Chapter three

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Novas POV

" nova were late come on" and I groaned he been going on for ages. I'm sure it's early but I opened my eyes and look at the time it was 7:45 and I groaned Again shit we're gonna be late. " get up nova!" And I got up that time and pushed him out the window the way he came in. My parents would never let him in that's why he climbs in threw my window. And that explains why we're late he was waiting outside and now the time he had to come in. He didn't have a choice. I put my uniform on and my puffy jacket and left. I did go into the kitchen to seeing my family sat enjoying themselves. They were eating pancakes and shocker there Weren't any left for me. I didn't even say anything to my family. I  went straight out the door. " we're late!" Peter hissed and I glared " we're gonna be more late I need a red bull!" And he galre sat me " no no. Nova were not going to the shops we're late as it is" and I groaned " really I thought we were early" I rolled my eyes saying and I turned the way for the shop which is actually on the way to school just a longer way. Peter had no choice but to follow me.

Scarlett's POV

I woke up at 6am and got ready for the day. We had to be at the school for half 7. I had my shower and everything felt different today and I don't have a clue as to why. But I just ignored it's and  went on downstairs to drink my coffee where I was met with my two friends. " morning" Chris said in a very happy voice and I groaned I can't be happy till I've had my coffee. And as if he read my mind he handed me a mug and smiled. I was very grateful.

I got ready and we'll we set off. I was driving and well I didn't mind I like driving. We got to the school about 5 minutes early  and when we walked in everyone was already there. Robert and Sebastian along with Anthony and Brie. We all sat down and well the Russo brother and mr finch walked us into a classroom. And we'll I felt like I was actually back in school when he started to speak " so I've got 7 students who I've put in charge of you all. They'll be here for 8. I wanted to talk to you guys about them first. I put arnie in charge he's a lovely young man. He's sorted this whole day out if I'd done it the others wouldn't have agreed but they love arnie and can't say no to him. There a mix of personality's these kids yet there the best of friends. You'll see that for yourselves." And we all nodded along. He gave us more of a talk about the school and all of that when a kid walked in with a bow tie on. He looked really adorable and well precious. " ahhh arnie!" Mr finch said and I knew why those kids can't say no to him now. I don't know him and I couldn't say no. " hi everyone" he said. And he started to set his stuff up. He had a proper plan. And in walked 5 other kids. They all looked more shocked even though they knew it was us coming. they all took a seat and we all got to chatting " where's nova and Peter?" Arnie asked Isaac who I was currently talking too. When I heard the name nova I stopped this wasn't the first time I'd heard someone with that same name but it still stops me every time. " they'll be here arnie" and me and Isaac continued talking about how he wanted to direct.

Then the door opened and in walked a young boy who looked slightly out of breath and then I saw a girl and the first thing I noticed were her eyes. She had green eyes kinda like mine. But I shook my head I'm losing the plot here. She walked in and She had a energy drink can in her hand. She did look like she was trying to sneak in but everyone was looking them both. I couldn't take my eyes of her I just had the urge to get up and hug her. I just wanted to hold her and never let go. " nova you're late" arnie said and she scrunched her nose which I think may be the cutest thing I've seen " so is Peter" she said pointing to the boy who looked at her with narrowed eyes and he scoffed " we could of been on time but you wanted a red bull!" And she rolled her eyes at him. " let's not blame each other we're here Now" she said walking to a seat with Peter. But suddenly they both stopped which made me confused " you forgot they were here too right?" And I realised that they talking about us " yep" she said and I wanted to laugh at how cute she was being " erm hi" she said awkwardly to us all. She locked eyes with me and I just smiled at her and she returned it. That gave me a warm feeling inside and I just turned and smiled to myself. Lizzie was looking at me confused but I just shrugged.

Novas POV

Yes the plan to sneak in went to shit. And well I just made eye contact with Scarlett johansson. And Elizabeth Olsen was smiling at me ahhhh I can die peacefully now. I'm the type of person who will have a panic attack at the thought of meeting a celebrity yet here we are. Some how I'm calm and collected. Not even close but I'm calmer then I'd thought. " okay so I knew that This was going to happen so I made a little video that was sort of our introduction. Which mainly stars our late comers" and I went wide eyes arnie you little shit. He knew I hated this kinda attention and we'll as if I wasn't freaking out enough over being next to famous people he wants to embarrass me infront of said famous people. The vides played and it was just all of us goofing around. And we'll some of the shoots we'd done and even the magazines we'd shot for. I tried to just ask the ground to just swallow me up but no I'm still here trying to hide my face in my jumper. I felt eyes on me but I refused to look at anyone this is embarrassing and I bet any money I'm red in the face.



Remember to drink water
Eat a full meal
Give your eyes a break

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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