Chapter eighty four

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Novas POV

" so now we have you're hair done and make up let's get you changed I have a few choices  for you in here" hector said taking me into a back room " has Scarlett seen them?" And he nodded " she wants you to have final say we do need two outfits for you today" and they were all somehow a white flour theme. They had some part of white in them and I just nodded I knew what I wanted to wear now so that atleast helps me.

I picked this as the first outfit because the brand is for simplicity and just not having too much and being comfortable tho is kinda that I'm not showing off or being flashy it's just right

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I picked this as the first outfit because the brand is for simplicity and just not having too much and being comfortable tho is kinda that I'm not showing off or being flashy it's just right. " okay that's perfect and the secound" and innodde ethos is harder because I don't know if I should go worse or better. If too much is just enough. But I also still wanna be comfy I don't wanna wear something that I can't move in.

" simple works right?" And he nodded at me thank god he thinks so too " if I didn't agree it wouldn't be there I like the chives na do know jets you'll wear with you're mum

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" simple works right?" And he nodded at me thank god he thinks so too " if I didn't agree it wouldn't be there I like the chives na do know jets you'll wear with you're mum." And I nodded " put the first one on and come out here" and I nodded as  he left me to just figure it all out. I really don't think it's bad at all but I'd have preferred then owners to be here to help so I don't mess up
There visions.

I walked outside nd I saw my mum stood there in a white shirt and she was smiling " you look adorable omg" and I smiled I see why we match now " wow she's a mini Scarlett" Kate said smiling at me and I smiled wide as I looked own at my clothes " i take that as a compliment" and Scarlett spoke " you're beautiful nova and Lizzie is gonna be upset when she hears about how mcu she's missing she really wanted to come" and I frowned " why couldn't she come?" Ans Scarlett smirked " her brother birthday lunch, her and Robbie had to go but she did say to robbie that they could miss it's not like he hasn't had. A birthday before" and I laughed " ofcourse she did I'm not surprised what did robbie say?" And she smiled " he said that they could come by this evening to see you but that the kuch was mandatory" and I nodded while Scarlett put her hand out " come on you"
She said softly to me and I smiled this was gonna be okay.

She literally held my hand as we walked to
The room and then a women smiled at em she
Had a camera so I assume yank she's the photographer. " hi you must be nova I'm terry" and I smiled kinda like the orange huh " it's nice to meet you" and she smiled "
Wel it's good to know you look just like Scarlett you're gonna be a natural under the camera I can tell" and I smiled " okay how about I get you on you're own and then Scarlett can join you" and I nodded I guess it makes sense " I'm right here" Scarlett said and I nodded okay here I go. There was music atleast and talking so not silence in the room " yep just like
That" I waa honestmy
Just doing anything I've seen run way shows not Like This but you know I'm trying to
Copy but not because I have no money to get sued.  I started to laugh at a joke Trish said to me and apparently taht was amazing. I was now sat at a table with products and I was holding them and smiling while doing that dramatic face. "  okay nova just like that" and I just moved around I didn't stay in teh sam
Solace atleast that's something I can do huh.

Okay Scarlett you join her"
And she nodded  and came to stand next to me and smiling the camera while standing next to me. which mean she's doing this right now.
" baby" She said taking my hand and dancing with me " don't take it seriously just dance with me" And I nodded I focused on her
And not the many people who are watching me. She leaned my head on her and danced  went sat like that too. She had me lay in her shoulder while I just let she because I need a nee way to sit and also I look cute ands she seems to love me being close.
" you two could be twins" and I laughed
While Scarlett looked at me and smiled " yeh yeh let's get you changed hells I shoot all  alone" and I nodded Scarlett seemed happy with me for me going without. Apparently these photos were turning outs
Amazing Kate had taken a few with us because this would be amazing for teh tiktok.

I got changed into my tank and Jean sand then I was met with a lady " hi I'm tess" and I smiled at her she handed me a hat and it said the outset on it " Kate asked me to get you one" and I nodded huh this is cool.

We're gonna wear the shirts and collect thing but I smiled " we wanna ask you some questions first of the tiktok while Scarlett's busy shooting so can se?"
And grin just a few years older tne me and I smiled I got
Ht wtf. " good job and do what you gotta do"
And all We Could always Smile And be thankful full " how do you like the outset" she asked me and I smiled " the outset is simple. It's not overwhelming and I'm you're face like other brands. You know here to start and the products speak for themselves" and she smiled while ending the video " that was perfect img you're a natural okay one more question" and I nodded as she set the camera up in a different way " why should teens use the outset" and I smiled " the outset care. Big brands just are in for the money but the outset care about us and our skin. The products are gentle and we won't have to worry later on in life about our skin being hurt" and she nodded again " thank you nova that is amazing"



Two in one day for you guys don't say I don't treat you❤️

Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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