Chapter fourteen

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Novas POV

" Peter" I hissed but instead of his face I saw my aunts. Ah shit. " hey aunt Maria" and she smiled " how are you?" And I sighed " I'm fine" and I looked around Chris and Lizzie smiled and just left the room. Scarlett stayed though and I was happy for that. " is Scarlett there?" She asked and I nodded " okay I wanna invite you both to dinner tomorrow I wanna meet you're mother" and I looked up to see Scarlett smiling and nodding from behind the camera " we still haven't got the results" I said quickly and aunt Maria smiled " sweetheart you can live in denial all you want but we know the truth" and I mumbled " well we don't" and she looked at me and I smiled sheepishly " those people never deserved you nova. I wanna meet Scarlett so I know you're in good hands. I can't let you leave without knowing you're safe" and I nodded " okay tomorrow if that's okay Scarlett?" I asked her and she nodded " it's perfect." And I smiled " I'll see you both then. And make sure you tell them about yourself and don't leave anything out or I'll fill in the blanks" and I nodded because she scares me even if she's not here.she's the one who raised me really and I am grateful for her. She cut the phone and Scarlett smiled " so I believe I get to ask questions?" She said and I nodded " yes I guess" and she looked really happy with that answer. " yay! Okay I wanna know if you play any sports" and I nodded that was a good question " yes I do actually. I play football although you know it as soccer." I said rolling my eyes which made her laugh " I also dance but I haven't taken a class in a while" and she looked at me asking me to continue " erm well I took ballet when I was younger and jazz and hip hop but I was on a scholar ship. Now I'm older I have to pay and we'll that's all expensive especially ballet" and she frowned " do you have any videos of you?" And I nodded " well I'm assuming you're gonna get to see most of my childhood at dinner tomorrow but there's home videos of my classes" she smiled and asked " okay what else do you enjoy doing" and I scrunched my face " I sing too. I like writing it makes things easy to deal with. Like writing books or music. Erm I wanted to act but I didn't see that happening" she looked confused " why?" And I smiled " good things don't happen for me" she stopped me talking " that's not true" and I shook my head " it's okay. Anyway I like modelling for photos Peter wants to be a photographer so he uses me. I love it though so I don't care." and she nodded but her phone rang " oh wait" she said answering it and putting it on loud " hello is this miss johansson?" And she nodded " this is she" and then the man spoke again " hi we'd like for you and nova to come down to the station today if that is okay?" And she looked at me she looked nervous now and we'll thanks she's not helping me. " yeh we can be there in about 45 minutes" she said keeping eye contact with me " that's great we look forward to talking to you both goodbye" and she ended the phone call and gave me a small smile " time for you to see I'm right" I said with a small smile but she frowned " novalie" and I smiled at her " it's okay it was nice getting to know you" and she sighed " I forget you also got my annoying traits too" and I went wide eyed " you're annoyingly stubborn" she laughed and I pouted at her. " rude" but she was smiling at me and I cracked a small smile.

I was still in my pjs but likeee I didn't really wanna change. " can I just go like this?" I asked and she nodded thank fuck. " I'm gonna go like this too then." And I laughed " perfect". Lizzie and Chris came back in and I swear these two seem to have nothing better to do. " when are we leaving?" Chris asked and Scarlett raised an eyebrow " you two were listening" and they had the decency to look sheepish. " we'll come in our pjs too" Lizzie said smiling and Scarlett looked at me " there you're god parents" and I was about to speak when they did first " we don't know that yet" they all mocked me and I scoffed " I don't sound like that" and Scarlett came up to me and took my hand pulling me closer to her. She smells like lavender. " yes you do peach now let's go. I wanna tell you I told you so" and I rolled my eyes for once I don't mind being wrong. I sighed as she pulled me out of the door. I stopped then in the door way and she looked at me confused " what if someone sees me with you?" And she nodded but I felt something being put on my head " here a hat" Chris said and I looked at him " wow I'm a whole new person" I said looking at him with narrowed eyes.

My heart was in my stomach right now. I had butterfly's and I wanted to throw up. Why was this happening. I mean they could of let me have another day with her before telling her I'm not her kid. Fuck sake the police have shit timing. I got into the car and it was a very long drive because I just couldn't stop thinking. Scarlett was infront with Chris and Lizzie was sat with me in the back. She kept glancing at me I could see her out the corner of my eye but I didn't turn my head I just tried to calm myself. I didn't want it to all end before it had even started. I really don't wanna go back to those assholes. If they get there hands on me after all of this I'm not gonna get out of there. Whatever freedom I did have will be gone and it's gonna go back to how it was when I was younger. I can't go back to that. I'm a lot worse mentally and they wanna send me back I don't think so. My door opened and I hadn't realised we'd even stopped until Scarlett was stood infront of me taking my seatbelt off for me. I was just looking at her dumbfounded. " you okay peach?" She asked me putting her hand on my face and I couldn't help but smile I had to fight my inner urge to flich. She can't know that's my first reaction. I just nodded and she held the door opened for me to get out. I saw Lizzie and Chris a few cars down walking and before I could ask Scarlett took my hand and led me in that direction. " no matter what happens you already have a special
Place in my heart" and I smiled nodding none of this feels real. I can't do feeling they scare me.


Remember to drink water
Eat a full Meal
Get a good sleep

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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