Chapter seventy one

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Novas POV

" so you're staying for dinner?" Ans she nodded smiling at me happy I mean I
Like this Scarlett she's really nice and this is the one I trust. " well nova let's go pick a movie for later or how about we go get more snacks?" And I nodded that's a good idea " snacks?"
And he smiled getting his keys " we'll be back soon don't burn the house down " wow" they said fake laughing but they were impressed at all actually it's kinda funny " yeh yeh shut up" Scarlett said and I smiled and left with Robbie.

" okay what snacks shall we get?"
And I shrugged how am I supposed to know please " okay let's just get whatever. we don't need no plan just buy" and I looked at him " will you're wife agree with that?" And he smiled " what she does not know doesn't hurt her" and I nodded " I'm not taking the blame though" she he nodded " fully all my favourite food as it's just me who did all of this" and he nodded. We got the supermarket it's not that far but it is. Like it's about 10 minutes away and it's doesn't even sell loads of things for us gluten free folk. " hmmm which one" I said picking up two bags of crisps and he looked at me with a smile " why not both?" And I chuckled " because you're wife is a health nut and if we walk in with loads of junk she'll chuck it away and make us eat veg from the garden" and he smiled " ah but here's the thing she can't toss it away if we buy it because that's just a waste of food now isn't it" and I raised an eyebrow " have you met you're wife she'll compost or somat" and he laughed putting the crisps into the basket and walking away " shouldn't we get like somat healthy for her?" And he shook his head " no this is the only time I can make her eat candy im not missing it because you wanna be cautious" and I scoffed " she's scary!" And he nodded " I know I married her but she'd never harm a hair on you're head or be angry at you for longer then a minute so stop worrying and let's get this done" I just nodded and grabbed whatever seemed nice. To be fair everything here looks nasty.

" okay maybe we got it all?"
He asked me and I shrugged the baskets full so I assume it is. "  yeh we have a lot let's get this back" he said unloading teh car. We got into the house and Lizzie and Scarlett seemed to be talking but Robbie didn't even ease drop he walked in and put the stuff away "
Why did you get so much  she's gonna have dinner" and he smiled " because it's not everyday we get Scarlett johansson sat having a movie night with us is it nova?" And I saw him wink he just wants me to back him " yep that's true" and he nodded Very sharply at me " well we're gonna eat do you two go wash you're hands"
Lizzie said and I smiled "okay" I said walking a way to clean my hands because I'm not dirty and I?

I got back to the table and Scarlett and Lizzie looked up at me from a. Table of all the things we'd gotten they didn't look impressed " it was Robbie" I said and he walked in "
What was me?" Ans he looked at the table " oh" and Lizzie raised her eyebrow " why so much Robbie?" And he shrugged smiling " I can spoil her" and Lizzie shook her head " spoil her not give her diabetes" and I spoke quickly " I wasn't gonna have it all it was more for us all" and Scarlett spoke " that's good to hear because most of this is going in the draw, and Robbie same goes for you no matter how old you are you can't have that much at once" and he whispered " wait till later" and Lizzie galred at him which made him gulp " I told you she was scary do you listen to me no" and he smiled down at me " I said she wouldn't kill you" and I shook my head " and what about you?" And that he gulped at " me? Yeh no she's kill me" and Lizzie nodded " you're on the right path to testing that theory. Now sit and eat so we can watch a movie" Robbie took the seat next to much to both womens despair I had to not laugh when I saw them move away. Dinner was a lasagna with chips and I may have strayed a debate " it's fries!" And I scoffed " we've talking about this it's chips" and Lizzie scoffed " no it's not" and I looked at Robbie who smiled " you're both kids now eat" and Lizzie grumbled but I couldn't be bothered to hear.

" okay what movie?" Robbie asked but Lizzie spoke " Scarlett's our guest she should pick" and I scoffed " and me?" Ans she smiled " you're apart of the furniture" and that's when Scarlett spoke " hmmm I dunno how about pirates of the Caribbean" and I smiled that my favourite well one of them anyway and she remembered and that's sweet. " okay then" Robbie said pulling Disney plus up but I clocked the icons " wow Lizzie you're own face" and she shrugged " how many people can say they are their own Disney plus icon" and Scarlett put her hand up which Lizzie rolled hers too. " big children" I said and Scarlett scoffed taking a seat next to me on the couch and grabbing a crisp bag " says you who was fighting over chips" and I turned to Lizzie " you see that she called them chips" i ska doeuudlya nd Lizzie shook her head l no Scarlett just is always gonna be on you're side like Robbie with me" and he nodddd but mouthed " not even close" which Lizzie seemed to my w and hit his head which made me laugh. " okay just watch the movie you kids" Scarlett said but as the movie started she moved closer and pulled me into a hug so I was cuddling into her side. I didn't move because she'd put me there. And I'm a softie


I am too

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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