Chapter fourty eight

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Scarlett's POV

I wanted to get myself a ice cream but this machine isn't working half the time so I thought to get myself fries too. I knew Lizzie would wnat something and Chris so I got chicken nuggets  for them both as kids meals because that's what they are. The set wasn't far from here so it would not be cold.
When I drove to the set I had to show my badge but I also had novas name written down ofcourse she didn't have a badge so I put her as my guest and she was given a guest badge to use. " you'll have to keep that on peach" I said and she hesitated before so I carried on " just because they need to make sure we're all safe so that's why they're Gonna ask you for it or to see it because it's you're first time On set" and she nodded putting it aorund herself it had her name and my signature so that I can approve being her parent and also she's my guest.

I parked my car close by which never happens usually we don't have much space which is why I take a driver and there car so that I can get dropped of closer rather then further away and having to walk. My child didn't get what to do so I got out of the car and she followed me. I knew that the guys would be waiting for us in my trailer she she's gonna meet the cast and she can tell me if it's something she enjoyed or not. I know that they all wanna see her especially since not everyone got to see her properly back in England and even then the ones who did didn't get to talk to her. And I don't think anyone really knows she my kid well they might but I haven't confirmed it for them so that's probably what I'll be doing. But news travels fast so I guess it'll be fine.  

" can I have my fries?" And I nodded but then I stopped " you can eat them isnde come on" I said taking her in side as I said Chris and Lizzie were sat on there phones because my trailer seems to be where they wanna hang out all day. My make up and hair people would be entering in 5 minutes I'm a little early and by a little I mean like 15 Minutes but i need time to set evegthhhg else up while I have to do the rest.

" Nova" Lizzie squealed and hugged nova and that's hand Chris saw what's in my hands " McDonald's" and nova nodded " yep for me and Scarlett " I nodded to  her  to seem normal  And  Chris just pouted at us and that took him ages but he got over it and she handed him his food which he and Lizzie got excited to show the other what they both got because it's really cute.and they are big children.

Novas POV

I sat down next to Lizzie and she was eating her biggest while I ate my fries. I am kind of nervous about meeting people I've only ever seen on tv I mean I always thought if I was close to a celeb my anxiety would kick in and I'd run away but when I first met these guys there was a lot more going on. I can't believe how far I've come and yet I'm still not at the end of the tunnel I have a long bloody way to go. " hey darling do you need anything" Scarlett asked me and I shook my head and I did smile at her which she was smiling back at me. It's nice like this I like having her attention as much as a child as I am it's nice to be her focus.

Scarlett's door opened and I looked over to see a few people walk in I didn't recognise them but Scarlett was hugging them so maybe I should? " wow there's a mini Scarlett" a women said looking at me and the other two looked at me with a little shock I've there faces. " guys I'd like you to meet my baby novalie" and I spoke before I even though about it " I'm not a baby" and she smiled and shook her head " sorry this is my daughter nova is that's better?" And I nodded blushing slightly what did I go and speak for. " hi I'm Alexa you're mums make up artist" and I smiled at her ohhhh this makes a lot of sense " and I'm mario her hair stylist" and I smiled at him and the other lady that had spoken before spoke again " and I'm Jane her stylist it's lovely to meet you nova" and I smiled it's strange how they aren't questioning why they've never met me before. I mean I don't know how long they've all known each other but still I don't think Scarlett was running around telling people about me over the years. So as far as there all concerned I'm a stranger.

" we're going to start you're hair and make up" mario said while unpacking things I just watched I think it's cool seeing the BT's. I turned to Lizzie who was still eating a sun she noticed I was looking at her " yes?" Ans I tilted my head " why are t you getting ready and Chris?" And that's when Chris stopped stuffing his face and spoke " oh I'm ready" he said gesturing to his clothes I guess that's all he really had to do " and I'm not working today " and I looked at her confused why is she here then? " I'm here to keep you company while they film so you are not alone is that okay?" She asked with a smirk and I rolled my eyes " no" and she bumped her shoulder with mine which made me laugh with her. I looked up and my eyes immediately met with Scarlett's she was sat in he chair getting ready and I was looking at her in the mirror she gave me a small
Smile and I gave one back.


It's my birthday 🥳

So you guys get two chapters today 👀

Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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