Chapter twenty two

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Novas POV

I wanted to get away so I went downstairs I can just go to a park. Somewhere not to far but I wanna be alone. I don't want  them with me which is going to be difficult.  But I'm smart enough to figure it out. I have to make sure she thinks I'm okay or else I won't be able to leave. So I headed downstairs and I saw her plating  pancakes. " sit down I'll get the syrup" and I shook my head " I'm not hungry" and at that money my stomach grumbled which made her raise her head and her eyebrow she had that same look from when I told her I had the intolerance to gluten. I don't like that look it sends shivers through me." Sit" and I nodded going to sit down because yes she terrified me in that moment.

I heard footsteps after the front door opened and in walked my god parents " I love the weather" Lizzie said and I stopped looking  at her it's a nice day but nothing compared to LA. I mean even New York probably isn't this bad. It's a sunny day yet it's still freezing out but she looked so happy " huh?" I said and she smiled at me " it's nice to not be in heat" and I chuckled " don't say that infront of anyone here because they can debate with you there" ans she smiled taking the bite of pancake I was going to put into my mouth. I just rolled my eyes and took another bite " oooh scar these get better each time"
Lizzie said which caught Chris's attention " what about if we go do something before we go to New York tomorrow?" He said I froze oh shit " erm I wAs going to peters for the day just to spend some time with him." And Scarlett turned from the stove to look at me " really?" And I nodded she nodded with me " okay I'll drop you off" and I nodded " it's okay I know which bus to take
I said getting up it's a good thing I'm already changed for the day. " novalie you're not taking the bus  it's not safe" and I stopped and actually stared at her okay all things a side what the hell. " Scarlett no one knows I know any of you. And the bus around here only takes old
People. I'll be fine" and she stopped me again but she had a different look she looked more scared? " no nova I'll take you please" and I looked behind her at Lizzie and Chris who were giving me these eyes saying to say yes so I did " okay" I said and she let out a sight of relief,  I don't know why she's relieved but she is. " I'll go get my keys" she said and left the room.

I think the confusion was written all over my face because Lizzie spoke " i told you she's not going to let you out of her sight" and i scrunched my face " why?" And she sighed " novs you were taken from her she's still dealing with that. Even I was scared when you said about taking the bus. It's just going to take time getting used to" and I shook my head at her " okay but you guys do need to give me time to be alone" and Chris spoke " it'll be better when you're in New York I think Scarlett will be more laid back." And I nodded okay that's something I think.

I went out to the car and sat down after she opened it she was sat looking at me and I gave her a curious look " how can I help?" I asked and that seemed to brake whatever trance she was in " oh erm nothing let's go" she said and I nodded I was surprised she remembered where the house was. " I'm
Gonna pick you up so just ring me" and I frowned " I don't have you're number" and she went wide eyed " what?" Ans I nodded she'd never given me it but I hadn't needed it so she made grabby hands at me and I realised that was her asking for my phone. Now I am hesitant on giving her my phone yes she's infornt of me and I don't have much to hide apart from you know a few photos and vids she may wanna kill me for. 

" okay" I sighed giving her my phone she put it down so could see what she was doing. She put her number into my phone but it's an American number so it wasn't going to ring here. She did have WhatsApp though so we agreed if phone her on there and that I could text her on there too. She also put in Lizzie and Chris's numbers along with Colin's although I don't know why I'd need them all right now: maybe she's making sure I have them so she knows for sure? " if I don't pick up ring any of those three they all have WhatsApp even Colin" and I gave her a little look " they don't know I have there numbers so if I phone them will they even answer?" And she nodded " good point" she said taking her own phone out and texting herself of my phone. She saved my number and. Sent it too those three over WhatsApp because it's an English number. " now they do" she said smiling and I nodded she hasn't saved her name yet so I did that when she passed me back her phone " Scarlett" I named her and she watched me do it. I looked up and nodded " okay bye" I said getting out of the car I heard  her say bye but I didn't turn I just needed some time alone. I walked into the house and shut the door. Thank hid they never lock it.

Scarlett's POV

I texted her number to everyone so that I know if she needs them they will answer even when we go back home. I watched her type Scarlett into her phone and my heart sank a little. Yes I know I have no right but that's what she thinks of me. I'm just Scarlett. She got out of the car fast but I guess I can't say much I mean she's going to be coming with me tomorrow. Ofcourse she wants to spend her last full day here with them they raised her. I'm Scarlett the stranger taking her across the world. I dunno what to do about any of this but I'll have to figure it out. I seem to have to figure it all out.


Remember to drink water
Eat a full meal

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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