Chapter twenty nine

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Novas POV

Oh good god what if he hates me then what? What do I do if her husband who she's actually known longer doesn't like me do I just leave? Oh this is not going to be fun. I don't think I can't handle her picking him Im done that's gonna hurt my ego way too much. I think it's time for me to just give up and go home. Except I don't have anyway of getting back to England and I have no money to change that so yay. " you ready?" She asked and I nodded apparently I can lie apparently very easily I dunno why that shocked me but I can lie.

Scarlett had gotten out first and I swear she's like bouncing. The man driving the other car helped take the bags out and I looked at her House it was really nice actually yes I know she's rich but this place is nothing like the houses in England not even close. Her and Colin should be proud. Although I've only seen the outside so.

I heard the front door open and I swear I've never looked up so fast. I saw Colin walk out with a wide smile oh god he's coming this way. No shit novs ofcourse he is he's not going to eat breakfast with the people across the road is he. I swear I don't know what to do with myself some times. " hi you must be the famous nova" and I smiled " yes last time I checked that's me" and he smiled " can I hug you?" Ans I nodded how fucking sweet he asked me if he could. That actually really sweet no one does that. He pulled
Me into a hug and it's almost as good as Lizzie mad Scarlett's hugs. Almost because they have more of a comforting smell he smells like a man and I don't have the best track record with them. Thanks to the last father figure I had. Obviously Colin  isn't my dad but I don't think she told me what happened with my real dad. Omg so I have to call Colin dad? I Dont even wanna think about that or I'm not going  to go into a panic. Scarlett hadn't said a word so when I turned to look at her Colin did the same and he went to hug her. They kissed and I swear it's like watching a person throw up everywhere I don't wanna see that shit. " okay ew" I said and they both pulled away and smiled " get used to it were affectionate people" and I shook my head " not infornt of me thanks" and I looked at my bags I'm gonna have to drag these to a room thy I have no clue where it is. Scarlett didn't even  say if I had my own room she could of made me sleep in the garage or even better the sofa. I just want somewhere I can have time alone she could put me in a bin.

Colin picked up my bags and I looked at him so confused " I'm not letting you carry them" and I looked at Scarlett who was holding her own " shouldn't you be holding you're wives" and she chuckled " no because I have one you have three" ans I nodded but before I could pick up the small carry on suit case she lifted it " and now apparently I have none" I said to her and she didn't even seem fazed she just smiled " let's you settled in before the storm" and I had no clue what that meant. But I did stay behind her because I didn't wanna walk in first. Well Colin was infornt of me but I dunno it it felt right to hang back and walk in last. Scarlett went straight up and I just followed her to a room this place was so nice. I couldn't stop to just look around because she was moving fast and I didn't wanna get lost. And then she went into a room and I walked sun to see Colin putting the cases down. " we can decorate obviously but this is you're room" and I looked aorund

" it's decorated" I said because it definitely was I mean if there's more then a bed then it's decorated to me

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" it's decorated" I said because it definitely was I mean if there's more then a bed then it's decorated to me. But Colin looked aorund and smiled " well were gonna make this room more you. It's you're room and we want it to be yours in every way" I just smiled at him no one's ever been that considerate to me. I mean honestly it felt nice " okay I'm gonna go get the kids from Scarlett's moms. And I'll pick up dinner nova how does pasta sound" and before I could speak Scarlett did " remember gluten free whatever she decides" and she looked at me with a pointed look I gave her a sheepish smile and Colin smiled at me " pasta sounds nice thanks Colin"
I saw his face light up " she said my name" he mumbled to Scarlett and she rolled her eyes with a smile. He's like another Chris.  Like he's very happy and bubbly. But when he walked past me I realised he said he's getting the kids too. Oh nooooo. I just managed this and now we're bringing kids. Kids are worse because they can smell the fear. Although I love babies and I really hope cosmo likes me because he's not gonna get rid  of me.

" shall we start" Scarlett asked and I shrugged " I can do this alone you probably have more important things" and she crossed her arms Ivee her chest " no I don't so where shall we start. We're going to furniture shop tomorrow and clothes so I can get you're room done before the end of the week" and I nodded I'd don't want her to get mad at me but hey I won't say anything yet. She's a good person for letting me live with her and her family. I just hope I get to have some time to just sit and relax because it feels like all I do is over think and I have been on auto pilot I havnt just processed what's happened yet. I mean it doesn't feel real it is but it's not like I'm going home. Like as if I've been here long enough and my day trip is over But it's not because I have a feeling if I leave without telling her Scarlett will track me down and chain me to a pole. She's scary and I don't wanna anger her. So I crouched down and started to unzip my case.


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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