N.

Y/N: Hey, MJ. What are you doing?

Mary Jane: Working on some pictures for the daily bugle.

Y/N: Oh, cool. How about a break?

Mary Jane: What are you thinking?

Y/N: Coles sister is back in New York and Cole wants us to hang out with them.

Mary Jane: Sure, I'd love too.

Y/N: Great. I'll pick you up then.

Mary Jane: See you soon.

Y/N: Alright.

I then hang up and I go pick Mary Jane up and then we go to Coles house.

(One Hour Later)

Mary Jane and I are now at Cole's house and I knock on the door.

Y/N: Okay, so his sister has a bit of an hyper personality.

Mary Jane: How bad could it be?

The door opens and Cole's sister is standing there and she starts screaming.

???: Oh my god! Y/N! I haven't seen you in forever. Wow, you still look the same. Not totally the same but you look good. And oh my god, I heard you work at Oscorp. So cool. And whoa, you also work at the daily bugle. Am I talking to much? I feel like I'm talking to much? I'll stop taking now. Not that a person could actually stop talking. I mean unless you cut your tongue out then yeah you could.

Cole: Angel, relax.

Angel: I can relax. I will, oh yeah definitely.

Cole: Go get some food.

Angel: Okay.

Then Angel walks back inside.

Mary Jane then looks at me.

Mary Jane: Wow.

Y/N: Yeah, you get used to her after awhile.

Cole: Speak for yourself. I'm still not used to her.

Y/N: Well I am.

Cole: That's because you had a crush on her in sixth grade.

Y/N: Hey I would never go out with my best friends sister.

Cole: Really?

Y/N: not trapping me.

Cole and I laugh and then we go inside.

Then Mary Jane and I sit on the couch and Angel comes back into the living room.

Angel: Oh my god, Spider-Man is so cool. I live Spider-Man. He's so hot. I'd so like to meet him. Do you guys wanna meet him? Y/N, I'm gonna sit next to you.

Angel then comes over and sits next to me.

Y/N: Angel, are you okay?

Angel: Of course I am. I know I tend to talk a lot but I can stop. I could totally stop, do you want me too?

Y/N: You're fine.

Angel: Good, now how've you been? How's your mom? Is she still sad about your dad? Who's she? Is she your girlfriend?

Y/N: Uh....good. She's great. She still cry's at night. Mary Jane but we call her MJ. And no. No, she's not my girlfriend.

Angel: Oh my god. Your so cute. Your hair looks so soft.

Cole: Okay, okay. How about we go get some lunch?

Y/N: Agreed.

Then Angel, Cole, MJ and I leave to go and get some lunch.

(One Hour Later)

So, after having lunch, the four of us leave the diner.

Then we start to leave.

???: Y/N?

I hear a voice and I turn and my eyes widen when I see Felicia Hardy walking towards me.

Y/N: Felicia?

Angel: Who's Felicia?

Y/N: My ex-girlfriend.

She walks over and hugs me.

Felicia: Wow. You look good.

Y/N: Well I don't know about that.

Cole: Wait, you dated her?

Y/N: Yeah, why?

Cole: She's that girl I went out with a few months ago.

Felicia: Hi Cole.

Y/N: Wait, you two...

Felicia: It didn't work.

Cole: Clearly.

Y/N: Well, this is awkward.

Mary Jane: I'll say.

Y/N: Oh uh...Felicia, this is Mary Jane. Mary Jane, this is Felicia.

She shake hands.

Y/N: Yep, definitely awkward.

Felicia: It's so good to see you, Y/N.

Y/N: Yeah, you too.

Cole: Could I just say, how crazy it is that your ex-girlfriends are suddenly crashing back into your life?

Mary Jane: Yeah, should we all be prepared for anymore?

Y/N: Oh uh...well...nope. No. You uh the are the uh only two...uh.

Angel: I think what he's trying to say is that these two girls are the only two girls he's ever dated. Which I think is so cute. Now the only question is, who's the better kisser?

Cole: Angel!

Angel: What? Did I say something wrong?

Cole: Uh, Y/N, Angel and I are gonna head home.

Y/N: But...

Mary Jane: And so am I. I will talk to you later.

Then Mary Jane, Cole and Angel all walk away.

Y/N: Well...I should get going.

Felicia: It was good to see you, Y/N.

Y/N: Yeah, you too.

Felicia: Who knows? Maybe we'll run into each other again.

Y/N: Maybe. Uh well see ya.

I start to walk away and I look back and see Felicia was gone.

Y/N: Weird.

I then head home for the day.

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