Chapter fourty one

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Novas POV

It's actually hot today and wel I'm
Thinking a Hoodie and sweatpants but Scarlett may kill me. I may aswell try my luck. I went downstairs in my outfits nd as soon as she turned she went wide eyed " it's hot and you're wearing that like you're still in England!" Ans I nodded " what's wrong with it?"
I asked and she shook her head turning me around " novalie you are getting changed and I'm picking you're outfit because clearly you think we live in the Antarctic" and I sighed great she's going to mother me. It feels so strange when she does that but I guess it's her job. Anyway she pushed me into my room and sat me down " stay don't move" and I looked at her " I'm not a bloody dog" i hissed and she rolled her eye and went into my wardrobe. She was in there longer then she needed to be but I guess that is because i have nothing for this weather. " aha!" She yelled and I think she's found something or she's broken a toe. " here it's going to have to do the job but we are so getting you a new wardrobe" and I nodded great spending all my money on clothes just what I wanna do.

( imagine a different top and less of a slit in the leg but I really like wide legged loose fit so yeh)

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( imagine a different top and less of a slit in the leg but I really like wide legged loose fit so yeh)

I guess this was going to have to do. I'm not boiling and it's a good Thing I shaved because this doesn't hide my arms at all. " wow I did great" which I gasped at " I bought them" and she smiled "I styled them missy. You would of gone looking like Wednesday adams if you had it you're way" and I nodded okay fair point although that's not my style that's how I dress. I could probably thrift a lot while we are here because AMERICA has more palace sto thrift shop then England we just have charity shops. And we'll they don't always have nice things in there but people always score at these one sun yeh states.

I need to figure out travel and then I can find a job and start to work so I can pay for all of this crap I need. I also will need a new sim because mine is English and it can only do so much while I'm in another country. I'll have remind myself to do that's home we're gone. I also had to change my bank account over so I can use it here and not be without money while I'm here. When Scarlett walked all in the room I noticed her necklace they said rose and the other said cosmo. I mean I don't know why that's bumming me out there her kids. " hey what's wrong" she asked me and I shook my head " nothing Let's go" I said walking out of the room. I went into the kitchen and grabbed some water before getting into the car with Scarlett. She just drove I trusted she wasn't taking me to Gucci because I ain't that rich. We needed up in a shopping mall and I was happy. There were these men that had helped us out of the car and Scarlett spoke " they are our security there here to keep us safe peach" and I nodded "put you're hat and glasses on" she said quickly and I did as I was told. She was walking far infornt of me but I was behind one of the guards. Why has she moved away from me? Does she not want anyone to know I'm her kid? There was a lot of yelling but I didn't even look up I followed dthe black shoes and I went where they did. As soon as I did look up we were inside. Scarlett returned to my side like nothing and I sighed. This is the life I remember being made to feel like I don't matter. We went into urban outfitters and I knew they were somewhat expensive but compared to everywhere else this may be the cheapest. I don't see there being a. Primark here. " hey what about these?" Scarlett said bringing me a pair of jeans that have graffiti on them. They were really cute and I knew they'd match any top that I wanted but the were a lot of money. " too expensive" I said sighing and Turing around but she put them in the basket anyway " Scarlett-" and she cut me off " okay you some how seem to think you're paying for anything?" And I was so confused I just nodded " I am" and she shook her head " no you are not novalie. This is something we don't even argue about I'm you're mother and I pay for anything you want or need" and I shook my head " no I have money" and she sighed " I didnt ask that, I'm telling you that I'm paying so get what you want okay don't look at prices." And I nodded were causing a scene and I feel the people starting to stare at us and I can't take that so yeh I just kept quiet but this I wasn't happy about any of it because I have money. Not much of it but I do have some. Now we went to another shop and we'll I didn't pick anything up I just looked but Scarlett seemed to click on to the fast I was still hesitant on getting things so whatever I liked and I checked the price of she put in my basket. It's scary how she knows my sizes without me telling her but that's a talent a lot of people have just kept one that I have.

We'd walked out with a lot of new clothes and some new shoes for me. A few pairs because I couldn't pick and Scarlett said I didn't have too. And that's one thing I didn't argue on because I wanted them all of them they'd ere 3 trainers and they were stunning all of them. " I'm going to work tomorrow but I'll be home in the evening" she said looking at her phone and I nodded that fine I get to spend time with mr jost . We gotten back and I decided that mine and Colin's little movie thing can wait till Scarlett is gone and then we can do it. I was tired from shopping so I went to lay down.


Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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