Chapter 44: The Black Cat Returns

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(Two Months Later)


It's been two months since everything happened with Otto and I've just been being Spider-Man. It helps take my mind off of mom which feels lonely not having her here with me.

I did learn something though. Natasha called me and told me that her, Steve Rogers and Nick Fury took down S.H.I.E.L.D. as HYDRA had infiltrated it.

Anyways after a day of just fighting crime, I sit on a rooftop to think when I get a call from MJ.

Mary Jane: Hey Y/N, I'm working on a story you might be interested in.

Y/N: The Stark Expo?

Mary Jane: New one. It's about the Maggia crime family.

Y/N: The Mob? I thought they went out with swing dancing. Both times.

Mary Jane: They were in decline, but with Fisk and the Demon's gone La Cosa Nostra is making a comeback. So you know the feds raided the Maggia two weeks ago.

Y/N: Sure.

Mary Jane: Well one of the dons had a masterpiece painting called "The Maria." And now they're displaying it over at Manhattan MOCA.

Y/N: Annnnd?

Mary Jane: And I have a source who says one of the families is planning to steal it back. Tonight.

Y/N: Sounds like there's more to it than art appreciation. I'll swing by the museum and take a look.

I then hang up and head to the museum.

Once I get there I see a group of Maggia guys trying to break in.

I call MJ back.

Y/N: Hey MJ, looks like your source was right. There's a small army of goons trying to break in. Stay on the line while I take a closer look.

Mary Jane: Okay, just be careful. If those guys are Maggia they play for keeps.

Y/N: I'll be careful.

I see two of the guys arguing.

Y/N: Damn. Some people will do anything to avoid paying full price.

I web zip closer and decide to take them out quietly.

(Fifteen Minutes Later)

After I dealt with the guys outside I find out someone had gotten inside from the roof.

Once I'm inside I make my way to the security room to see if I can find out who broke but I find the guards knocked out.

I also find that a camera had bed turned off and it was one that was pointing at The Maria.

I go over and see that no one has stolen it.

I knock on the glass infront of the painting.

Y/N: Well no one is getting to The Maria anytime soon.

Mary Jane: So, mission accomplished then?

Y/N: I hope so.

I then hear a noise and turn around to see Felicia breaking in.

Y/N: Yeah, I am gonna have to call you back.

Mary Jane: Why? What's going...

I hang up.

Felicia: You look good.

She then jumps down and land infront of me.

Felicia: You been working out?

Y/N: Uh... well, yeah a little.

Felicia: So, you still swinging solo, or are you back with red?

Y/N: Uh... that's a lot of questions.

Felicia: Just curious.

Y/N: Yeah, I hear that's bad for cats. So, why don't you tell me why your really here?

Felicia: Just waiting for the right moment.

Y/N: What moment?

Felicia: I love your new tricks.

Y/N: And I'm tired of your old ones. Weren't you gonna stop stealing art?

Felicia: Who says I'm here for the art?

She grabs the painting of the wall and she smashes it in half.

Y/N: Whoa! Whoa! What are you doing?

She holds up a data drive out of it.

Felicia walks over and stands in front of the glass and puts her hand on it.

Felicia: Sorry, sweet cheeks but I gotta go. But I'll definitely see you around, Spider.

She winks at me and leaves the building.

I call MJ back.

Mary Jane: Y/N. Oh my god. What the hell is going on?

Y/N: Nothing MJ, I just ran into an old friend.

Mary Jane: Who?

I look at a message Felicia left me.

Y/N: Trouble.

Once I was done I leave the building.

Mary Jane: So Black Cat was the one who went in through the roof. She was working with Hammerhead's guys?

Y/N: Yep. Knowing her she was probably watching me the whole time I was in there.

Mary Jane: Just tell me she didn't get the painting.

Y/N: She didn't get the painting.

Mary Jane: Oh good.

Y/N: She smashed it and took a data drive hidden in the frame.

Mary Jane: What!? Ugh!!!

Y/N: Sorry. What do you think was on that drive?

Mary Jane: Don't know. I'll start asking around.

Y/N: Okay, while your doing that I'll start following cat prints.

I hang up and web swing away.

As I'm swinging I get a call from Miles which is probably about training him as I decided to take him under my wing and train him to be like me.

Miles: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Hey Miles. How's your assignments going?

Miles: School assignments? Or spider assignments?

Y/N: Both, but school comes first. That's part of the deal we made remember?

Miles: I've done all my school assignments, working on the spider ones now. Though I have been wondering...when do I get a suit and name like you? I've been thinking of names....

I chuckle.

Y/N: You'll get all that soon, Miles. It's just I have a lot going on right now. But we'll meet up soon for our next session.

Miles: Okay great! Later Y/N!

He hangs up.

Y/N: Wow, he reminds me of well me at his age.

And with that I head off to go and find Black Cat before she robs anyone else.

Though I do hope that MJ finds out what's on the drive that Cat stole.

𝔘𝔩𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔱𝔢 𝔖𝔭𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔯-𝔐𝔞𝔫 𝔐𝔞𝔩𝔢 ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 ℑ𝔫𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔱 𝔛 𝔐ℭ𝔘 [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now