Chapter thirty five

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Novas POV

We walked to the door and I was trying  to hide behind Colin so you can't see me but Colin kept moving like on purpose which made me wanna kick the old man in the back of the knees but he has cosmo so I can't. That is seriously the only thing stopping me because now the doors open and we're going inside. Oh great loads of people just what I wanted. " hi you must be our nova" and I nodded why she saying it like that? she looks a lot like Scarlett but everyone here does too. Like she's older and then she spoke " I'm you're grandmother" she said smiling and I smiled back at her because again I have no clue how to get myself out of this. " can I hug you?" And I nodded its rude to say no but also it made me feel safer her asking. I don't know if that was her intention but she made me smile with that. I didn't really pays attention to everyone else because this is me focusing.

But then when the women let me go a tall man came and smiled " I'm you're grandpa sport you look just like you're mother at that age" and I smiled again what else can I do I'm not a talker. I don't know what or how  so yes I won't speak if it's not like necessary. I wanna just take it slow but when I peaked at the rest of the room I saw more people plus Scarlett and Colin looking at me and I tried to compose myself. Can everyone just stop. " nova?" Scarlett called me and I wa abit lost in thought so I didn't hear her until she said " novalie" and that's when I turned to look at her she was looking deep into my eyes and I swear I really have no clue what she wants from me. " these are my siblings. That's Vanessa, hunter my twin this is Adrian and Christian." And I smiled as they all smiled wider at me wow she has a lot of family. " it's really nice to meet you nova" Vanessa said and that's when Adrian spoke " this is my fiancé Ryan" and I smiled " nice to meet you guys" I said and they all smiled wider why I don't know.

" this is my daughter Fennon" Vanessa said and I saw a taller blonde walk towards me and I smiled again " hi" I said and she smiled " hey " and that's was it because eveyone was watching but fennon spoke " okay let us talk in private" she said to the adults which made them start to leave. I dunno how she said that but she did it and I'm glad. Scarlett still hadn't  even moved and inch and fennon turned to her " aunt scar go I've got her we just wanna talk like normal people" and Scarlett nodded " watch my baby fennon" and I blushed why she gotta say that " I will scouts honour" and Scarlett nodded leaving and I made a. Little smiley face " you were in the scouts?" And she laughed " nope I'm pretty sure that's all boys but no" and I giggled why do I find this so funny it's beyond me okay I'm a actual child when I wanna be. It's so funny though please. " how are you feeling after you know the whole life change" and I smiled at her " no one's actually asked me that" and she frowned " it's kinda a obvious question" and I nodded " I agree yet everyone just assumed I was fine even Scarlett" and that's when fennon nodded " well someone with a brain like me can tell it's not fun or easy" that made me nod again because don't I know it " yeh not thinking you can be loved doesn't help aswell" I didn't realise I'd said that until I saw fennon frown and I knew I'd messed up " shit don't tell-" and she cut me off " woah anything you tell me stays between us. And you must Have gone through some shit if that's where you're at" and I nodded " you don't know the half of it" which made her smile " I hope in time I will" she's a really nice person and maybe I've got another person to talk to now which is what I needed. " so Scarlett treating you well?" And I giggled " why do you say that like a protective dad" and she smirked " because I am that for you. Everything you need all in one" and I gave a small smile " I need a mother" and she chuckled " I'd help but I think Scarlett will be better at that" I just nodded I was looking at the piano and I saw some phtotos on top. " who are these?" I asked they were baby phtotos and then on the wall above there was a lot more of well eveyone I can tell where Scarlett and her siblings are but I couldn't recognise a few. " welll that is me and this is rose and that is cosmo" she said pointing to the photos on the piano and as she did the faces I could recognise on the wall became clear but there was a last one " and this?" And she smiled wide " that's you" it was just one photo and I was a new born. " I thought I was taken as a baby how does she have my baby photos?" And fennon smiled " because mimi works hard. Scarlett got loads of those baby photos from you're aunt and sent mimi copies to put up because this is her family and that's you too" and that made me smile they didn't have too.

" come  on we should probably head back in" and I nodded following her because I have no clue where we are supposed to go. We walked into the kitchen and I saw a peeler next to potato's so I turned to mimi " do these need peeling?" Ans she nodded " but I can do it darling you're a guest" and I shook my head " no no my aunt would kill me she taught  me better then that." I said staring to peels them.

Scarlett's POV

I know she's safe here but I think when she's not in my view it just stresses me out. I like knowing where she is because it puts my mind at ease. Fennon is incredibly responsible she always has been her mother daughter actually I trust her with my nova. There only a year apart so at least novs will have someone her own age. I'm glad of that.


Sorry for the late post kids I was at my family's

I like you guys waiting

Remember to drink water

My messages are always open

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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