Chapter eighty nine

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Scarlett's POV

Okay so maybe we're all very comfortable right now. " hey is there anything you don't want me to ask when we get back from break?" Jimmy asked us and I swear he needs protecting at all costs. " just nod about why she wasn't mentioned before by any of us if that okay? Or her childhood" And he nodded " okay hot it and really congratulations" and is Joel's as he went back to the show " so Lizzie yous were telling us about being a godmother?" And she nodded " well it's easy when the kids amazing. She hates to garden yes nova I know you hate it" she said chuckling at the camera. " but she still did it with me because as much as she pretends it's not true she has a big heart and that is why she's the sweetest little monkey" and I jodddd I agree 100% but Chris spoke " she texts me every day. I don't get to see her as mcu as liz does but I am fortunate that I'm in her life as much as I can be. A lot of god parents don't do this much with the kid but she's like our own" and they both high fived saying " we are the best god parents" while I chuckled.

Novas POV

I was just watching in awe my three favourite people and Colin was still holding me so I just felt grounded I wasn't gonna break down in tears right now but I did feel emotional. " well I'm honoured you shared about nova with me tonight and nova if you watch this hello I hope to meet you soon. Go stream avengers in cinemas July 7th" and the crowd started to cheer while the cameras dimmed. " how do you feel" and I laughed "
Well I hadn't grown any wings?" And he laughed " I feel lighter and happier" and he smiled " I could see how much of a weight that was of her shoulders" and he nodded it's very true. That was a huge weight of mine and I isn't need to tell the wolf About my kid who I neve vene spoke about. " the world knows" And I sighed "Well they don't know my face until the outset campaign launches and that's not for a little while yet" and he nodded at ms.

Scarlett's POV

" is it okay if I know more" Jimmy asked na si nodded I trust him " yeh long story short I lost her when she was a baby and when we were in England I found her again. And now she live siwth me and I got my girl back" and he smiled hugging me " I'm happy for you Scarlett I can't imagine how much that must of hurt I mens my own kids" and he frowned thinking of his own daughters " yeh well I have her back in my arms now so it's hood" and he smiled " can I see a photo?" And I nodded but Lizzie showed him one and he awwed looking at me and then Lizzie showed me the picture of me and nova cuddled up together while she slept. But you can't see her face so I unlocked my phone and hid the photos of my three kids
And the I just zoomed in on nova she looked so pretty here. " she's you're mini me" he gasped and we all nodded " right" and he laughed " wow well she's gonna age great" and I smiled this guy. " okay take care you three" Jimmy said he has the rest of the show to do.

We got to the dressing room and I turned I just feel so happy and I wnat my baby because I just need my monkey. " I'm proud of you!" Lizzie said and pulled me into a hug and I smiled at Chris who was behind her while she hugged me " I'm so happy I did that now I want my baby so let's wrap this up and go" and they both nodded Chris had more interviews unfortunately and Lizzie had a radio one but she said she'd try to stop by later if she can but I know days like this are a lot for her.

" Scarlett" I heard my manager say and I nodded " I need to speak to you alone" and I sighed " teh Steve it is they can hear" and she nodded but she looked at me " well you're interview has gone kinda big. Novas being talked about a lot" and I nodded I mean we expected that to happen " I just think I should let you know that this may not die down and wel people are gonna ask more questions especially how you have a 15 year old and no one had. A clue." And I nodded okay yes I know that they would I kinda expected that to happen " I'll share what I'm comfortable with" and she sighed " I know but maybe speak with her too just to see her view" and I kissed that's a good thing I do need to make sure I'm doing what she wants because it's her life for god sake. " okay is that all?" And she nodded and the. Left.

" okay that's strange let's get you out of here" Lizzie said and I nodded I totally agree but we gotta get going now. I got into Lizzie car she's gonna drop me of so I can get home without having to take a taxi. But she's gonna leave straight away.

" did I really think this all through?" I asked and she nodded " you did because she was never gonna stay a secret scar. She's 15 and even if she didn't say it you not telling people was hurting her. She wasn't gonna be able to let herself trust you with that." And I nodded she's right novs had that to stick to. She had that as a thing to keep her away from me. But I won't let anything keep my baby's away from me ever. She's what matter her and her siblings and I'll do what I can to protect them but as Lizzie said not saying a word did more harm to her then good.



This may be a day to post two

Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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