Chapter twenty five

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Novas POV

What the point in fighting what's going to happen. I just gave up I mean at least she didn't leave me here over night. When we drove home I didn't say a word I just watched the road. It's comforting to know that when everything's changing some things stay the same. Like I know whatever happens I'll have Peter and his family. I don't want to burden anyone but let's be realistic eveyone needs help from others you can't just do it all alone. That would be a very lonely life and as much as I live that I don't wanna be that forever. I don't want that to be what defines me. It's not what defines me.

I've always taken care of myself I have done since I was a kid but I've always had that support form my aunt and Peter when I've needed that. Scarlett has her family that's always gonna be her priority. Yes it's easy to say that I am now too but I'm not. She's raised those kids so she knows she's responsible for them. She didn't do that for me so she's not responsible for me not like she would of been. I didn't grow up with her. That's ways gonna stick in my head. I just wish one day she can love me as much  as the others. I really hope I don't get in the way as much as I am now.

" nova we're here" she said and I snapped out of my thoughts to see we were in fact here and that I should probably get up and go with her inside. I mean I don't wanna be left inside that car.

I went inside and I was hit with all these different smells that just make me feel happy. I went staright to the kitchen and I wa sun time because Lizzie was taking stuff out. " please say we did this right" Lizzie said looking at me and I saw the home made  chips. " I love these types of chips" I said taking a bite of own and Lizzie smirked " these aren't chips" and I was actually so confused like what she talking about what else are they. " there fries" Scarlett said taking a chip too and I shook my head " no skinny ones are fries these are chips you bloody Americans" that caused them both to start laughing at me and well what can I say I feel strongly on dumb topics. It's not smart but it's important to me. Not really that's a lie but let's pretend.

Scarlett was smiling at me and I just ate the chips because they were actually really nice. Lizzie slapped my hand away though because she said I'd leave none for the food. So she made me set the table for her as a way of distracting me but that's idhtw idk we'll each time she turned her back I ate more. Like I can't help it honestly it's just I'm hungry yeh that's it.

Lizzie and Scarlett plated the food and I was confused because well were missing  someone " where's Chris?" And Lizzie just smiled " in his room in a meeting he can't seem to leave he wants us to eat without him" and I nodded that crap I feel bad but hey I'm hungry so not too bad. The food was really nice and I enjoyed it. " thanks it was really nice" I said I really wasn't feeling the whole being social thing.

I went up to the room and stared at myself in the bathroom mirror. Wow I look middy right now. I changed into some night clothes and I brushed my teeth but while I was brushing them I heard the bathroom door open. " novs?" And I hummed couldn't really say anything with tooth paste on my mouth. I saw Scarlett walk in and lean against the door. " hey baby love you okay?" Ans I raised an eyebrow where the hell did she get baby love from? " my mom used to call me that" she said walking in and grabbing her own tooth brush. I was still brushing Mike I like to make sure I get in there. But I had started to use her skin care which she lets me I'm not just stealing. I only use her night cream and cleanser but she seemed happy about it. She started to brush her own teeth and I just thought this looked like a type of normal. Like you know in movies it's like that but movies are fiction. They aren't real yet here I am. But it's not normal I mean the whole situation outside of this room isn't normal. I started to use her moisture on my face and I looked up to see her applying something too her own face. " look at me please" she said softly so I turned and she smiled putting her hands on my face. I felt her dab something under my eyes and she was smiling not really at me but like she's smiling. " eye cream is important" she said and I let out a little chuckle. " eye cream is for old people" I said and she pulled backs with a little gasp " I'm not old! And I'm telling Colin you said that" and I let her carry on putting some other thing on my skin " Colin uses eye cream?" And she nodded " yep he's been using it long before we started to date. And the eye cream from the outset is his favourite" and I nodded " okay I believe Colin" and she glared at me " oh so you believe Colin but not me you're own mother" she said outing at me and I moved back and smiled " yep" I left the room and went to charge my phone. I just sat on the bed I was scrolling through tiktok. I am on marvel tiktok and I'm proud of that.

" is that me?" Scarlett asked and I turned it was her " nope it's black widow" and she shook her head at me I think I'm funny. " you see what they post about me?" She asked a little nervous and I nodded " not everything I can't say I spend that much time on my phone but I see things about you're characters I love marvel so I just get updates" and she nodded I moved my phone more so she could watch what I was watching. I felt her relax more the videos went on. I dunno what she was expecting but not everyone posts bad things about her. " big day tomorrow" she said and I nodded we were having such a nice time why did she need to bring that up. " come on get some rest we're gonna need it" and I put my phone to the side and laid down. She followed suit and well I fell asleep very fast. Roll on tomorrow.


My money don't jiggle jiggle, it folds.

My messages are always

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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