Chapter thirty four

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Novas POV

Scarlett picking my clothes made me feel like a child in a good way? Dunno if I can feel it in a good way but I didn't hate it. She looked so happy and pleased with herself that I couldn't say no. And the outfit was cute and was something I'd wear so I can't complain. What I didn't expect was my whole family to wear and match me. I guess this was Scarlett's doing  but when she left I noticed how much they were just like mine. " we all look bland" I said and Colin laughed while playing with cosmo. Cosmo was so cute and he seemed to really love me because when anyone else came aorund he wouldn't have that same smile as he did with me. It's been about 2 days? And I'm already that baby's favourite . " he and rose adore you" and I smiled Colin's really sweet he think I haven't noticed  but I see him always watching from a distance. Like if I'm with the kids or mum he's good to just stop see if it's all okay and then go. But he gives me space and lets me deal with things alone which isn't what I can say for others I was missing Lizzie and Chris. Mostly Lizzie so i handed cosmo to Colin so he could change his nappy again because the Baby  seems to want to crap every two minutes and I ain't changing that. Sibling bonds or whatever I ain't built for that one job anything else I'm you're women.

I took a seat on a chair that was next to the pool which what the fuck who just has a pool? Like just so casually in the back garden? It's apparently normal here because every house I can see right now has one and im so confused. But like this is New York I imagine every house in LA has one because it's always hot there. Here it gets colder so I think not eveyone would have one. Like it's not as normal? Or maybe it's because im living with Scarlett johansson and she thinks it's good to have a pool of her own. I do swim I enjoy it I wanted to be a mermaid when I was younger it was. Ad dream  of mine. I would splash around in the bath when I was smaller . I guess I'll have to try that memory again in a actual pool.

I got my phone out and texted Lizzie hey lizard it's nova just Wanted to see how you were? That seems Not creepy I hope. But I saw the text bubbles come up immediately which I didn't expect novs I saved you're number and I think you were missing me little one😉 that made me roll my eyes but I was smiling I don't know how to react do I? No I wasn't go away😩 and that made her reply instantly oh you were don't worry little one you'll see me soon😊 and I smiled some more  nice to know I get to see her very soon because I did miss her but I'm not saying that because I know it's going to make her give me a headache oh great, but I'll
See you then we're going to dinner at Scarlett's family's home and I knew maybe Lizzie could already know but I wanna tell her so I can just talk about it I was told, there gonna love you little one don't stress I'll talk to you later ring me if you need me love you x❤️ and I sighed she really read my mind I will see you later x❤️ we're not saying I love you to anyone I don't do well with feelings and tahts a lot of feeling. Now I got up and rose and cosmo were with  Colin talking about something and then I saw Scarlett walk out. Wow she really does look like me. Oh I look like her. Anyway I think the dress looks nice on her so I should tell her. But as I was about to Colin and her kissed and I wanted to puke. " erghhh no" I said loudly  and they both laughed at me " why?" Colin asked amused " just no and Scarlett you look nice" and she smiled wider at that but rose pulled my hand before I could speak again " nova mama is matching us" she said and I nodded " yes they copied us rose" and she turned to them both " you copied us you said that's not nice" to Scarlett but Scarlett instead of looking angry just laughed and looked amused " if I'm copying my kids then no" and I smiled softly that's sweet. Oh god  what's happening to me can someone just stop me.

I really just have to stop but it's all happening so fast and yeh I should slow down.  " okay come on we better get going or my
Mother will Kill Me for keeping her grandkids away from her." And Colin nodded at me " she will" and I have a little laugh " that I'd love to see" and Colin smiled " oh me and this one are going to get on so well." Scarlett just smiled at him which made me smile more because how funny. I wouldn't say I'm funny I am funnier then Scarlett because she makes mom jokes but I wouldn't say I'm on Colin's level. But again wouldn't tell him that because he'd get a big head kinda like miss Olsen. And we can't be having that.

I got into the car with the kids. Now rose doesn't have a car seat but cosmo does. And I was at inbetween both kids which was so much fun can we just yeh. I Was playing with cosmo and having rose talking about her barbies was so much fun. Likeee a plastic doll can have a hard life too did you know? Me and the plastic doll are vibing together it seems. Anyway I could see we'd stopped and I didn't know how to get myself out of this situation. Like we're a good 20 minutes away from the house so I can't go home. Not to mention I don't know where we are just that Scarlett's mum live sun one of these. But rose seems excited I guess she is for the both of us. Because I don't wanna go in.


No she does not

I'm handing in my notice for work next week.

Remember to drink water

Eat a full meal

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❤️

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