Chapter eight

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Scarlett's POV

What is on that file is what I wanna know. Lizzie and I were waiting outside and I was pacing. I don't know how I just left her alone in there. Omg he's a stranger god knows what he's asking her. I'm a stranger fucking hell the poor kids life is being turned upside down. " she's okay we're right outside" Lizzie said but she looked just as nervous as I did. " what's on that file?" And Lizzie shook her head " I don't know but whatever it is she went stiff when he mentioned it." And I sighed that didn't help me at all actually. I know she's mine there's no way she can't be. But I know she doesn't believe it. She doesn't trust me and I have no clue what those bastards did to my little girl.

I got a call and I looked and it's my mum. Oh god she's not gonna believe this. " answer it I'll stay here" Lizzie said and I nodded " come find me when they are ready" and she nodded I walked into the room next door and thankfully it's empty. " hey mum" and she sighed " why did you take so long Scarlett" and I just blurted it out " I found my little girl" I was holding back tears and it didn't help my mum hadn't spoken " what?!" And I tried to breath but it came out shaky " i erm found her. She's talking with an officer right now. We've got a test done to confirm it but I know it's her mom" and I could hear her saying thank god. I wouldn't thank him so fast I wanna know what happened to my kid first. " how are the kids?" Colin's at work today which meant he left the kids with my mum. " there okay missing you but there okay" and I sighed in relief I know there safe. Rose knows she has a big sister and cosmo is too young to even know what ims saying. Colin knows everything he's actually tried to help me find her. I just wanna get her home and forget all of these years without her. I want my family to be complete.

I went back into the corridor and before I could ask anything the door opened and out came the officer. " would you like to come back in now?" And I nodded Lizzie smiled at me " you go in I'm gonna go update Chris" and I nodded at her. I just wanted to get back in there with nova. I walked back in and she turned to look at me she looked really upset but she was definitely trying to hide it. " so me and nova have spoken and we've discussed how she won't be able to go back to her home now that the investigation has opened" oh crap maybe that's why she he's so upset. " I have already had this approved but if you are okay with it we could have nova come stay with you until we have the results are back" and nova spoke quickly " you didn't even ask her?!" And I looked at the officer " ofcourse I wanna I was going to ask anyway. I didn't want her going back there." I looked over at nova and she was confused I could tell " you don't have too Scarlett I can stay with-" I stopped her mid way because I couldn't let her out of my sight. " I don't like the thought of not being around so where ever you're going I'm coming too" she scrunched her eyebrows more but she didn't say anything she was thinking you could see her brain working. " okay so that's everything for now. I'll let you know when you can go home and collect you're things nova. It may not be until tomorrow I wanna have them out of there before" and she nodded not looking at him but he gave me a small smile " I really hope we can have this sorted for you both" he said and just left. Nova didn't look up at me " why do you care so much we only just met" she said. I took a deep breath this is going to be a long road. " novalie can you look at me"
And she shook her head and stayed looking at her hands. She's tracing her birth mark so I took her hand and kinda silently told her to trace mine which she did do. " this is the start of something new for us both. I don't know what's going to happen but I do know I won't let you go back to them. I'm going to protect you" and I sighed when she finally did look at me. " sorry" she mumbled pulling her hands back again and standing. Great she just Shut me out. " I think it's time we get you home" I said and she frowned maybe I shouldn't of said home. Maybe that's a touchy thing right now. But she walked to the door and I trailed behind her trying to keep up.

We got out to the reception and mr finch was stood giving her a little smile which I could see just how much she didn't like that. " oh nova I'm sorry" and she shook her head " I don't want no one's sympathy please let's go" she said walking out and I shrugged and said sorry before following her out. Peter was stood waiting a sm she went straight to him to hug him. She's upset and I think it's got something to do with whatever was said between her and the officer.

Novas POV

I held on to Peter and whispered " how do I do this?" And her swayed me " like everything else. You try. That's all we can ask of you" and I nodded he pulled back and wiped my tears away. I smiled " it was nice meeting you Scarlett" and I turned back to see her looking at me with soft eyes. That's what I hate about people whne they give me pity eyes but she wasn't doing that. She was being nice and I was going to try even though I wanna curl into a ball and cry. She's a stranger and she's already treated me with more love then my parents ever have. " shall we go?" She said and I nodded okay wel this is happening.


Remember to drink water
Eat a full meal
Get a good sleep

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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