Chapter sixty three

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Scarlett's POV

So I woke up to Cosmo crying and rose shouting which isn't how I should start my day. She's been acting out and so has he since novas been gone and well my mums taking them again because I'm at work but she's gonna. Keep them until I can take them bak because my works piling up and I can't seem to find the energy to do any of it. " hey what time do you start" Colin asked me while taking a sip of his own coffee while handing me mine. I smiled at him and sighed " 10am" and he nodded " Lizzie on set today right?" And I nodded he's making my head hurt and I've been trying not to do that " and well robbies at work and we know Lizzie wouldn't leave nova home alone so there's a good chance she'll be there too" he said and I nodded " I know I figured but I don't think she's ready to talk to me just yet colin" and he nodded " try that's it. Just try make her see you're making an effort" and I nodded he's right she's gonna think I don't care if I don't try even if she says she doesn't wanna speak to me by yelling at me I get it I won't take it too much to heart yes it'll heart because she's my kid and even when she says my name it hurts so ofcourse anything I don't agree with or that upsets me that comes out her sweet mouth is gonna hurt me.

" I really miss her" and he nodded " I can see that and maybe she'll see how much like shit you look because of her" and I slapped his arm " you didn't need to say it like that" and she smiled cheekily at me " oops" he shrugged and I scoffed " big baby" and He smiled. " a big baby that you love" and I nodded pecking his cheeks.

Lizzie's POV

" let's get going novs" I said and she yelled " im coming!" I wanna try and get her and Scarlett in the same room atleast. I want them talking or having at least said a word to each other. Im glad Chris is here today I need all the help I can get because neither of them make my life easy at all. " hey let's go nova! " I said y
Getting it this kid takes her time no matter where it is she's going. " you have the pass right" and she nodded taking out and putting it aorund her head. " good job let's go" thank god Scarlett got her one I gong had the paper work for it and well Scarlett got it fast because shes Scarlett's daughter she's my god daughter I'd need scars permission and tahts a different form it's just longer so yeh good thing she's got hers on.

We got to set and I had her show the badge and they let her in which thank god. " okay what are you doing" I asked when I saw her put her hood on it's like boiling hot outside what on earth has gotten into this kid? " I'm cold" she said and I scoffed " nova you're sweating get it off or I tell Scarlett where you are" and she quickly took it of wow I don't think that would work look at me go. " is that my nova?" I heard Chris say and I smiled he's here thank god. " Chris!" She yelled and he smiled " yes it's me how are you?" And he smiled hugging her " good how have you been since-" and nova cut him of " my mother kicked me out never better" and I stopped " novalie!" And she smiled " sorry" she said. Oh she will be when I'm done with her.

" okay I'm getting to hair and make up" I said taking nova with me Chris had to go for a meeting right now but she's close by. " why do you keep looking around?" I asked her because she's looking everywhere instead of where she should be looking. " I don't wanna be blind sided" she said and I sighed " nova you're gonna see her I know you will but you can't just try avoiding her maybe talking will do good get it off you're chest" and she shook her head I can see fear in here eyes " what aren't you telling me kiddo" and she shook her head it was a long shot she wasn't gonna say.

I walked into my makeup room ans I smiled nova sat down brains me and played in her phone while I got ready. Chris  Hemsworth worth  was also in here but I bet he's gonna take longer then  me " little scarjo wheres Scarlett" he asked nova but she shrugged which made him look at me and I shrugged what am I supposed yous say?

Scarlett and her don't wanna talk I can't do it all can I? " Lizzie?" She asked and I nodded so she knew I was laying attention " I left my charger in the car can I get it?" And I nodded passing her my car keys I trust her " okay go on, phone me if you need anything" I said and she nodded at me before leaving the trailer.

Novas POV

I walked out and I was lost. There's just loads of trailers and it's a new set kinda because it's all been changed dos how do I do anything in this. I kinda knew where to get to the car I just follows the way we came I didn't have much other choice. I found the car  and Lizzie  has texted me asking if it was ok okay is  I replied it was fine. " miss excuse me" I heard a man say and I froze of this isn't the time for any of this please I can't do this. " miss" he said more louder  and I nodded okay speak " yeh?"
And I just  waited for him to speak but as I waited he looked so mad I get bad vibes here I don't like this.


I got a new job

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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